Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 5 1923/2023
Montrose – The Village Improvement Society will hold a formal opening and house-warming, Oct. 6th, at Colonial Hall. The hall has undergone many interior improvements during the past and the object of this opening is that the public may have an opportunity to visit the hall and see the beautiful condition in which it has been placed, made possible only by the untiring efforts of this association. There will be refreshments, dancing and musical numbers. Everyone most cordially invited.
Lawsville - The annual community fair is to be held Oct. 13 at the Grange Hall. One of the features of the fair will be the summing up of the work done by the boys’ pig club. The pigs, which have been fed and raised by the boys, will be brought in and Mr. Barnhart, from State College, will be present to place the winners and award the prizes. Among the attractions will be guessing contests, nail driving contest, prizes for school work, sewing, the best cakes, pies, bread, candy, and more, are offered.
West Auburn – The Merchants Telephone Company closed a deal for the West Auburn Telephone Company’s line, running from Laceyville to West Auburn. The company has about 74 miles of pole line and 250 subscribers.
Forest City – The memorial tablet to be erected in Christ church in honor of members who made the supreme sacrifice in the World War and those who saw service, has arrived. It will not be unveiled until such time as the entire expense is in the hands of the committee. Quite a sum is lacking and all members wishing to contribute to the fund are requested to get in touch with Carl Brown, J. J. L. Jones or the rector.
Susquehanna – Robert E. Lea, a native of this place and brother of Henry Lea, died on Tuesday in Chicago, aged 56. Mr. Lea was born here and spent his boyhood in Susquehanna. In Chicago he gained prominence as an artist, and was well known through the west for his excellent work. Numberless friends here will note his death with genuine regret. He is survived by three brothers and two sisters.
Birchardville – The second annual Field Day and Trap Shooting Tournament, to be held under the auspices of the Sportsmen’s Club, is to be held on Saturday, Oct. 13th. In the dog trials a silver cup will be given for the best fox hound, and a valuable prize will also be given to the owner of the best coon dog as shown by trial. Athletic contests are being arranged, including 300-yard dash, 100-yard dash for boys under 15, tug-of-war, boys’ pie eating contest, girls wheelbarrow race, greased pig race and more.
Thompson – We missed a familiar voice in the choir Sunday, and craning our necks to see who was missing, we discovered to our amazement that A. E. Foster’s seat was vacant. We could hardly believe our eyes. After the many promises that appeared in last week’s issue, we felt surely good times have come again and then to think to our Postmaster should be the very first one to transgress, and the very first Sunday too. We thought surely that he, of all the rest, we could rely upon. Well, wonders never cease.
New Milford– Correction: We are in receipt of a communication which states that an item relating to the injury of Joseph Wellman, of New Milford, near the Summersville bridge, was incorrect. It states that young Slater met a large car near the bridge which was going at a high rate of speed and he was obliged to slow his car down, and at the same time Mr. Wellman, who was working on the road, started across in front of Slater’s car with a wheelbarrow load of gravel. Slater’s car struck him and injured him slightly. Mr. Slater stopped his car and asked Mr. Wellman if he was hurt, and replying that he was and wanted to go home, Mr. Slater left him with those working with him, as they said they would take him home. Mr. Slater then continued on his way to Hallstead. [Refer to Sept. 21st, 100 Years Ago article under New Milford, where Slater was accused of leaving the scene of the accident.]
Silver Lake – C. J. Heavey, a former resident of this place, now a member of the police force in New York City, was sighted on the streets of Montrose this week.
Dimock – The Dimock township school board has decided to send Prof. Reiter, with 16 vocational boys, to the national dairy show at Syracuse. The only expense, which the boys will have to bear, will be the payment for meals—and about $3.50 ought to cover that, if the boys do not eat too much. Lodging will be provided by the national show committee. This sum does not allow for movie shows and other legitimate pleasures.
Brooklyn – The members of the Musical Club entertained their husbands, the teachers of the high school and a few friends, at a corn roast near A. W. Gere’s. All had their fill of corn, wieners, rolls and coffee. The evening closed with a performance by “Bill” Tiffany and Lou Smith.
North Jackson – So far as known Mrs. Allie Savory is the first lady to be chosen to an elective office in Jackson township. She was named inspector of election upon the Republican and Democratic tickets at the recent primary. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Benson have returned from a vacation and auto trip to the “old Benson homestead” in New Hampshire.
News Briefs: The price of coal advanced at the Hudson Coal office to 70 cents on all sizes. That makes the price of range and stove coal $11.35 per ton. The company has no small sized coal for sale. ALSO Every farm owner, if not his wife, is looking forward to the time when his home and farm buildings will be lighted by electricity, doing away with the dim, ill-smelling, time-taking kerosene lamps. Today every enterprising farmer is putting in an electric plant for lighting and power, and in a few years they will be as common as running water, now in homes. The Delco-Light Co. is offering a considerable discount in the next few weeks.
Compiled By: Betty Smith