Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 20 1916/2016
To Dairymen – The milk fight is over and the price established; better still the principle of collective selling is recognized. The Dairymen’s League aims to perfect its organization to such an extent that another strike will be unnecessary. The members of the League are to be congratulated in that not one failed to answer the call. To the non-members we say if you held your milk during the strike you have upheld the cause. Thank you; but you still owe it to us to join the League. Join us and attend the meeting at the Library Building, Saturday night. If you don’t care to join, come and tell us why. We have 25 members, 1,375 cows. Chas. B. Dayton, Sec’y, Montrose Branch.
Forest City – The borough council of this place has received a visit from a large delegation of property owners who reside on Maple and Lackawanna streets urging the council to take some action looking to the installation of an adequate water supply in that section. The present service is entirely inadequate to the needs to that section of the town. The council promised to consult with the local office and if necessary take the matter up with the head office of the company in Scranton.
Little Meadows – The New York and New England Association of Railway Surgeons held their 26th annual session at Hotel McAlpin, New York city, on Wednesday and Thursday. Dr. George Chaffee, of this place, was the founder and first president of this organization. He at present holds the active office of corresponding secretary,
Montrose – It is said that Zion A.M.E. church, in Montrose, is one of the oldest colored churches in the state of Pennsylvania. Bethel church was so considered in its day, but it has been converted from a place of worship into a dwelling house.
Susquehanna – George Albee, aged 78 years, died at his home in this place, Oct. 9th. He is survived by his wife, one son, and two daughters. The deceased had an extensive business as painter and paper hanger for a number of years, from which he retired owing to poor health.
Harford – Wallace Lord Thacher, educator, author, historian, born March 28, 1841, died October 12, 1916. The editor of the Republican has not a doubt but that the late beloved W.L. Thacher and his beloved wife, who sent the above brief notice, would be content to let that stand as a memorial tribute to the life of the deceased, while we, knowing his worth, feel that many columns could well be devoted in telling of his laudable qualities. He was a fluent and able writer, and his exhaustive history of Harford and the “Nine Partners,” who settled that township, and from one who he is descended, is generally accredited with being the best authentic record of that township’s early days. He wrote a history of the Harford Agricultural Association [Harford Fair] in 1907. Prof. Thacher was known to hundreds of county people. He was beloved by former scholars; he wrote and received letters from friends who left to join the army during the Civil War [which are now in the possession of this Society] and he was the first President of the Susquehanna County Historical Society and took a great deal of interest in furthering its welfare. He was a man who devoted his life to others—placing self last. The county has produced few better men.
Springville – The “chicken-car” was evidently doing business in this vicinity this week as the noise of the chickens could be heard as the auto was in town at about 2 o’clock in the morning, Wednesday. This is not the first year the country people have been robbed of their poultry, and while some of the thieves are well known, yet the old adage, “practice makes perfect,” fits this case, and as yet they are stealing all available poultry the same as in previous years. The wise man will lock up his hen house and have a good dog ready to welcome such callers. Or a shot gun well loaded.
Brooklyn – New windows have been placed in the M.E. church at a cost of about $400. They are memorial windows on the north side of the church. The windows are in memory of the Young Ladies’ Guild, Dr. and Mrs. A. Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sterling, J.S. Wright and wife, Amanda, the Tewksbury family. On the south side, the Ladies’ Aid, Rev. and Mrs. D.C. Barnes, Hon. and Mrs. J.W. Adams, the Epworth League and Fred Hohn. They make a great improvement in the church.
Dundaff – The Dundaff post office has gone out of business and it will be missed.
South Montrose – E.W. Lott, of Springville, decided to go fishing Tuesday, and left his auto by the roadside, just below this place, while he went down to the brook to get some bait. A boy, George Chamberlain by name, spied the machine and felt sure he could manipulate it just as well as others. He managed to start it and went sailing down the pike, headless not only of his own danger, but to travelers. He suddenly ended up in a bank with the machine smashed. About this time Mr. Lott returned and followed the crooked tracks a short distance and discovered his damaged auto. The boy had abandoned the car, but was soon captured and brought to Montrose, before Justice of the Peace Davies, where his old and crippled father came to his rescue and agreed to pay for the repairs on the car and Mr. Lott withdrew prosecution for the present.
Clifford – Miss Bertha Rivenburg has gone to Philadelphia, where she has secured a position. ALSO – I.J. Wetherby has joined the ranks of the motorists and purchased a new Hupmobile.
South Ararat – We understand that Angus Tinklepaugh, of Jackson, but a former resident here, is soon to move in the neighborhood. We are always glad to have good old neighbors return.
Silver Lake – Miss Hazel Conklin entertained the following in honor of her 18th birthday, Oct. 10th: Miss Ruth Buckley, Katherine Mahoney, Grace McEnaney and Ellen Scallon and Messrs. Floyd Conklin, Carl Sloat, Harold Hogan, Thomas Conroy, Tim and Ambrose Mahoney, Walter and Arthur Buckley.
200 Years Ago, from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa., Oct. 22, 2016. *Married – In the township of Bridgewater, on the 10th of Sept. last, by the Rev. Davis Dimock, Mr. Joshua Smith to Miss Peggy Young both of Bridgewater. *Married – On the 16th, by the Rev. D. Dimock, Mr. Josiah Lord, of Waterford, to Miss Sally Hall, of Bridgewater. *Married – On the 19th, by the Rev. D. Dimock, Mr. Elias Palmer, of Bridgewater, to Widow Abagail Tupper, of Middletown. *Married – On the 24th, Samuel Thatcher, of Middletown, to Eunice Tupper, of Rush. *Married – On the 16th inst., Robert Day to Lucy Bush, both of Bridgewater. *NEW GOODS. The subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have just received a fresh supply of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-Ware, Tin-Ware & SALT, which they will dispose of cheap for Cash or Country Produce, at their store ½ mile south of Montrose. WILSON & GREGORY. Bridgewater, Oct. 22, 1816.
Compiled By: Betty Smith