Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 26 1894/1994
Montrose - Sergeant John Quinn was a good soldier while the rebellion lasted, and his increasing age has not robbed him of any of his nerve, as was demonstrated the other day when he stepped into Dr. H.V. Frink’s office and had twenty-seven teeth extracted without the use of any anesthetic.
Franklin Forks - The entertainment at Conklin’s Hall on Friday night, for the G.A.R. Post, was well attended, the house was full, a good program. The troupe of jubilee singers from Montrose were highly appreciated and the whistling solo by Miss Grace Newton called for applause, both loud and long, till she responded with another solo.
Rush Centre- Abner Shoemaker had a hard battle with a large raccoon the other night, which was in the hen coop. Ab says his old dog helped him out.
Springville - Mrs. Grattan has on hand a large stock of millinery and fancy goods which she is disposing of at astonishing low prices. She also keeps ladies capes in plush and fur; children’s cream embroidered coals and bonnets; caps for ladies and children; infants veils, etc.; candies, always fresh; sheet music at 3-cents a sheet Any one purchasing $3 worth of goods and pays cash, will receive a handsome Souvenir. Call and see her goods.
Union Dale - Lena Warren is going to Carbondale, where she will have her teeth filled. We can sympathize with her.
West Auburn - Sparks from the engine of a steam hay press set fire to the barn of Benjamin Smith on the old G.L. Swisher farm recently. The barn containing a large quantity of hay and grain, a new lumber wagon and farming tools was entirely consumed, a heavy wind blowing at the time, which rendered all efforts to extinguish the flames of no avail. There was no insurance. Mr. Smith has the sympathy of all, which, it is hoped may assume a practical form.
Locust Hill - Ripe strawberries were picked on Oct. 20th, and a bouquet of apple blossoms the 22d. How is that for 42 degrees north latitude?
South Gibson - A.S. Aliens pretty new house is nearing completion. His family will now occupy a portion of it.
Harford - The S.O.S. [Soldiers Orphan School] boys have thrown the small stones out of the road from Harford village to Kingsley, and it is a road to be proud of. AND Melvin Tingley raised his new barn on Tuesday. The first day of Attleborough’s Bicentennial celebration and it was named "Attleborough and there was a goodly number of the descendents of Attleborough people present
Forest Lake Centre - Floyd Small, a little son of Charles Small, of Forest Lake, has had his eye badly injured by an air gun. The bullet entered the right eye. He was taken to Binghamton as soon as possible for treatment, but all fear the eye is hopelessly destroyed. We think firearms are rather dangerous playthings, and ought to be strictly forbidden. If parents will not forbid it, let the law take hold of it.
News Briefs: Hallstead and Great Bend expect to enjoy electric lights within a few months. After five years of labor, with the help of 247 editors, and the enormous expenditure of nearly one million dollars, the Funk & Wagnall Company announce that the last page of the second, the concluding volume of the new Standard dictionary, is now in type. This volume will be ready for delivery in November.
Compiled By: Betty Smith