Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
October 26 1923/2023
Thompson – The passing of Dr. Weiss McNamara brings sorrow to us and all nearby villages. Through many years, in the storms of winter and the heat of summer, often in weariness and exhaustion, he has come over the hills to us in our time of need, bringing assistance, hope and cheer. As a doctor’s calling is among the noblest and highest callings, so among all who give their lives to this work, none deserve greater honor than those, who putting aside the many advantages of a city practice, remain in the country, caring for the need of widely separated people. All honor to our “Country Doctors,” a term dear to our hearts.
Hop Bottom – Joseph Lezinsky, who lives near this place, was arrested on a charge of operating a still. Law enforcement went to his home endeavoring to locate a game law violator. On entering the kitchen they were surprised to locate a steaming still, which Lezinsky’s wife had hurriedly covered. Two gallons of “white mule” was taken from the still. In addition, Frank Robinson was arrested by the game protector, charged with killing skunks out of season. The penalty for killing skunks out of season is $10 each. Twenty-five skins were found.
Montrose – An invitation is extended to the people of this vicinity to join in a Community Hallowe’en party, at the Colonial Hall, on Oct. 31. A masquerade dance will be held for which music will be furnished by the Syncopators Jazz Orchestra, of Binghamton. ALSO There will be a food sale, given by the D. A. R., in the former quarters of the Farmers Bank. Proceeds of the sale go toward paying for the bronze tablets to be placed on the Court House walls in memory of the Revolutionary soldiers of Susquehanna county.
Forest Lake – Many friends will be pleased to learn that Mrs. W. C. Tilden, of Birchardville, is enjoying good health, and though 94 years of age is able to read and sew without the use of glasses. A friend, who called on her the other day, found her piecing a handsome quilt, her needlework being worthy of a much younger person.
St. Josephs – James Mooney is trying to secure help to work on the state road here. Wages, 3.50 per day.
Auburn 4 Corners – Jay Bullock and Miss Lizzie Kiefer were quietly married at Montrose, Saturday, Oct. 20, 1923. After spending a few days in York state, they will be at home to their many friends near East Rush.
Hallstead – Giles M. Carpenter is having a small house built on an automobile chassis, and expects to use it in journeying south this autumn.
Lenox – The Lenox Orchards, owned by McMullen & Patterson, of Carbondale, will market abut 1,500 bushels of very fine apples this fall. The orchards are only about ten years old and are already bearing well. The McIntosh and Northern Spy apples are particularly fine.
Forest City – Every mine in the anthracite regions will be idle next Monday so that the men can enjoy their usual observance of Mitchell Day, set aside annually for the memory of the late John Mitchell, leader of the miners twenty years ago. It had been planned to unveil the Mitchell memorial monument at Scranton this year, but delay in completing of the work has caused a postponement.
Damask – The death of C. A. Main, of Scranton, occurred at the home of his son, on the old Main homestead, in Dimock. He was born where he died, on Jan. 5, 1872, being 51 years, nine months and twelve days. He was the son of Isaiah A. and Lucy (Smith) Main, and grandson of Isaiah and Mary (Williams) Main who settled on the present farm in 1818. He was united in marriage to Lettie M. Bunnell, of Dimock, in 1891. He was a man of diversified talents, not without faults, and he also had virtues. Some of his works will stand as monuments to his memory.
Ararat – Wilbur Brooks, as a result of his summer’s work, has not only put away a substantial sum of money for his school year, but has become the owner of a new car, which will be most useful as he goes to and from Thompson high school.
Gelatt – Dr. F. F. Todd, of Forest City, called Monday at A. J. Avery’s, Velma Avery, Mrs. Philip Risley and Mrs. Lee, who he had fitted glasses for the past week.
Springville – Springville township is facing the problem of building a new school building. The director of the State Bureau of Education, Lee Driver, has notified the Springville school board that the present building does not meet the state requirements under the school code. Three architects have gone over the building and all say it is impossible to rebuild or alter the structure to meet these requirements. As the state board of education appears to be able to dictate its desires to the taxpayer, who must foot the bill, there seems to be but the one alternative—erect a new building.
Uniondale – Two airplanes passed over this vicinity Monday afternoon in a northeasterly direction. They were flying close to each other and seemed to have been lost.
New Milford – A. C. Pratt is moving his family to Binghamton.
Marriage Licenses: Ralph C. Sherwood, Lymanville and Bessie M. Ace, Lemon; Geo. M. Ralston, Jr., Montrose and May E. Yeomans, Hop Bottom; Jay Bullock, Auburn and Elizabeth Kiefer, Rush; Harry F. Cook and Edna I. Emmons, both of Lynn.
News Brief: All dairy barns are to be whitewashed in the latest edict of the Dairymen’s League.
Compiled By: Betty Smith