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October 30 1908/2008

Forest Lake - Lewis M. Fessenden, a former Forest Lake boy, but now a successful ranchman in Montana, has been visiting in this vicinity during the past week. "Lew" is hale, hearty and happy, and confident that Taft will carry his state by a good big majority.

Birchardville - Frank Bolles, who makes the postcard views, has sold 30,000 since last spring.

Thompson - A. L. Craft, a well-known farmer residing in Thompson township, was instantly killed Saturday night when his team accidentally backed off an embankment on the road between Susquehanna and Thompson. He had been in Susquehanna at the Bryan Rally, and started home early in the evening. A few miles above Lanesboro he saw another team on the road and tried to get by. The road at this point is not very wide, and the driver of the other team pulled up in order to allow Mr. Craft's team to pass. The team is somewhat spirited and they began to back up, and before they could be stopped they backed over the embankment. In the fall Mr. Craft was instantly killed, his neck being broken. He was a Sergeant in Co. K., 16th New York Infantry, during the Civil War. He is survived by his wife, four daughters and three sons. The funeral was held from the Baptist Church at Thompson on Wednesday.

Montrose - The Montrose Juvenile Band is to make its debut in the parade to be held in connection with the county rally today. It has 18 members and is progressing under the leadership of Dr. F. S. Birchard. The band furnished music for a Prohibition meeting at Auburn on Thursday of last week and is doing remarkably well for a recently organized band, composed largely of youngsters.

Forest City - J. S. Courtright was here last week, where he was engaged in conferring with interested parties in this county and Wayne regarding the proposed bridge to be built jointly by the two counties across the river at that place. The structure will probably cost in the neighborhood of $7000. It is expected, however, that some of the expense will be borne by the D & H railway company, which promises to build across their tracks, and the Hillside Coal company will make a long fill that will assist in decreasing the cost of construction, both companies being anxious to have the bridge built, as it will be of benefit to them as well as to residents at this point.

Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. - Dogs are making sad havoc upon the sheep in this vicinity. C. M. Brande and Reed Raub had five killed and several hurt last Monday night and after being frightened away, the dogs went in R. L. Bush's flock in Forest Lake township, killing one and injuring several others.

Auburn Four Corners - The Ladies' Aid will serve a chicken dinner at the parsonage election day. Come to vote early and get a good dinner.

Alford - Hauling apples is the chief business here. Eggs are 32 cents per dozen.

Gelatt - Fred Williams made quite a large sale of stock last week to a Scranton man. He sold three heifers and a span of mules. He got $300 for the mules.

Lawton - A pleasant social event was the annual banquet of the I.O.O.F., which was held at Millard's Hotel, Saturday evening, Oct. 17. Mrs. Fry, our skilled pianist, Mrs. Lelah Newton, an expert violinist, with Prof. Alger, who has had considerable experience with the trombone, furnished excellent music throughout the evening. The Odd Fellows, with their wives, numbering about 55, did justice to the elaborate menu consisting of every thing from oysters, chicken pie, and turkey to ice cream.

South Gibson - George Pritchard, one of our young and reliable merchants, and Miss Beth Estabrook, of Gibson, were married at the recent Binghamton fair.

Jackson - The North Eastern Telephone Co. is putting the long distance line through this place. AND The farmers are carrying off apples and potatoes to town.

Susquehanna - Some time ago the Erie Railroad put a ban on the use of intoxicants by its employees in the shops here. It has now posted notices at its various terminals that any employee detected drinking during working hours or reporting while showing the effects of intoxicants will be discharged. Detectives are watching the men and two of the oldest conductors on the system have been discharged by Superintendent Elston, of the New York division, for disobeying this order.

Brooklyn - Fred Miller is attending a Veterinary College at Toronto where he intends to take a full course. This is his second year. During his vacation he has had considerable practice.

Uniondale - Two retail butcher wagons pass through the town every week and D. B. Gibson sends meat from here to his own meat market in Forest City and others in Carbondale. AND People are rejoicing over the rain. Many wells are entirely dry and those that have water are very low. The streams below Lewis Lake are well patronized.

Hallstead - Jerry Haney, who lives near the bridge, met with a severe accident on Wednesday afternoon, which may result fatally. He was engaged in shingling an addition, which he recently built to his barn and lost his balance and fell to the ground, perhaps 12 feet. He struck on his back and one side and was rendered unconscious. Dr. Merrill was summoned, made him as comfortable as the nature of his injuries would permit, but could not determine whether he is injured internally. Mr. Haney is a veteran of the Civil war, an honest and industrious citizen, but has been particularly unfortunate. Only a few months ago two of his valuable cows were poisoned and early in the spring his barn was struck by lightning and burned to the ground entailing a loss of $1000. Mr. Haney's many friends sympathize with him in his trouble now and hope he may recover.

Herrick Center - The Literary Society of the Herrick High School was held and called to order Friday 2 p.m. in the auditorium of the high school. The program was of a literary character, based on Arbor Day themed and also ended in exercises on the campus and tree planting

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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