Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 22 1920/2020
Montrose - Announcement that "the Evergreens" is to be closed as a boarding house caused considerable consternation and regret among scores of Montrose people who have patronized the house for some years. It is expected to close to the public Nov. 1st. The Misses O'Neill--three sisters--have conducted it most successfully for the past thirteen years and while they have not grown wealthy as a result, their fine cooking and generous helpings have added to the avoirdupois of innumerable citizens. Misses Annie and Mamie O'Neill have accepted fine positions in the home of Dr. Warfield, Princeton, NJ, where their sister, Miss Josephine O'Neill, has been a nurse for many years. Miss Katie O'Neill will remain in Montrose and act as housekeeper for Rev. A. T. Broderick, who has taken his meals at "The Evergreens" for the past eight years. The house will remain in the control of the sisters, who may possibly be induced to open it for the summer season. ALSO Charles Reed Sayre who died Oct 8th 1920, of septic poisoning, in the Jefferson hospital of Philadelphia, was the son of Samuel Hunting Sayre and Frances Reed Sayre, having been born in the old Sayre homestead on Lake Avenue, March 28th, 1868. The people of this locality will be pleased to know that Mr. Sayre’s wife, assisted by Miss Reifsnider, will continue to conduct the Rosemont Inn, which the late Mr. Sayre successfully conducted for the last twelve years.
Hop Bottom – Blanche Rettberg, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jos. Rettberg, was hit by a bicycle on Friday and seriously injured. She was taken to a Scranton hospital on Sunday. They have the sympathy of the community, as this is the second child of this family to be run over by a bicycle during the last summer.
Brooklyn – An old-time husking bee was held at E. W. Tiffany’s farm. A goodly amount of corn was husked, after which all enjoyed the sandwiches, coffee, doughnuts and pumpkin pies which were generously supplied.
South Montrose – The Ladies Aid Society will serve an old fashioned supper at Red Men’s hall, Wednesday evening, Oct. 27th. The menu consists of boiled vegetables and pork, baked beans, brown bread, white bread, pickles, jelly pumpkin pie and cake.
Bridgewater Twp. – Robert Birchard, 11 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Birchard, miraculously escaped instant death at the Birchard Bros. farm, just east of Montrose. He was engaged in picking apples. He climbed up a guy wire to a power line passing over the farm and reached up toward a heavily charged wire, and was instantly enveloped in flame and hurled to the ground, a distance of 30 ft. The boy was seriously injured, his lungs being badly burned and burns covered a large part of his body. He had a broken collar bone and one side was paralyzed. He remained unconscious all night and most of the following day. His uncle, Dr. F. S. Birchard, gave prompt and efficient treatment.
Harford – The largest and most modern farm in the township is the farm of W. W. Wilmarth and Sons. Here Walter Wilmarth, his two sons, Fred and Lew, and also his grandson Walter Wilmarth, Jr. work in peace and harmony. Some twenty years ago this farm was merely an ordinary farm, but as Mr. Wilmarth’s sons became more interested in farm work, the farm prospered and is today one of the largest certified milk farms in the state. Well-built buildings of latest improvements add much to the beauty of the farm. Fourteen men are at present employed by the month.
Uniondale – The creamery burned to the ground recently. The cause of the fire is unknown. This is a real misfortune to the dairymen at Uniondale and Vicinity.
South Montrose – J. J. Birney gave a ballot demonstration here on Wednesday evening to the women voters.
Auburn/Meshoppen – The Catholic churches of Auburn and Meshoppen are planning to have a special entertainment at Meshoppen on Thanksgiving Day. There will be “eats” and amusements during the day and evening, and a big event in connection with the festivities will be the awarding of a Ford touring car to the person holding the lucky number.
To the Women Voters of Susquehanna Co.: The American woman voter has arrived, and it is generally conceded that the women of the future will enter more largely into public and official life than ever before. Women will also play a large part in the political history of the present campaign and will prove herself a factor in the coming election, and her influence will undoubtedly contribute greatly to the welfare of her country. It is now time for the women to bury the “suffrage hatchet,” and without regard to party affiliation, formulate definite ideas as to the paramount issue of the campaign and the “great principle of agreement among nations to preserve peace” will be approved by every thinking, loyal American. A leading newspaper recently said: “One of the strangest spectacles ever presented to the world is the figure of the United States hesitating and debating whether to join the League of Nations.” We cannot run away from our memories of the late war, and the misery and unhappiness attended by such a great upheaval, and it is America’s duty, as a great nation, to ratify the Treaty and preserve the peace of the world. The League of Nations is not merely a “drive in politics”—it is an issue that concerns your country and the whole world and its merits deserve the study of every consistent voter. The League undertakes to enforce peace; it supports struggling nations whose lives are in jeopardy; it holds the nations together—and without unity there can be no success. Before his death, Theodore Roosevelt said: The greatest civilized nations of the world which do possess force, actual or immediately potential, should combine by solemn agreement in a great world league for the peace of righteousness.” As a great nation we cannot shirk our responsibility, nor can we afford to break our faith with the world. The present problems are so vast and complicated that the solution seems almost impossible, but the League of Nations will undoubtedly adjust many difficulties. Lloyd George says: “This torn and bleeding earth is calling today for the America of Abraham Lincoln.” Our brave boys wiped away every reproach hurled at us by other nations, and the League will be a lasting monument to our dead in the late war and perpetuate their memory and the cause for which they fought and died. The women of this country will play a great role in the coming election and if the memory of her sons count for anything she will vote for the League of Nations. Mrs. M. F. Day, County Chairman.
Compiled By: Betty Smith