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October 31 1924/2024

Jackson – The old farm house owned by Miss Nora V. Hill is one of the oldest in Susquehanna county, having passed through the hands of four generations of the Hill family. It is large and roomy and notwithstanding its great age is still in good repair. It has large fire places and many things that recall to mind the days of yore. Miss Hill has sold many of the old antiques that have accumulated for years She will sell most of what remains at the big sale this week These include an old ox cart and two or three spinning wheels. Many of the old relics have been bought by people living in other states. The Hill farm is offered for sale and with it a valuable timber tract. The recent owner, the late Dr. I. C. Hill, never cut any of the timber and it is now the best in the township. Miss Hill will leave for California in the near future.

Silver Lake – For some years there has been an agitation—periodic at times—for the construction of a state road between Silver Lake and Montrose. The people find that the community, without railroad facilities and with an indifferent system of township roads, is most difficult of access the greater part of the year. A petition was circulated and signed by many to have the Pennsylvania Highway engineers investigate the claims of the people in hope that a good road would be maintained with state aid. The petition [was sent] to the department officials at Harrisburg, accompanied by a map of the region.

Forest City – A headless body of a man was found in the woods, near this place, by Arthur Brain, Harry Oakley and James Seeley, while they were strolling. It was badly decomposed and officials disclosed that a hat was found lying on the body which was covered with powder marks, such as might have been made by a shot from a gun fired at close range. The body was identified as that of Louis Braznecker, of Forest City, reported missing about six weeks ago. He was 46 years of age. For a number of reasons authorities suspect the man was murdered and an investigation has been instituted. The funeral was held in the morgue of undertaker, John McGranaghan, and interment was in St. Joseph’s cemetery.

Lakeside – Mrs. Esther Oliver and Mrs. Fleva Tanner called at the home of Mrs. W. A. Kenyon, who has been ill for some time, and presented her with a sunshine box filled with flowers, fruit, etc, tokens of sympathy and esteem from her many friends and neighbors. Mrs. Kenyon wishes to say that words cannot express her appreciation for the kind remembrance.

Thompson – John P. Lyden, pioneer resident of Thompson, died at his home last Friday morning. He was employed as a track foreman by the Erie Railroad’s Jefferson Branch for a number of years. He is survived by his wife and seven children.

Franklin Forks – Wm. Bailey recently visited the farm of James and J. J. Mahoney, in Liberty township, near Laurel Lake, where they were digging potatoes. He wanted some of the fine Rural New Yorkers for seed and when one hill was dug that produced 18 potatoes, weighing eleven pounds, they presented them to him Mr. Bailey thinks that the record of this hill cannot be beaten in the county. If anyone can do it, we will be pleased to chronicle the name of the producer and potato and the quantity raised.

Montrose – The Ideal Theatre will show “A Society Scandal,” starring Gloria Swanson, in the type of society love-drama that made her famous. ALSO At the parsonage of the M. E. church, Monday, Oct. 27, Miss Helen Wall became the wife of Leon J. Swackhamer. The ring ceremony was used by Rev. L. E. Sanford.

Dimock – The death of Mrs. Roxanna Muzzy, aged 94 years, occurred at the home of her son, F. L. Muzzy, Oct. 26, 1924. The deceased, a woman of the most estimable qualities, had always been a resident of Springville and Dimock townships. The funeral will be held at the home of her son, with the pastor of the Episcopal church, at Springville, officiating.

Susquehanna – Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beebe are occupying their handsome new home on Riverside Drive, near the residence of C. R. Carrington.

Harford – The Ladies Guild will serve dinner in Odd Fellows’ Hall, election day, until all are served. Menu: Roast pork, with dressing and gravy, potatoes, turnips, cabbage salad, white bread, brown bread, biscuit, butter, pickles, coffee, apple sauce, pie and cheese. The price for adults is 40 cents; children under 12 years, 25 cents.

Hop Bottom – A party of men met and harvested over fifty bushes of potatoes for G. A. Roberts, who is laid up with an injured hand, received while cutting ensilage.

Ararat – B. A. Porter, who is working in Binghamton, spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Harris. Mr. Porter was one of the fifteen “gobs” who met Theodore Roosevelt at the train when he arrived at Binghamton and escorted him to the hall where he spoke. “Teddy” shook hands with the men and noticing the medals on Mr. Porter’s coat, said: “Two wars, hey?”

Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. – Ernest Smith is building a new road on the Eldridge hill.

Little Meadows – A Masquerade Party was held at the hone of Joseph Reardon on Friday evening, Oct. 17. The living room was decorated with autumn leaves and corn. Music and dancing were the diversions of the evening.

“200 Years Ago” from the Susquehanna County Republican, Oct. 29, 1824.

Married, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. E. Kingsbury, Mr. Thaddeus Fields, of Ithaca, NY, to Miss Fanny Deans, of this town [Montrose]. ALSO At Towanda, Bradford county, on the 4th inst, by Charles Whitehead, Esq., Mr. Iddo Arms [of Bridgewater], to Miss Mahala Carpenter.

NOTICE. The Stockholders of the Silver Lake Bank are notified that the annual Election for Directors, will be held at the Banking House, in Montrose, on Monday the 15th of November next, at 10 o’clock, A. M. THOS. WELLES, Cashier.

ALMANACS For 1825 by the dozen or single—for sale at this office. ALSO Blank Account Books.

WANTED, 1000 lbs. of Lambs Wool, pulled or sheared. 1000 Lamb Skins, both green and dried with the wool on—for which I will pay in HATS, on delivery. DANIEL BAILEY, Montrose.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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