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October 31 1919/2019

Lenoxville – Elmer Ridgeway’s sale, held near Lenoxville, was one of the finest community picnics held in the county this year. In addition to being the most successful sale, it was a most enjoyable picnic. Between 500 and 800 people were there and enjoyed a free dinner which Mr. Ridgeway had provided by the Ladies’ Aid Society. A band of 15 pieces furnished music during the noon hour. The sale commenced at 1:30 and by 3:20 eighty grade cows were sold. They sold 25 cows in thirty minutes to start with. Mr. Ridgeway had been careful in the selection of his live stock and his sale was a big credit to him. The highest price paid for a grade cow was $265 and the average price was between $175 and $200. The first registered cow to be sold, untested, went for $700. During the latter part of the sale it was difficult to get the people quiet and a real picnic resulted, and for this reason the registered cattle did not bring the money that was anticipated. Thirty-five head of registered cattle were sold with an average of over $400.

Springville – An event of great importance in the history of the progressive town of Springville will occur Nov. 1st, the opening of the First National Bank of Springville, for business. For many years Springville has been a lively business center, its stores attracting trade from a wide section of the county. But the town has been handicapped for banking facilities and now, fortunately, these have been provided, filling a real community need. It will have a burglar proof vault and safe deposit boxes. The bank is officiated as follows: D. D. Layton, president; L. B. Johnson, vice-president; W. F. Barron, cashier.

Montrose – Don’t forget the Community Hallowe’en celebration on Friday evening, Oct. 31. The big, fantastic parade will start from the school house at 7:30 and proceed down Public avenue to the square, between the Farmers National Bank and Burns’ Drug Store, where games will be played and contests held. It is expected that the band will furnish music and that other organizations and fire companies will be present. Pie-eating contests, boxing contest, dodge ball, sack race, potato race, bob apple and other Hallowe’en stunts will be on the program. ALSO Lieut. Filmore Day, Jr., has recently received an honorable discharge from the Army and is now spending a short time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Day. Lieut. Day was gassed while in France and was in a rest camp for several months.

Harford – J. W. Rettberg, the Rawleigh man, with his drug store on wheels, was in this vicinity Saturday, and his extracts, spices and medicines need no explanation, for you all know they are good.

Hop Bottom – A masquerade social will be held in Loomis Hall, Friday evening, Oct. 31. Admission 10 cents. A cafeteria lunch will be served. A prize is offered to the person wearing the most beautiful costume; also to the one wearing the most grotesque costume.

Jackson – The teachers and students of the Jackson graded schools are arranging a Memorial day program in memory of Corp. Floyd E. Waters on Nov. 10th, being the elapse of one year to that date since he gave up his life on the western front. A historical sketch of the life of another one of Jackson’s fallen heroes, in a former war, Myron French, who gave up his life in the battle of Gettysburg, will also be read. Two short talks will also be presented by a Civil War veteran and a World War veteran. The purpose of the meeting is to arouse and keep up a spirit of patriotism in the schools by starting what is hoped will be a local Memorial day to be observed by the public schools each year on the 10th of November.

South Auburn – The neighbors of T. S. Brewer made him a husking bee on Saturday. A fine lot of work was accomplished, for which Mr. Brewer and family wish to express their thanks. Mr. Brewer has been suffering for some time with rheumatism and is unable to do his work. In Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp., while hauling corn for Thomas Crawford from his home to the Cyrus Tyler farm, a week ago, Perry Schoonmaker lost a horse blanket. The finder will do him a great kindness if he will return it to him or notify him.

Brooklyn – J. W. Adams celebrated his 80th birthday anniversary on Tuesday. His daughter and granddaughters and great grandson came up from Wilkes-Barre to honor the event. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sickler and daughter, Frances; Mr. and Mrs. Fern Bell and son, James. On Wednesday, Oct. 22, A. J. Smith reached the 75th mile stone in his life’s journey. His children gathered at his home to extend their congratulations. Both these men are in great health and are active to a remarkable degree for their years.

Lake View – Every day since the airships started on their trans-continental flight we have seen one or more going in either direction. Three have been almost as many airships as autos in the past week.

Thompson – Praises and appreciation came from every quarter on Jackson street and are aimed directly at Walter Brown for the beautiful flood of light from his new electric light which sheds forth its rays so abundantly as to light every house for some distance each way, making his residence the center of attraction at evening time. Such darkness as prevails over most of our Borough prevents many from attending evening service or doings of any kind.

Forest City – Rev. H. L. Renville, Dr. H. R. Bell, L. J. Wells, H. L. Bayless and Charles Allen, returned from a bear hunt in Pike county, Saturday afternoon. They came home bear-less, being unable to locate a single trail. They had squirrels and birds galore and captured a live rattlesnake, about five feet in length. ALSO Yesterday was Mitchell Day and all mining operations were suspended. There were no demonstrations and the day was very quietly observed. It was the first observed since the death of the former president of the United Mine Workers, a great labor leader.

Gibson – The officers of the Gibson Library association were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. C. L. Rowe on the evening of Oct. 21. Mrs. Row and Lucy Estabrook played a piano duet; Mrs. C. H. VanGorder sang a solo, “In Flanders’ Field;” a short talk was given by Prof. Norman Hinds on his year in France; Mrs. E. L. Hill gave a reading, “Christmas Night on the Battlefield;” and another solo by Mrs. VanGorder, “Cantiqua DeNoil.” Dainty refreshments were served. Plans were made for the annual supper on Nov. 14th, where a vegetable supper will be served. Everybody come and help the library.

Marriage Licenses: Ralph Powell, Herrick and Gladys Owens, Elkdale; B. Neville and Mabel M. Walsh, both of Little Meadows; Ellis L. Galutia, and Ada L. Ward, both of Forest Lake.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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