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October 31 1890/1990

Susquehanna - The Journal says that William Esterbrook, of Oakland, and son W.H. Gibson, have since returned from a visit to friends in Brattleboro, Vt., making the journey both ways in a road cart. They traveled the same route by which the elder Esterbrook, who is now 79 years of age, came to this section 58 years ago. They report a pleasant journey. AND That wonderful invention, the Phonograph, was exhibited in the Young Men's Social Club Parlors on Wednesday afternoon, and in the evening it gave a concert in the Methodist Church for the benefit of the Band. It turned out a fine programme of music, which was listened to with wonder and admiration by a large audience.

New Milford- Mrs. J.E. Palmer, of New Milford, Pa., post office Box 128, is anxious hear news of Jordon Palmer, who was last heard of in Chenango Forks, in the year 1874. He was a soldier in Captain Dimmock's company, of Montrose, Pa.

Rush - William Shove, of Humboldt, Iowa, a native of Rush, which town he left 21 years ago last May, had his first visit to his native home last week. Many changes have taken place since he left the old Shove homestead; in his western home he has been successful and popular; he has served two terms as assessor, two as constable, two as Justice of the Peace, and is now Superintendent of Humboldt Co. House. He had the reputation here of being a humorous poet, and if indulged it to some extent out west, until some fellow, not liking the style of it, hit him on the head with a slug shot, which eventually put a stop to his poetic efforts.

Ararat - It is said that an aged resident, who has lived in the county all his life, has never yet set his foot upon a railroad car, even though the Erie tracks run through his farm. When the road was being put through he said the locomotive was the invention of the devil, and that he wanted to die before one whistled through his meadows. All attempts to influence him to take a ride upon a train have this far proved futile.

Montrose - The committee on music are negotiating with the celebrated Aeolian String Band. It is the purpose of the committee to have them present at the Hook and Ladder Co.'s Tin Wedding on Nov. 19. If they are successful, it will afford our citizens a rare treat in the way of fine music, which has not been surpassed since the Spanish Students Appeared in Montrose in 1882.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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