Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 02 1921/2021
Encampment Held, Over Forty Civil War Veterans Gather for Annual Affair: The encampment of the veterans of the Civil War, held Aug. 25th, was a success. The day was ideal and at an early hour the boys began to arrive. Among those sighted from out of the county were: R. H. Holgate (known at campfires as “Our Dick,”) of LaPlume; E. C. Frear and R. P. Lindley, of Factoryville; N. J. Hawley, J. K. Brady, E. A. Leonard, B, C. Taylor and Paul O. Stillwell. The roster showed 43 veterans, eight widows, 41 daughters, ten sons and five ex-service men, and a long list of guests totaling over 200.The dinner was served, then came the lining up for picture taking and the inspection by the judges on the loving cup prize offered by Four Brothers Post to the “old vet” appearing the most completely uniformed and equipped for camp and army life, as in Civil War days. It was concluded that George Simpson, late of Co. B, 143d Regt, Pa., would be the winner. He was uniformed in army blue, regulation cap, with gun and bayonet, belt buckle, cartridge box, cap box, canteen, knapsack and haversack carried by him in the army. The old soldier was deeply affected, yet he expressed his thanks and appreciation in faltering, but well-chosen words.
Brooklyn – The truck garden of C. A. Rozell, one of our most prominent farmers, caught fire and burned nearly two feet into the ground despite all efforts. Loss estimated at nearly $1000. This land was for many years a useless swamp, but Mr. Rozell acquired the property, drained the swamp and has been using this for the growing of vegetables. It was valuable and productive land. Many neighbors hastened to aid and at one time as many as 14 men and five teams of horses worked from early morning until night, drawing water, in an effort to save the many crops not yet harvested. Seventy milk cans were kept busy day after day.
Camp Red Cloud, Brackney – At last we know that General Pershing actually visited here. The General, however, was “disguised” in civilian clothes. Many did not recognize him in this garb.
Merryall, near Wyalusing – Game Worden, W. E. Shoemaker, was shot while arresting Peter Walters and Harry Pond for spearing fish. Walters had a permit, but Pond, not having one, was placed under arrest and was being taken to a justice’s office, when Walters stepped up behind the game warden and, drawing the revolver carried by Mr. Shoemaker, shot him. The bullet passed entirely through the neck, grazing the spine and causing almost total paralysis. Shoemaker’s son ran to his father’s assistance and he was taken to the Robert Packer hospital, at Sayre. It is thought he will probably recover. Walters escaped into the woods, but soon gave himself up, after having been surrounded by a posse of state police and deputies. He stoutly denies that he is guilty.
Silver Lake – The largest funeral ever known at St. Augustine’s church was that of Private Joseph F. Cadden, late of the 78th Division, A. E. F., who was killed in France. The bearers were all overseas service men, and were dressed in uniform. They were Daniel, William and Leo Murphy, Daniel Lane, Lawrence Hickey and Thomas McCormack. Three volleys were fired over the dead hero’s grave under command of Thomas Cadden, a brother of Joseph. Taps were played as the last tribute to a comrade “gone West.” Gen. John Pershing, visiting Camp Red Cloud, paid a call on the dead soldier’s parents, expressing his sympathy and great sorrow.
Susquehanna – The big dam of the Susquehanna County Light and Power Co. has been completed and the water power plant of the company is again in operation, after months of labor, which was destroyed by high water in the river. The dam is entirely complete and a large volume of water is flowing over the structure. ALSO Private Earl Eike, who died in France, was laid at rest in his home town on Aug. 27th. The funeral was held in the Baptist church and was attended by a large crowd. Members of the Strider-Tesky Post attended the services in a body.
Ainey – An animal of a dark brown color was startled by some dogs in the swamp near F. W. Taylor’s house, the other day. It was so large that a number of men and boys, with guns, started in pursuit. It is thought to have been a lynx.
Rush – We are wondering who was so mean as to set fire to the Rush and Auburn poor asylum and endanger the lives of so many.
Friendsville – Mrs. James L. Fitzpatrick and little daughter, Ruth, of Geneva, NY, who have been visiting friends here, left for New York city where they will spend two weeks. Mr. Fitzpatrick, who is proprietor of a flourishing organ business in Geneva, is now in Chicago, where he is rebuilding the enormous organ in the Paul’s and Father’s church.
Forest Lake – The Warner school opened Monday with good attendance. Irene Quinlivan, teacher.
Dimock – After being held ten days, another Dimock Camp Meeting ended on Sunday, Aug. 28. It was one of the most successful and enjoyable sessions ever held here.
Montrose – R. H. Caruso has taken the agency for the Five-in-One Wringer Mop, and is meeting with fine success in selling them. ALSO The property of the Post estate on South Main Street, known as the “Evergreens,” was sold the first of the week to John O’Neill and sisters, who have occupied it for a number of years.
South Harford – Wilfred Tiffany drives the kid wagon this year.
East Jackson – Mrs. Alice Slocum has purchased a new Edison phonograph and records, which makes very fine music. ALSO Prof. R. A. Snyder is assisting in setting polls through from Alice Slocum’s to meet (the) Jackson line of Northeastern Telephone Co. Some new members will then be heard from.
Ararat – Hobart Davis made a trip to Uniondale for a load of shingles which he will use on the house he is building at Fiddle Lake. ALSO Miss Celia Walker has gone to Ulster, PA to take a position in Orville Potter’s store.
Compiled By: Betty Smith