Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 30 1891/1991
News Briefs - Notes: we have received at this office a sample of the official ballot to be voted in Hamilton County, Ohio, Tuesday, Nov 8. The ballots of the different parties are printed together on one sheet In the first column, which has the American eagle at its head, are the names of the Republican candidates for the different offices; in the second column, with a rooster at the top, are the names of the Democratic candidates; in the third column, with a rose at the top, those of the Prohibition candidates; and in the fourth column, with a plow and hammer are the names of the candidates of the People's Party. Opposite each name is a blank square. If a voter wishes to vote a straight ticket he places a cross at the top of the column occupied by the party of his political belief; but if he wishes to vote a split ticket he must place a cross in the blank square opposite the name of the candidate he wishes to vote for. On the back of every ticket are printed the facsimile signatures of the members of the Board of Elections, while at the top are stubs on which will be placed the registration number of every voter. These ballots are called "blanket ballots." The sample described above maybe seen at this office.
Montrose - On Friday we noticed a lot of tubular steel sleds standing in front of the finishing room of the company on Maple Street, ready for shipment. On inspecting the shipping tags, we found that these sleds were to be sent to points in South Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and other western states. These sleds are evidently becoming widely known.
Lenoxville - Saturday night seems to be quite a night for dances, etc., I should think some other night would be better.
Lynn - The small boys can be seen daily wending their way to the hill to gather chestnuts.
Auburn [West Auburn] - Everett’s steam thresher, of Black Walnut, is now in this vicinity. They threshed 3 1/2 bushels of buckwheat per minute for D. V. France. How is that for threshing?
Clifford - Hon. J.G. Jenkins, a brother of the late Sheriff, Z.D. Jenkins, and a native of this township, has for years been a prominent man in Australia and he has finally gained the high distinction of being chosen Premier of South Australia.
Compiled By: Betty Smith