Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 24 1919/2019
Montrose – Negotiations are now under way between W. A. Welliver, who has successfully conducted the C-NicTheatre, and the executors of the T. J. Davies estate, which owns a fine building lot adjoining the post office building, for the purchase of the lot. Mr. Welliver proposes to erect a modern building on the site and will locate a theatre on the first floor, with a seating capacity of from 400 to 500. It will be built to accommodate the moving picture shows, but vaudeville and other performances as well, stage, drop curtain, wings loft, etc., together with dressing rooms. ALSO The Montrose Buffaloes were defeated by the strong Dunmore foot ball team Saturday by the score of 7-0. The Montrose team played an excellent game, showing a much better form than in the game with Susquehanna. The people are asked to support the town team by their presence at the future games, and it is hoped that Montrose will have a team to be proud of.
New Milford – Willis Cobb is a wide-awake dairyman, but until about a year ago $10 was a fair price for him to get for a calf. Last year he and two of his neighbors bought a bull for $600 and joined a bull association. Mr. Cobb’s share of this expense was $200 and the three of them only have one bull to feed now. Just a few weeks ago Mr. Cobb sold a grade calf for $25, which was sired by his new bull, and he has refused $150 for a nice purebred heifer calf by this same sire. Mr. Cobb will receive good returns on his investment the first year and he will have the use of four bulls for eight years without any further cost to him. A bull association can do the same for you as it did for Mr. Cobb. ALSO The new silk mill will commence work in a small way next Monday. Only a few girls will be hired as it would be impossible to instruct a large number at a time. Girls who desire work are requested to report to the mill Saturday, when Superintendent Greene will hire those he needs and explain the company’s plan. New girls will be hired as needed until the mill is working to its capacity.
Friendsville – The marriage of Miss Margaret Fitzgerald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald of this place, and Joseph Murphy, of Flynn, was solemnized at St. Francis Xavier’s church, on Wednesday, October 8th. Miss Anna Foran played the wedding march. The bride wore a taupe suit, with hat to match, and carried a bouquet of white roses. She was attended by Miss Mary Furey, of Binghamton, who wore a brown suit, with hat to match, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. John Murphy, of Scranton, brother of the groom, was the best man.
Kingsley – Come to the basement of the Universalist church on Hallowe’en night and participate in the fun that will be there for your amusement and be sure and try a hand at fishing; everyone catches something. Don’t fail to call on the fortune-teller and hear your future read. When ready for supper select your lady and join in the grand march. A prize will be given for the couple who keep step in best time. Look out for a “booby prize.” Unmask at the table. Music all the time. After supper, auction sale.
Gelatt – Russell Howell and Susan Gelatt were married on Wednesday and are on a trip to the southern part of the state. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thomas.
Scranton/Dimock – Effie Hinckley, youngest daughter of Mark Hinckley, of Dimock, one of Susquehanna county’s best teachers, married 41 years ago. She and her husband went to Scranton 15 years ago and set up a one-horse wagon bakery. Mr. Moore lived but a few years after going to Scranton and Mrs. Moore went on with the bakery business, building a large bakery and store house. She had three children, two boys and a girl; nineteen grand-children, ten boys and nine girls. She recently sold her bakery for $20,000, gave each of her children $5,000 and has money left to live on as long as she lives. She is the youngest sister of Mrs. Daniel Crossen, of Bridgewater.
Uniondale – The Tri-County Fair Assoc., after many vicissitudes, is now in a position where a very promising future is assured, if a few public-spirited and energetic men will take hold. With the coming of the automobile the country fair, which a few years ago appeared to be in a fair way to extinction, has again come into its own. After receipts of $1700 this year, putting the Association on a solid financial foundation, the loyal supporters need the help of others, because no fair will run itself.
Silver Lake – A dance was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Brigham, of Laurel Lake, and about 90 were present from Brackney, Flowery Valley, Richmond Hill, Binghamton, Johnson City, Endicott, and Hardscrabble. Music by the Hill family. A fine time was enjoyed by all.
Hallstead – Earl Tiffany has purchased the Conley property near the silk mill and will erect an excelsior factory. This being on a switch track, it will give good shipping facilities.
Harford – A movement is on foot to consolidate the congregations of the Congregational and Methodist-Episcopal churches of Harford, for all purposes of work and worship, to be known as the Federated Church of Harford, Pa. This is in line with a country-wide effort to consolidate churches where the congregations are not large enough to warrant a separate existence. It is a splendid movement.
Thompson – The young gentry of Thompson have organized a “Basket Ball” team and will play their first game at Keystone Hall, Friday evening, Nov. 7th with the Forest city team. The boys will strive to give you a good time and solicit your patronage without which it cannot be maintained; so encourage them by your presence.
Scranton/Dundaff – Charles H. Wells, one of the best known attorneys of Scranton, passed away on his 50th wedding anniversary. He was born in Dundaff in 1845, the son of Charles H. and Sarah Gay Welles. His forebears came from Connecticut and on his mother’s side he was descended from the Gay family of Wyoming. He was admitted to the Bar of Luzerne County in 1867 and the law firm of Welles & Torrey, was established in 1898. His knowledge of legal precedent and processes had given him great prominence throughout the state and was an active member of the State Bar Association.
Head Stuffed From Catarrh or a Cold? Instant relief—no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffing, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly.
News Brief: The right of a woman to hold a county office is denied by Judge George A. Baldwin, of Beaver county, in what was said to be the first decision of the kind in Pennsylvania. The Judge said he had nothing to guide him except common law and he summarized the common law ineligibility of women to hold office as a government function. “The law is that one who does not have the power to choose does not have the right to be chosen,” he said. The judge suggests legislation, but says the court has no power to legislate.
Compiled By: Betty Smith