Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 26 1906/2006
Susquehanna - Work on the round house is progressing rapidly and should be enclosed by Dec. 1. The hardware plant is at a standstill on account of the high water and an accident to their concrete mixer. Work will be resumed and it is hoped by the first of the year to have it in operation. AND Several politicians have been in town in the last few days extending the glad hand and looking after their interests. It is the same old story in the same old way, support me and everything will be A. O. K, and if you don't things will go to the dogs. At election time the politicians know every voter in his district, but afterwards things are different.
Hop Bottom - Hon Galusha A. Grow, living a few miles from this place, explains how Hopbottom received its name. It was left to him and he named it from the wild hops then growing along the banks of the little stream that flows through the town. Hops are not and never have been raised in the valley for beer making or any other use.
Starrucca - Mrs. Reddington, who has conducted the Mountain House, at Starrucca, for over 20 years, died Sunday morning after an illness of several weeks. Mrs. Reddington made friends with everyone she met and used all alike, rich and poor. She will be greatly missed by the different parties who always stopped with her during trout and hunting seasons, and if anyone was not successful in capturing trout or game, she always was sure of them having better luck the next time, which always was cheering news.
Brooklyn - The Young People's union of the Universalist church have arranged for a masquerade social at Mrs. S. B. Eldridge's home on Hallowe'en, Wednesday evening, next week.
New Milford - The stores of this place close at 7:30 o'clock every evening, with the exception of Saturday evening and pay day on the D.L. & W., and pay day at Crossley's mill. AND Mr. Cobb's sawmill, on the Hayden tract at the lower end of New Milford. is now doing business, while Mr. Crossley's men and teams are capturing all the marketable timber on F. W. Boyle's hill, overlooking the town. When the jobs are finished it will greatly mar the beauties of our landscape.
Hallstead - The new reservoir which the Hallstead Water Company has been building in Steam Hollow is completed and now the reservoir is 225 ft. higher than the town of Hallstead, and covers ten acres, and has a storage capacity of sixteen million gallons. AND The employees of the chair factory are working nights this week owing to a rush of orders which speaks well for that branch of Hallstead's industries.
Forest City - Annie, the 4 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dzikas, who live in the Maxey block, died early Thursday morning of last week, as the result of severe burns received on Sunday. With some little companions she was playing in the yard and her dress caught fire from a small bon fire they had started. Before it could be extinguished her skirt was burned off and the flesh from waist to knee burned to a crisp. Medical assistance was at once secured, but while she lingered for two days her case was hopeless.
Montrose - The excavation and foundation for the Susquehanna County Historical building and Free Library is now well under way and rapid progress is being made by the contractor, A. E. Badgley, of Binghamton. The cribbing for the concrete foundation is partially in place and as much of the structure as possible will be erected before cold weather sets in. AND Miss [Emily C.] Blackman [author of the History of Susquehanna County] is preparing to return to Florida, permanently, and not expecting to return to Montrose in her lifetime, but has made all arrangements for her burial here, when that time shall come, which her many friends trust may be a long way off.
Steven's Point - The second annual reunion of the Chamberlain and Seamans families was held Sept. 6th at the pleasant home of Wm. G. Seamans, Stevens's Point, Susq'a Co., Pa. The day being all that could be desired they gathered at an early hour until they numbered 57. The host and hostess did everything possible to add to the pleasure of the day. The next reunion will be will be held at the home of H. T Seamans on the old Seamans' homestead at the three lakes, the last Thursday in August.
Harford - A large congregation attended the Harvest Festival at the Congregational church Sunday. Rev. Usher preached on "Going through the corn field with Christ." The decorations were tasteful and music well rendered by choir.
Middletown - Alfons Lee, our genial stage driver has purchased of D. J. Jones a full- blooded, speckled hound. Alfonso thinks he can teach him to deliver postals. AND On Sunday the entire population of this place attended the dedication of the new St. Francis Xavier church.
Franklin Twp. - C. R. Tiffany and wife started Friday, in their locomobile, for a month trip in New Jersey to sell his pruning shears.
Clifford - P. A. Rivenburg's house is looking fine in its new dress of paint, in colors.
Rushville - County Treasurer N. R. Jones showed us several ears of sowed corn the other day, raised on his farm in Rushville, which were fully a foot in length. After filling a large silo the remainder of the field of corn was husked, netting some 400 bushels. This year, too, was considered a poor one for corn in this section, but the country over shows that Uncle Sam has in his store houses nearly three billion bushels, one of the largest yields in history.
News Briefs: Judging from the popularity with which Roosevelt's "strenuous" and "square deal" have been received, simplified spelling will be in common usage in this country at least within a few years. We have received a neatly compiled catalog of the 300 words recommended by the President, from the Superintendent of Public Documents, William L. Post, of Washington, D.C., who is related and well known in Montrose. AND We have no prejudice against the neatly drest, nice appearing boy, while we do detest the fellow who goes around looking like a bunch of hard luck, but a girl looking for a model husband should be careful. If you don't know one when you see him, girls, ask mother, she will recognize him at first sight.
Compiled By: Betty Smith