Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 26 1900/2000
Brooklyn - Milk wagons are flying in every direction mornings, making making our sleepy little town seem wide awake. The coal strike is off and coal wagons coming once more makes everyone feel as if McKinley times were to continue.
Dundaff - The home of Deacon O. T. Hull was the scene of much jollification on Thursday night, Nov. 1, the occasion being the 16th birthday of the birth of Miss Ora, their only child. Games were the order of the evening, interspersed with music, both vocal and instrumental. Mr. Diamond, a traveling salesman, was also present with his phonograph with which he entertained the company by several selections. Miss Ora was the recipient of a number of birthday presents. AND: The Dundaff items had that Luman White was about to take unto himself a wife. We think the writer of those items is mistaken.
Susquehanna - There was considerable hoodlumism in Susquehanna at the outdoor Republican meeting on Friday evening last. It is evident that the harvest is ripe for considerable home missionary work in this community. AND: H. F. Smith. living near here, had a horse stolen from his pasture, Sept. 25th. A youth, a neighbor of Mr. Smith, appropriated the property and was traced to the home of his brother, in Hartwick, Otsego county, NY, a distance of 90 miles, where he was found Oct. 27th, and the horse recovered and the young offender lodged in the jail at Cooperstown. Afterwards Chief McMahon brought him to [the] Montrose jail.
Elkdale - The girls of this place have organized a horseback club-- at least it looks so the way they ride around. The boys are talking of organizing one, but they are so slow. AND: It is reported that a farmer near here found four men in the field digging his potatoes and putting them into bags. He ordered them out but they paid no attention to him. He quickly got together a posse of men and when the diggers finished their work, they were compelled to put the potatoes in the owner's cellar, get into their empty wagon and drive away.
Franklin Forks - James Fisk and wife took a trip to Golden Hill, Wyoming county, to visit an aged sister of Mr. Fisk's. They found her quite smart for a woman of her age although not as sound in mind as they would liked to have seen her. She is just past 84 years of age. AND: The whistle on Tiffany's shingle mill gives out its loud call morning, noon and night, making it sound very businesslike.
Gibson - The voters of Gibson will turn out en masse on Tuesday next to cast their votes for one of our most honored and upright citizens, George B. Tiffany, for representative. Mr. Tiffany is not a scheming, tricky politician, jumping from one party to another to secure an office, but rather a man of principle; a man that cannot be bought with money or pledges, but one who will work for the interests of the people. As a legislator, his record has never been excelled by any of Susquehanna county's representatives. The Erie bonus bill should be sufficient evidence to convince one and all that Mr. Tiffany is a hustler. Vote for Tiffany and Hill.
Hopbottom - Frank Lindsley met with a big loss Friday last. He had been to LaPlume with a large load of milk. It being a warm day his team was very much heated and he watered, fed them and started for home. One of his horses dropped dead in the road and the other horse died after getting home. Mr. Lindsley had a good team and it was a great loss to him. All the teams that draw such loads of milk every day to LaPlume are overworked.
Harford - Sidney Osmun is painting the band pagoda. AND: Republicans from Harford will attend the jollification at Montrose, on Friday.
Hallstead - City water is being put in the Warren block, corner of Pine street and Chase avenue.
Glenwood - The Ladies' Aid of this place will give an A. B. C. Social in the G.A.R. hall at Upper Glenwood, Friday evening, Nov. 9; supper will be served consisting of articles of food beginning with A. B. C. Price 10 cents. All are invited.
Montrose - Billings and Ryan are putting in a wood-burning Palace Queen furnace for H. J. Truesdell, in Rush. AND: The youngsters cut up the usual number of Hollowe'en pranks, to the discomfiture of many citizens. Among other resulting mishaps, Rev. Dr. Benton fell over a string stretched across a walk and was somewhat injured, though not as badly as first reported when it was said he had a leg broken. That Hollowe'en business is an outrage.
Oakley - Improvements seem to be the order of the day. There are the steam mill and Henry Brewster's new house and Albert Oakley's addition, followed up by Otis Bailey's enlarging his home and Emmet Decker's new fence. Keep it up, we can all help improve the appearance of the neighborhood.
Uniondale - Poles are being set for the new telephone line which is to pass through this place. In the distance we can almost discern the electric lights and the street cars.
Springville - Mr. Lemuel Bushnell has been laid up for some days from being struck by a ball. The street is not the place for such games, and a stop should be put to playing ball there.
S.W. Bridgewater - Geo. Frink is a strict Prohibitionist, but his cows are far from it. They got drunk, eating apples.
South Auburn - The Union Mission Band met on Thursday, Oct. 24. It being the 15th anniversary of its organization, the hour was devoted to reviewing the years past; only two who were at the first meeting were in attendance. Of the 56 members upon the roll, 28 had removed to other localities and nine had been removed by death. Rev. McArthur, of Pittston, will address the Band this (Friday) evening at the Baptist church.
Compiled By: Betty Smith