Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 23 1896/1996
Alfred - Friday last, Oct. 16th, occurred the cornerstone laying for the new M.E. church at Alford. The weather was favorable to the proceedings and a large concourse of people assembled at the little village to witness the interesting and impressive ceremony. The contract for building the church has been let to Mr. Whitman, of Lindaville, and work on the structure was begun Monday.
Forest City- At a special meeting of the Council of Forest City, on Friday evening last, the Forest City Electric Light and Power Company were granted a franchise to run their wires, poles, etc. through the streets of that borough. The charter obtained by the Electric Light and Power Company No.1, some years ago, was purchased by the new company. A.D. Kehrens of Forest City is the Secretary and a director. Work will be commenced on the erection of the plant immediately and it is expected that it will be ready for use on or about December 1st.
Stevens Point- The wood acid factory of Mrs. C.D. Mumford of Starrucca, situated at Steven's Point, was consumed by fire on Friday morning last. The origin of the fire is unknown. The plant cost, some years since, $15,000. There was an insurance of $3000.
Forest Lake Centre - The Forest Lake Ladies' Aid will have a "Hard Time Social" and supper at Creamery Hall, Thursday evening, Nov. 13th. Dress and victuals in keeping with the plain living of other days.
Rush - There will be a Chicken Pie Supper at David Godwin's Wednesday next, Oct. 28th, the proceeds to be applied on the salary of Rev. J.C. Madden. The supper will be under the management of the young people of Rush.
Springville - Nina Giles has a very fine assortment of winter millinery. She also has an experienced trimmer, Miss Davis, from Meshoppen. You will do well to give her a call.
North Jackson - Mr. Wakefield is, we believe, the largest grower of potatoes in the township this season, raising from 8 acres some 1200 bushels, for which he finds ready market in Susquehanna.
Susquehanna - A Susquehanna man, who went to Binghamton to put in a "political day”, says that in the morning he was a Democrat. In the afternoon he remembers that he was a Populist, and at night he has a dim recollection of being a middle of the road man. Today he is a Prohibitionist in theory.
Montrose - As per announcement Prof. Geo. McCroy made a balloon ascension at Montrose Saturday, using the Geo. Baker balloon, and it was the finest ascension ever made in the town. The balloon filled beautifully, and at the appointed time it was cut loose, and rose gracefully up, up, until it reached a great height some 3000 ft. Mr. McCroy, in the meantime, performing on the trapeze bar. A safe landing was made near the residence of John O'Brien, midway between Prospect and Chenango streets.
Auburn - The beautiful motor on the barn of John Lake, sold and put up by Barney Riley, did his threshing. It will also be used for fodder cutting, feed grinding &c. Call on Mr. Riley before making your purchases elsewhere.
New Milford - Prof. Horton and wife and his corps of teachers attended the County Institute at Montrose.
Middletown Centre - On Sept. 30, at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John T. Jones, was the scene of a beautiful wedding. The contracting parties were Miss Maggie, only daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jones and Mr. David S. Williams, the youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel F. Williams, of Jackson Valley. With evergreens, cut and potted flowers, the house had been transformed into a beautiful garden. At 8:30 p.m., the wedding march was performed by Miss May Upham and the happy couple soon appeared under an arch of evergreens. Following the ceremony hearty congratulations were given and the guests, numbering over 50, sat down to a table ladled with good things. The couple will reside in Jackson Valley.
Bridgewater Twp. - A touch of winter this week. Sunday afternoon scattering flakes of snow were falling for a short time, and Monday morning the thermometer registered 25 degrees above zero.
Jessup Twp - Prospect Hill School Report for the month ending Oct. 9th, 1896: those receiving 100 percent in spelling are: Emma Smith, Harry Rogers, Gertrude Bertholf, Ross Hibbard, Matie Orshal, Fanny Sivers, Helen Bertholf, Laura Orshal, Abbie Robson, Layton Sivers, Israel Sivers. Those not missing a day were Ross Hibbard, Harry Rogers, Gertrude Bertholf, Helen Bertholf. Congratulations to the Fairdale Grange, organized in October of 1896, now celebrating their 100th birthday.
Compiled By: Betty Smith