Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 02 1910/2010
Kingsley - Howard Finn returned home Thursday evening from Blue Ridge Summit, where he has been working for G. B. King, formerly principal of the Harford high school, and expects to leave for Mount Hermon, Mass., where he will attend the Moody school for boys the coming year.
Springville - Geo. M. Lake is taking a fancy to thoroughbred Holstein cattle and now has a herd of eight. Mr. Lake is a progressive farmer, and has one of the finest cow barns in the county.
Forest City - Enterprise hose company has ordered new uniforms. Sack coats will replace the long dress uniform of the past fifteen years and navy blue will give way to a rich claret color, with black facings. The new uniform will be of military cut, and the company will make a very knobby looking organization in their new clothes.
Rush - Our high school opened Monday with Prof. John Lee, of Waymart, as principal, Bessie Pickett as intermediate teacher, and Mary Hickok in the primary room.
Thompson - After a successful meeting of ten days, the Free Methodist campmeeting broke up Tuesday evening and the campers went away. Rumor has it the camp here is abandoned.
Heart Lake - A delightful german [cotillion] was given by Professor Lamoreaux, Binghamton's dancing master, at the pavilion on Monday evening. About fifty couples from Binghamton participated in the function, and all made merry until late.
Montrose/Scranton - Jared C. Warner, former Montrose resident, died in Scranton on Friday. He was born in Montrose on June 28, 1831. When a young man he was employed as a stage driver on the line running between this place and New York city. The route went over the hills of eastern Susquehanna County to Pleasant Mount and by the old Milford and Owego turnpike through New Jersey. The route was through a wild country, the distance was over 200 miles, and a trip occupied several days. The only surviving driver of the old stage route is John Waters, of Lenox. When coal was discovered in Slocum Hollow, now Scranton, the Lackawanna railroad was built and the stage lines were abandoned. Mr. Warner worked in the mines for several years, returned to Montrose in 1862 and was recalled to Scranton where he worked for the Lackawanna railroad until 1890. [One of his bearers was Harold Stark, U.S.N., Newport; VA., later Chief of Naval Operations during WW11.]
Bennett Corners [Where is Bennett Corners ?] - The farmers and their families have been attending camp meetings, picnics and reunions of late. Well, as a general thing a farmer lives an isolated, lonely life and it used to be said there were more farmers' wives in the insane asylum than any other class. The farmers can't all take their wives and go to the seashore or Lake Carey or Delaware Water Gap. These picnics, reunions, short excursions and so on, help to break the monotony of their lives. All hail to the picnics and let's have more of them.
Dimock - A large number of our people attended Dimock campmeeting on Sunday. Those who went Saturday were disappointed, as there was hardly anybody there. It looks as though campmeetings are things of the past.
Brooklyn - The sensation of the town is an unsuccessful attempt to shoot a large St. Bernard dog belonging to Wade Barnes. The dog had seriously bitten Harry Burbank.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - The ball game last Saturday was well attended, the Lemon team winning. The festival in the evening was a success, the net proceeds amounting to $11.33.
Kingsley, Hop Bottom, etc. - On Tuesday night of last week John Decker, of Kingsley, had stolen from his premises a horse and 35 chickens. Such depredations are very common it is said, all through the vicinity of Kingsley, Hop Bottom, Lathrop and Nicholson, and many people are to apprehensive as to losing property that they hardly dare to go to bed at night--and when they do, sleep with one eye open, with a shot gun near at hand. One man in Lathrop township said he thought perhaps more than 1,000 fowls had been 'swiped' from hen roosts there the past season. County Supt. Stearns had his hen roost relieved of 40 fine fowls last spring, and it is supposed the same parties are responsible for all these sneaking depredations on outraged society. DeWall Bros, large raisers of swine outside Kingsley, have two or more head stolen every year, some of them being marketable porkers. Some wonder if these communities have an underground railroad to New York.
Susquehanna - What was undoubtedly the longest freight train ever pulled by a single locomotive, left Susquehanna one day last week over the Delaware division of the Erie railroad. The train consisted of 126 loaded cars and caboose, pulled by locomotive No. ?. with Engineer David Scales of Susquehanna at the throttle and Conductor J. Winters, Port Jervis, in charge of the train. The train was over a mile long, 5,392 feet, to be exact.
North Jackson - A. F. Yale and Sam Sutter found a bee tree, a large yellow birch near Pope's pond, completely filled with honey. The yield was 80 pounds.
Glenwood - There were 64 automobiles that passed through our town one day last week.
Ararat Summit - About sixty relatives and friends of the Payne family met for their reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meyers, Aug. 24, 1910. It proved to be not only a reunion day but a wedding day, for at the close of the entertainment of recitations, etc., the guests were requested to tarry for a few moments during the last and most pleasing feature of the occasion, and to their surprise Wayland Gelatt, youngest son of Mrs. Hattie Gelatt Meyers, with his bride, Miss Elizabeth Caffrey, stepped out upon a rug and in the presence of their surprised guests they were united in marriage by the Rev. James E. Payne, uncle of the groom. The bride was prettily and tastefully attired in a gown of old rose silk and was one of Ararat's charming young ladies, she having made it her home for several years with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Gelatt were accompanied to Oakland by their sister-in-laws, Mrs. Maurice Gelatt and Mrs. Gaylord Gelatt, and are now on their wedding tour to Fulton, NY. We wish them a long and successful matrimonial career.
Compiled By: Betty Smith