Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 27 1905/2005
Jackson - Mr. Ford Payne met with a serious accident recently. While touching off a fuse to an old cannon the wind blew the blaze from the match to the loose powder on the cannon and it exploded. It was thought at first that his eyes were put out, but further examination revealed the fact that with skillful treatment he might no lose his sight. He can now see out of one eye very well, but a very little out of the other. Dr. Coles is attending him.
Neath, Bradford Co. and Prattville, Midletown Twp, Susq. Co. - We believe that this section has the medal firmly anchored for the capturing of raccoons. If not then let us hear from anyone who has a better record than Guy and Albert Roberts of Neath. They are not only entitled to the medal for the total number caught but, also for the big bag of these fellows brought home on Friday, Oct. 14. Up to Saturday following they had captured a total of 29 this season and on Oct. 14 they tried their luck on a corn field near Milo Oakley's at Prattsville. This raid on the corn eaters surprised even themselves for they returned home with nine raccoons.
Brooklyn - Samuel Bailey has built a new shop on the site of the old condensery building. He will turn out mine rollers and other wood work. Sam is a hustler.
Fairdale - The spire of the M.E. Church was taken down on Oct. 19. In the afternoon they took off all but the frame, then fastening ropes to that, pulling so as to start it in the direction of the parsonage, then slacking the ropes just as the sun was setting it fell with a crash and after having stood nearly 40 years was no more. AND Milton Roy husked 37 bushels of corn for Charles Steiger on Thursday. The question may be asked--did he pull down the shocks and the stalks? We answer--he did. Mr. Roy is in his 80th year and he says if any man in the county at his age beats that, he will try again.
Great Bend - William J. Flynn, a former Great Bend boy, who has for some time been employed as Track Supervisor on the Tioga division of the Erie, has been promoted to the responsible position of Track Supervisor of the Susquehanna division of the Erie.
Susquehanna - R. H. Hall brought a suit against the M.E. church of Susquehanna, before Jos. M. Williams, Esq., claiming that the church was indebted to him in the sum of $27.30 for wall paper furnished to the church. The church admitted Mr. Hall's claim but refused to pay it, claiming that Mr. Hall was indebted to the church in the sum of $29.10 and that therefore Mr. Hall really was indebted to the church in the sum of $1.80 after allowing Hall's claim as a set-off. Justice Williams sustained the claim of the church and rendered a judgment against Mr. Hall in favor of the church for $1.80.
Harford - What was perhaps the largest fish ever caught in the county was captured from the ice pond of A. E. Henderson. It was a carp three 3 feet in length, 23 inches in circumference and weighing 18 pounds. The pond was drawn and the monster fish was caught in a milk can, almost filling it. It had been seen in the pond for some 10 years, but could not be induced to take a hook. AND A paper is being circulated to raise money to send Mrs. Frank Peck to a hospital, she being a great sufferer from cancer.
Heart Lake - Saturday evening about 70 friends and neighbors of N. Z. Sutton gathered at his home for a surprise for Mr. Sutton on his return home from the West, and as he drove up to his door, the Alford Band was playing a fine selection, after which was hand-shaking and happy meetings. Refreshments were served and the evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
Friendsville - Hugh J. Matthews, formerly of Binghamton, recently opened a grocery store in the building opposite the Flanagan House. It is also reported that the Winters' store will reopen in the near future with a new proprietor. AND A fine new flag-stone sidewalk has just been laid on Lake Street.
Uniondale - We would like to ask for information what the law requires in this county, how much time the teachers of the various schools are to teach, during each session of the day. Years ago the time would be from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 4 p.m., and some times later in order to get through with all the lessons. They not having uniform books then as now. Then they would have school six days in a week, now only five days and frequently we see the scholars going home at three and half-past three in the afternoon; if this isn't right, ought not the school directors to look after the interest of the scholars a little closer? Will not their salaries admit it? Some might say they cut their noon hour short, or deprive them of their recess, if so, would that be right? Isn't it necessary for the children to have their recreation and exercises to assure them of good health.[?]
Forest City - The criminal cases cropping out of the disturbance at the parochial residence of St. Stanlius church on Sunday, Oct 8th, have all been aired before the local Justices of the Peace and 15 or 20 people have been held for court charged with assault. The matters will come up before the grand jury on Monday next.
Lawsville - Last Friday afternoon as Julia Mahana and Elle Bailey were driving to Brookdale after Miss Mahana's brother, who teaches school there, the harness broke, letting the wagon against the horse, frightening it so that it ran away. Both girls stayed in the wagon and succeeded in stopping the horse after it had run about half a mile. It was very fortunate, as those who saw it say the horse did some fast traveling.
Auburn Centre - A noticeable improvement has been made in the road between Angles' Corners and Meshoppen by the removal of the old logs which have long made riding over that stretch of highway anything but pleasant. The initial step in this popular movement was made by one of our popular citizens, Chas. Lott, a gentleman past 85 years, whose interest and work personally made to a considerable degree this improvement possible. Mr. Lott, by the way, was the first man to ride over the road in automobile when the work on the road was finished.
Montrose - W. C. Cox, the silver-tongued auctioneer, is again exercising his vocal organs at the local sales. "Coxey" has the persuasive power of a drummer [traveling salesman], the shrewdness of a horse trader and the voice of a "train caller." It is no wonder that his services are in demand.
Compiled By: Betty Smith