Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 27 1911/2011
Silver Lake - All the cottages are closed for the season except the Corbett cottage.
Oakley, Harford Twp. - The “blessed sunshine” was never more welcome than after the long rainy spell. ALSO E. E. Titus’ dog, Max, pays his own tax and some besides. During the past month he has brought to his master the carcasses of 40 woodchucks and one skunk. Last week he put a gray fox up a tree, where George Palmer shot it.
Gibson - The Gibson Star Grange presented “Pumpkin Pie” during the Lecture Hour. Sister Ethel Manzer presented a very interesting essay on “The Pumpkin”. Then Sister Benson recited a piece telling us how to eat pie in Pennsylvania. A prize of a pumpkin pie was offered to the one who brought the largest pumpkin. Sister Grace Davis received the pie. Pumpkin pie and cheese were served at the close of the meeting.
Auburn Twp. - One of the prettiest weddings of the season occurred at St. Bonaventure’s church, Auburn, Oct. 11, 1911, when Miss Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cavanaugh, was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. L. Thayne, of Auburn Corners, by their pastor Rev. M. J. Kelly. Miss Winnifred Thayne, sister of the groom was bridesmaid, while Edward Burke, of Meshoppen, acted as best man. The bride was attired in silver gray silk poplin and carried a gold rosary, while Miss Thayne was gowned in Alice blue messaline, both wearing black plumed hats. They will go to housekeeping at once at Auburn Corners, where the groom is a successful farmer.
Choconut - Mrs. Charles Downs and five children, owing to the death of her husband, expect to remove to Little Meadows. Mrs. Downs was formerly Miss Reardon, a teacher in the township school of this county.
Montrose - Messrs. N. A. Warner and O. R. Cook have been engaged in painting the court house tower the past week or ten days--between rains. The face of the old clock is brighter and approves of the work being done. The steeple of the Presbyterian church has also been watched by many people, with interest, during the past fortnight, while a “steeple Jack,” from Binghamton, was giving the steeple, which towers into the air considerably over 100 feet, a coat of white. The entire church is being repainted. Photographer Bronson took a snapshot of the daring painter at work on the top of the pinnacle.
Rush - Virgil Burch, of Aspen, Colo., arrived at the home of his father-in-law, A. D. Gary, Saturday evening. Mrs. Burch and children have been here the past few months, and we understand they expect to locate somewhere in the East.
Alford - Joseph H. Page, one of the best known contractors in this region, died at his home here, Oct. 20th. Mr. Page was born in New Milford 76 years ago, the 29th of last July. He resided for a time in Vermont, coming here in 1849. He became a contractor on the DL&W railroad when the double track was laid between Scranton and Hallstead. He had a contract between Alford and New Milford, afterward taking the contract for building a section on the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg railroad in western New York. He had the contract and built the Laurel Line from rocky Glen to Scranton. Later he had charge of building the branch of the DL&W from Keyser Valley at Scranton. He is the last of three men who lived on adjoining farms in the northern part of Brooklyn township, who were successful contractors in railroad building and construction work.
Forest City - O. F. Coyle’s Pot Luck Club had a spread last evening. Warren Crandall, of Uniondale, and his fiddle, made music. “B’ar” meat was on the bill of fare. ALSO Quite a number of the [coal] company houses have been repaired and painted. This is an improvement.
Dimock - E. L. Titman and E. O. Bailey were at Tunkhannock last Saturday to hear Gov. Woodrow Wilson, of New Jersey, speak.
Royal, Clifford Twp. - John Bennett’s auction sale of cattle and horses, last Friday, was well attended. He had 20 cows and five horses. The cows averaged $21; the best horse brought $186. Almost everything was sold for less than it was worth.
South Montrose - P. P. Osborne, one of our progressive citizens, is talking of putting steam heat in his home. Mr. Osborne believes in having some comfort of life as we go along.
Brookdale, Liberty Twp. - Our school house was improved during institute week, by the walls being nicely papered. Charley Southworth, of Lawsville, did the work.
Jackson - Don’t forget the Hallowe’en social to be held at Roberts Hall, on Oct. 31. Everyone is requested to mask. A good supper will be served.
Hop Bottom - What came near being a sad drowning accident occurred at the county bridge at Foster (Hop Bottom) about 4 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, as the children were returning from school, when Albert Pratt fell into the creek at the bridge. The water was very high and running swift, on account of the late rains, and the boy was at once swept off his feet and was lost in the rushing waters. About 40 rods below, a small foot bridge crosses the creek and the alarm was given, and a gentleman, of whom we did not learn his name, rushed to the middle of the bridge just in time to see the helpless boy rushing by, unconscious. Without a moment’s hesitation he jumped into the water and rescued the boy. He was resuscitated by Dr. Taylor.
Nicholson - The Lackawanna Railroad Co. is planning to build, at Nicholson, a concrete viaduct over the Tunkhannock creek, which it is said will eclipse the Starrucca Viaduct, which has been the pride of several generations in this section. The viaduct at Nicholson will be 2,700 ft. long and 235 ft. above the creek. The piers will be 240 ft. from center to center. This will be the largest viaduct in the United States. It will take a large force of men between three and four years to construct it.
Dundaff - E. P. Chambers, our oldest citizen, who is nearly 90 is slowly recovering from the injuries he received by being knocked down by a bicycle.
South Ararat - Last Thursday, while Mrs. Geo. Wells was visiting Mrs. Henry Davis, some “light fingered person” entered her home and stole her son, Basil’s bank, which was said to contain about $15.00.
Compiled By: Betty Smith