Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 24 1902/2002
Harford - On the Indian Territory, Oct. 10th, occurred the death of Ed. Tanner, a former Harford boy. He was a nephew of J. C. Tanner. The remains were taken to the home of his mother, at Coffeeville, Kansas, for burial.
Susquehanna - The Susquehanna football team speak in high terms of praise of their treatment while at Montrose on Monday; but the score-oh me, oh my! [28-0] AND Thomas Sheridan, a 16 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sheridan, while hunting late yesterday afternoon, received injuries from the accidental discharge of a shot gun which proved fatal to-day. The young man was hunting in the woods near here and while standing on a large rock, with the butt of the gun resting on the ground, he fell and the gun was discharged, the shot entering his side. He was brought home in a neighboring farmer's buggy and medical assistance was summoned.
Hop Bottom - Three Foster [Hop Bottom] young men, R. S. Strickland, Thomas Drake and William Haggley, aged about 18 years, registered at the Grand Central annex, Scranton, last Saturday and when retiring for the night young Strickland drew a revolver from his pocket and looked down the barrel, when it accidentally discharged. The bullet, which was of 32-calibre, entered at the right side of the upper jaw, knocking out three teeth and badly splintering the jawbone. The bullet could not be found and it is thought he probably spat it out. He will undoubtedly recover. Each of the trio was armed with a revolver.
Gibson - Archie Smith, clad in white duck trousers and raglan, filled the position as drum major, with the Gibson band, yesterday. He did it up very creditably.
Tripp Lake [Liberty Twp.] - Alva Madison left his home last Monday. Any information concerning him would be gladly received as the last seen of him he was going west with his skates under his arm.
Forest City - Robert H. Dunn was almost instantly killed at the No. 2 breaker of the Hillside Coal and Iron company last Friday morning. He was employed at the foot of the breaker plane, and reaching down to uncouple two cars was caught between the frames and squeezed to death. Mr. Dunn had charge of the prop yard and had worked at the plane for only a few days. He was 65 years old and one of Forest City's most prominent citizens. He was a member of the Episcopal church. Deceased is survived by his wife, one son, George S, of Jermyn, and two daughters, Miss Eunice of Forest City and Mrs. E. B. Goodrich, of Alford. Interment was made near his old home at Ararat.
Birchardville - A pleasant evening was spent at Jesse Edwards' last week, when the light fantastic toe was tripped. Messrs. Horton and Kane furnished music.
Springville - Old Folks Services were well attended at the Methodist church last Sunday morning. The church was beautifully decorated with autumn leaves and flowers. Two of the venerable members took part. Mr. Kasson, of Kasson Corners, gave an appropriate recitation and Henry Spencer, of Lynn, gave some interesting reminiscences of old time meetings and ministers. The members of the Epworth League had prepared a lot of bouquets, which were distributed and made a happy closing to this interesting service.
Flynn [Middletown Twp.] - The funeral of L. Curley was largely attended: 115 carriages.
Kingsley - Kingsley has, in a few years, become one of the most important shipping points on the D.L.&W. road between Binghamton and Scranton. One item alone in the shipping business at this station is worthy of note. The Harford Creamery company this year, from present indications, will send out $100,000 worth of dairy products. W. W. Adams is agent at this place. An important industry in the little town is the manufacture and sale of mill feeds. This business is assuming vast proportions and is conducted by the Stearns Brothers and W. W. Sloat.
Lawton - A number of the boys called on John Potts one evening last week and husked three acres of corn and after a fine supper returned to their homes in the wee hours of the morning, feeling fine.
Brushville - The reunion in Susquehanna of four brothers of the Brush family, after a separation of nearly half a century, is worthy of note. We have yet to find an inferior Brush in the whole outfit of Brushes whom we have met, but the four Brushes in question - D. A., of California; Edwin, of this place; E. J. of Port Jervis, and A. A., of Titusville, are genial, whole-souled gentlemen, who make the world better for having lived. They are here to-day, negotiating with "Dick", for special rates for board in the event of his election as sheriff of Susquehanna county.
Montrose - E. H. True lights his store by means of a private acetylene gas plant. It is one of the best-lighted business places in town. AND The telephone line on the Montrose branch is completed and in operation between Tunkhannock and Lake Carey. It will be pushed through to Montrose as rapidly as possible. There will be five or six instruments put in at stations along the line, and an emergency phone installed in the baggage car on the train. In case of breakdown or other occurrence requiring communication with the terminal office, this instrument will be connected with the wires at any place the train happens to stop.
Lathrop - A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rockwell, Oct. 15. As the hands of the clock pointed at the hour of 12 the Mendelssohn Wedding March was rendered by Miss Lena Johnson. The bridal party consisted of Miss Maude May Rockwell and Mr. Fay A. Brotzman; Miss Pearl Mackey, acting as bridesmaid and Forest Brotzman, brother of the groom, as best man. The bride was attired in Turquoise Blue Crape de-Chine trimmed in white silk and lace. The bridesmaid was attired in white; the groom and best man wore the conventional black. After a bountiful dinner was served the bride and groom departed amid a shower of old shoes and rice. The presents were numerous and valuable, consisting of money, silver, glass and chinaware, an elegant dinner set and a beautiful oak rocker.
Compiled By: Betty Smith