Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 6 1893/1993
Springville - Springville has always been noted for its muscular, athletic young men, quick to grasp any situation in which they may be placed and make the most of it. The Barefoot nine of Auburn came over on Saturday and crossed bats with the Red Stockings and were worsted to the tune of 66 to 28. Now if the nines were not "good players" how could "so many" runs be made, exceeding even Scranton or Binghamton. This proves my first statement.
Lenox - At the age of 88 Noah Pratt died at the residence of his son in Lenox Township. Mr. Pratt was a son of Noah Pratt, one of the pioneer settlers in Brooklyn Township, now Lathrop, and was a member of a large family of brothers and sisters.
Auburn - A correspondent writing of the recent entertainment under the management of the West Auburn Band says: About 600 or 800 persons were present and five coronet bands—West Auburn, Meshoppen, Stevensville, Reed and Citizens Band of Braintrim were present and participated. The Braintrim boys led off in the music of the day and were followed by each of the other bands, each playing separately during the morning hours, and in the afternoon co-jointly. Four bands united in playing three or four pieces, two of which gave especial satisfaction, namely, "Montrose Quickstep” and "World's Fair Quickstep." The former is one of the standard pieces of band music all over the world, and was composed by H.E. Cogswell, a former resident of Silvara, also of Brooklyn, Pa. Dinner was served from 12 to 3, free to the bands and at twenty-five cents each to the public at large. It was a toothsome affair, and all speak highly of it. Taken as a whole the affair was a most enjoyable one, and reflected much credit on the West Auburn boys.
Lynn - A party of men and boys gathered at the farm of E.P. Fish on Saturday last and went to work cutting all his buckwheat and corn, for which he return thanks. Mr. Fish and most of his family are sick.
Montrose - Miss Rose Stebbins is in New York this week making her winter purchase of fashionable millinery goods. AND [Several weeks ago 100 Years Ago This Week reported that a mystery couple would be married at the Susquehanna County Agricultural Fair. The event was reported in the Independent Republican for September 30, 1893, as such: "The greatest interest of the day seemed to center in the public wedding which was to take place at 12 o'clock. A platform had been built near Floral Hall, surmounted by two arches of evergreens and the marriage bell. The platform was nicely carpeted, and furnished with a handsome parlor suite from the warerooms of F.A. Pierce. Long before the time appointed for the ceremony the crowd began to seek every available point where a good view might be obtained, every tree in the vicinity being crowded with men and boys. AND At exactly 12 o'clock, the Montrose Cornet Band began to render the wedding march and in a few moments the bridal party made their appearance. Burgess H.C. Jessup and A. Lathrop, President of the Agricultural Society, led the way, followed by the other officers of the Society, and then the bride and groom, and the secret of their identity, which had been puzzling hundreds for several weeks, was out. The contracting parties were Mr. Byron Horton and Miss Ida Stull, both of Jessup. The ceremony was performed in a very solemn and impressive manner by Rev. J.L. Williams, of Fairdale, at the conclusion of which many friends and relatives crowded forward to extend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Horton were then taken into Floral Hall to inspect the numerous gifts presented them by our liberal hearted merchants; many were then escorted to the carriage amid a shower of rice, and were then escorted to the Montrose House where the wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Horton made a very fine looking couple, and the wedding was a success in every way."
Susquehanna County -Every little while we read of some one who has stuck a rusty nail into his foot, knee, or some other portion of his person, and lockjaw has resulted there from, of which me person died. Yet all such wounds, it is said, can be healed with such fatal consequences as often follow them. Smoke such wounds or any wound or bruise, that is inflamed with burning wool or woolen cloth. Twenty minutes in the smoke of wool will take the pain out of the worst case of inflammation arising from these wounds. There is a new counterfeit U. S. Treasury $5 note of issue of Aug. 4th, 1885, Department series 1886, Washington, D.C. The edge around Grant's engraving on the note is blurred: it is minus Grant's name underneath the photograph.
Compiled By: Betty Smith