Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 25 1897/1997
Hallstead - The opening of an office of the Postal Telegraph Co. in the Messenger building is a thing the public will generally appreciate. E. D. Gorton is in charge.
Auburn - Mr. Joe Quinn has returned after three week's sojourn at Hazleton. Joe says he saw turkeys there with their summer hats on.
Tunkhannock - A large number of people went to Tunkhannock Tuesday to attend the unveiling of the fine Soldier's monument there, some six car loads from Montrose and along the line. They report a good time and royal entertainment. The Four Brothers' Post, together with other comrades from Susquehanna county, presented a larger number in line than any other G.A.R. organization and their soldierly marching, headed by the veteran color bearer, Sgt. John Quinn, with the beautiful Post colors, elicited many favorable comments.
Brookdale - James Adams brought his bride home last week and the boys gave them an old fashion horning. The second night they went they were treated to cigars.
Hopbottom - Quite a good deal of sickness from colds, or some epidemic, is going the rounds here, and whole families are affected.
Jackson - Dr. Edward S. Benson died at his home, Monday morning, Oct 18. He had been making late calls on patients and had told his man to go to bed, immediately on returning, saying that he would sit up to study further on cases he had under treatment. He was found dead at his desk a short time later. He was a brilliant young profes-sional man with a most promising future before him.
Brooklyn - As Mr. and Mrs. John Doran were driving to Montrose on Friday last week, the horses became frightened at children playing by the roadside. One line broke and they became unmanageable. Mrs. Doran jumped and Mr. Doran was thrown out. But little damage was done.
East Lenox - Nelson Carr has ripe strawberries and a 9 1/2 lb. boy at his house.
Rush - John Devine, in shooting twice at a skunk that had invaded his poultry yard, killed three turkeys instead of the skunk L. A. Devine had a similar experience. He shot at a woodchuck and hit his favorite cat.
Susquehanna - has a barber shop conducted by two ladies. "Susquehanna has all the luxuries in their season," remarks editor [Sam] Moore, of the Great Bend Plaindealer. Yes, and we shall expect to see Sam coming to this market regularly with his week's crop of whiskers. AND The Binghamton Chronicle, of today, contains a sketch and a fine portrait of Miss Winifred Williams, Binghamton's sweetest singer. Miss Williams is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Williams, formerly of this place.
Montrose - "A Correction" - Dear Mr. Editor - In the premium list of the Susquehanna Co. Agricultural Fair I read the following: "Woolen quilt made by Mary Sherer, age 80 years." Will you please state that the said quilt was made by Mary Sherer's great grand-mother, the wool being combed and spun by her; and it is the Quilt, not Mary Sherer, that is 80 years old.
Forest City - Mrs. Stanley Capula, who resides in the Dais Block, went to the meat market yesterday afternoon and left her little three-year old daughter in the bedroom until her return. After a few minutes absence, she entered the house and heard screams coming from the bedroom. When she opened the door a volume of smoke rolled out which nearly stifled her. When she recovered from the smoke and shock she entered the room and found the child on the bed enveloped inflames. The little one died last evening. The fire is supposed to have started from matches which the child found in the room.
News Briefs: Farmer A. J. Pepper, of Rush, Found Murdered. A. J. Pepper, a well to do farmer, living near Rush township, died yesterday afternoon from the effects of a most brutal and murderous assault committed upon him the night before. Pepper is a bachelor, 75 years of age, and lived with his step-mother, a woman five years his senior, upon the Wyalusing creek road in a rather lonely place. Tuesday noon he left the house and went to the barn, which stands some distance from and partially out of sight of the house, to husk corn. When he did not come to supper at the accustomed time his step-mother thought it was strange and after waiting nearly an hour she went to the barn to look for him and was horrified to find his badly bruised body lying upon the floor with his hands and feet securely tied. Physicians were called, but it was impossible to do anything for the injured man. The only motive that could be suggested for the crime was for the purpose of robbery, as Pepper was supposed to have considerable money about the house, and it was suggested that the murderers intended, after killing him, to go to the house and ransack it, but that they became frightened before they could carry out their designs. Pepper had the reputation of carrying considerable money about with him, and was in the habit of keeping money about the house. Coroner Taylor and District Attorney Ainey were early at the scene of the crime, but as yet no tangible clue to the murder or murderers has been obtained.
Compiled By: Betty Smith