Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 01 1905/2005
New Milford - The Pratt Memorial Library was opened for the public Saturday evening, with dedicatory services. The opening prayer by Rev. Warnock of the M. E. church was followed by remarks by the pastors of the other churches, Col. Pratt and Mrs. Staples, a former resident of New Milford. The people should feel very grateful to Mr. Pratt for the opportunity thus afforded them for the free use of the library. The building is an ornament to the town and Mrs. Gillett, the attendant, has the interest of every member at heart.
Lawsville - Prof. Royal Meeker and wife, who have been spending a few weeks with friends, have gone to Princeton where Mr. Meeker will resume his duties as professor in the college there.
Franklin Forks - A very quiet wedding took place at the home of Harvey Summers, Aug. 23d, when his son Archie was united in marriage to Miss Clara Greene. Rev. McInnis, of Montrose, performed the ceremony. A wedding breakfast was served on the lawn at 9 o'clock. They took the noon train at Hallstead for Niagara Falls.
Springville - Last Saturday evening O. T. Shoemaker drove up the hill above the hotel in a cart behind an automobile. About midway of the hill the auto took a notion to run backwards and before O. T. could get out of the way the machine struck his cart and he was minus a wheel in a jiffy.
Brooklyn - The stone masons are laying the foundation for the Odd Fellows' hall. A number of improvements will be made in the building.
Hopbottom - A shocking accident occurred last Friday p.m. to Hayden Hughes who went in company with one of the Chamberlain boys fishing to the Lord pond. By some means he was unfortunate enough to fall out of the boat and was drowned about 4 o'clock. His body was recovered and taken to his home here. He leaves one son, Will Hughes, of Scranton, one sister, Mrs. Sam'l Kellum, one brother Freeman Hughes to mourn his loss. Interment in Squires' cemetery.
Thompson - C. C. Wilmarth and wife of the Ready Pay Store are in New York purchasing goods for their fall and winter trade.
Harford - The Republican voters of Harford township, feeling that they are entitled to political honors, not having a candidate for many years, are pleased to announce through the columns of your paper that Mr. E. E. Jones is a candidate for the next legislature, subject to the decision of the county convention. Mr. Jones is a life-long resident of the township, a son of Hon. Henry M. Jones, who so ably represented our county in the legislature of 1872-3.
East Bridgewater - Horton Reynolds is improving his mill property by remodeling the building so that the basement will accommodate the shingle machine, planer, etc. This mill has had a busy season, being operated day and night for some time in the spring.
Herrick - Jolly loads of young people attended camp meeting both Sunday and Wednesday nights.
Montrose - Manufacturer H. W. Beach is at work on an order for 10 of his famous sawing machines to be shipped to Los Angeles, Calif. All machines for Calif., Oregon and Washington shipment are sent to New York; thence by boat to New Orleans and from there to destination by the Santa Fe route by rail. Transportation in this indirect route is much cheaper than by the trans-continental railroad lines. AND Joseph Mawhiney, the cemetery caretaker, has been greatly inconvenienced by persons allowing their cows to enter the cemetery and browse about. Owners of cows should see that they are not allowed to roam about the streets at will, and should especially keep them from entering the grounds deemed sacred by so many.
Glenwood - The telephone poles are standing like lone sentinels through this town and soon the "hello" will be sounded in several houses here.
Auburn - Mr. Pepper, our butter maker, has purchased the Ed. Lemon dwelling opposite the church and will take possession in the near future. Consideration about $1100.
Little Meadows - The Catholic picnic recently held here was a success in every way notwithstanding the forbidding weather. The amount realized for the society was slightly over $300 after the payment of all the expenses.
Middletown - The party at M. Golden's was the feature of the season.
Jackson - While returning home from church last Sunday, C. T. Belcher was painfully injured by being thrown from his wagon and dragged some distance on the ground. The accident occurred at the foot of Wheaton hill near the residences of F. J. Payne and H. E. Hobbs and was caused by the breaking of a clip letting one corner of the wagon box drop down and frightening the horses.
Susquehanna - "Erie Chemical No. 1 is the name of a new fire fighting organization organized Monday evening last. The new engine will, it is said, arrive in October. The officers of the company are as follows: Thos. Keffer, pres., Rob't Terboss, vice pres.; Charlton Alpaugh, fin. Sec'y; Jas. Tinkler, rec. sec'y; Patrick Sullivan, treas.; Jack Palmer, foreman; Thos. Madigan, asst. foreman; E. J. Ryan, 1st engineer; Ned Proctor, 2nd engineer; John Whitney, 3rd engineer; A. P. Griffin, steward; Henry Perrine, Wm. Ryan, John Hogan, trustees; John McGinty, Matthew Creegan, pipemen. Members: Michael Coughlin, Jas. Hannon, John T. Buckley, Jake Teakey, Patrick Connors, Thos. Keefe, Thos. Burns.
News Brief: Despite the fun that is being made of the hoop skirt it is catching on and more than 2,000 women in Chicago are now wearing them. It is not the old style crinoline, but instead the three coil featherbone, which will keep the skirt away from the feet and will prevent it from sweeping up the sidewalks.
Compiled By: Betty Smith