Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 29 1920/2020
Franklin and Liberty Twp. – Various movements looking to the sinking of test wells in the two townships for oil and natural gas have been chronicled in newspapers of late. Visitors at the Wheaton farm, at the Salt Springs, find the revelations, when on the ground, become really more than interesting—startling would better describe the impression gained. Arriving at the Wheaton farm, the first place visited was the historic Salt Springs. This spring constantly emits bubbles and, intermittently, seems in a veritable ebullition from the gas coming up through the water and escaping at the surface. One may hold a large funnel over the well and ignite the gas. This phenomenon has existed for a hundred years and vouched for by Mrs. Wheaton, widow of the late Squire James Wheaton, who watched this spring for well towards 50 years.
Montrose – One frequently reads, in the press following Halloween, of thoughtless conduct on the part of young people, bordering on ruffianism and lawlessness; and this has been true, more or less, of our own town in the past. It goes without saying that this is not in keeping with the traditional method of celebrating Hallowe’en, and many cities and towns, to correct this condition, are holding public celebrations, which afford amusement for young and old alike. Let Montrose do the same. A parade will start from the school house at 7:30 and everyone, including all the town organizations, are requested to get in line without further initiation. Let everybody think up something that will add to the merriment of the occasion. After the parade there will be games for the children and prizes will be awarded to the winners. This part of the program and the street dance to follow will be held on Church street. The games will include a sack race, potato race, tug ’o war, push ball and pie eating contests. Contributions will be welcome to fund this event.
Lawton –While Mrs. James McGovern and a boy who resides with her, were driving towards their home, their horse became frightened at an automobile when rounding the corner in front of the Rush garage. Both occupants were thrown from the wagon, striking the concrete wall of the garage and quite seriously injured and rendered unconscious. Dr. Austin, of Laceyville, was summoned to the home of John Devine and dressed their wounds. The boy was the more seriously injured, being badly cut about the head. While Mrs. McGovern was badly bruised her injuries were not so severe. The occupants of the car did not stop to render assistance to the injured, which, if we are correctly informed, should be done according to automobile laws.
Bridgewater Twp. – Robert Birchard, little son of Edward Birchard, who was seriously injured recently when coming in contact with a heavily charged electric power wire, has recovered and is able to be out to play again. He had an extremely close call.
Heart Lake – Mrs. Ralph Lewis, who lives on the A. L. Millard farm, near this place, was seriously injured while driving to the creamery yesterday. Just as she left the new concrete road near Gardner crossing, the hold-back straps broke, letting the wagon strike the horse which kicked Mrs. Lewis, crushing her jaw. When found she was under the wagon seat and unconscious. Her horse had freed itself and returned home. Dr. Preston was called and treated the patient. Mrs. Lewis rallied slightly and asked as to her baby, who was with her, and relapsed again. Strange to say, her baby who was found nearby, was uninjured. Mrs. Lewis was unconscious at last reports.
Fairdale – W. S. Taylor, Attorney-at-Law, filled the M. E. pulpit on Sunday in the interest of the Anti-Saloon League.
Harford – Mrs. O. F. Maynard has gone into the millinery business. She has a few nice hats on display in the store. ALSO Hunting season opened Oct. 20 and the men are busy. Their guns and the bark of the dogs make the forest echo.
Farmers – The farm papers have been full this fall of non-partisan politics, urging the farmers to stand by their candidates, regardless of party. We have some good articles this week on farmer candidates. Fred Hillis is the only farmer on the county ticket and every farmer and his wife should vote for him. Five-sevenths of the voters of Susquehanna county are farmers. Why not send a farmer to represent them at Harrisburg.
Springville – Arthur Arnts has been entertaining the mumps. The teachers and scholars, including Professor Button, have all had a siege, and while being quite sick, are all doing nicely. ALSO Ward Young is driving a new automobile. This time it’s not a Ford. ALSO Some of our boys are suffering with black eyes as the result of base ball.
Lanesboro – Samuel Price, aged 42 years, died at the Barnes Hospital, Susquehanna, Oct. 22, 1920. Death was due to typhoid fever, with which he had been ill for five weeks.
New Milford – Miss Mary Walker, of Binghamton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walker, formerly proprietors of the Walker House, in this place, was married Oct. 9, 1920, to S. Aubrey Crumb, of Norwich, NY. The ceremony took place in the Little Church around the Corner, in New York City. A dinner was served the bridal party at the Waldorf Astoria, following which they left on an automobile trip through the Berkshire Mountains, Boston, and other places. They will reside at Norwich, where Mr. Crumb is a member of a firm of automobile dealers.
South Ararat – A good many from here attended the funeral of Bliss Baldwin, which was held at the Presbyterian church, Sunday. Burial in the family plot in the Ararat cemetery. He had been in declining health for some time and in May was taken to the Fairview hospital, where he passed away on Oct. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin were former residents of this place, and for the past few years had not resided here. He leaves a wife and five children and aged aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Baldwin. He was about 46 years of age.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. - Some heard an airplane pass over the Hill, Monday night, about 11 o’clock.
Gibson – Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Potter and son, Clyde, on account of Mrs. Potter’s poor health, are compelled to move west for the winter. They are moving this week.
Compiled By: Betty Smith