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October 4 1895/1995

Franklin Forks – Mr. B.B. Todd met with a heavy loss on Tuesday night by the burning of his house with very nearly all its contents. The alarm was given a little after seven, but before help arrived it was beyond saving. They had only moved back from Great Bend about four weeks ago and had just got nicely settled. It is a sad loss. They have the sympathy of all the community. The accident was caused – as so many others are – from a lamp. Mrs. Todd was coming down the stairs and caught her sleeve on the latch of the door throwing the lamp out of her hand; it broke and the oil caught fire and set her dress on fire and before she could put that out and call help the flames were beyond control. She was alone in the house with her invalid mother. It was a miracle that she escaped. Have not learned whether there was any insurance or not.

Harford – Fair receipts at gate, $1,475; total receipts, $1,700.

Clifford – G.F. Jennings, of Bridgeport, Conn., is the guest of G.R. Sanders. They were both members of the 13th P.V. [Pennsylvania Volunteers] and were chums. They slept under the same blanket and drank from the same canteen, and now are enjoying a reunion for the second time since the late war. Mr. J. was an inmate of Hotel de Andersonville [Andersonville Prison] and other of like character in the south for many months.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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