Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
October 20 1905/2005
Forest City - St. Anthony's Lithuanian church was dedicated the first of the month by Bishop Hoban of Scranton. The Bishop was assisted in the ceremony by Rev. Father McGourty, who spent the summer in Montrose.
Susquehanna - Mrs. Mary M. Mooney, the accomplished organist of St. John's Catholic church, is in Montrose this week, ably discharging her duties as musical directress at the Teachers' Institute. AND An application will be made to Court for amendment to the charter of the City Hospital at Susquehanna from the City Hospital to The Simon H. Barnes Memorial Hospital.
Springville - F. A. Risley has sold his grocery and meat market to Mr. Greatsinger, a Connecticut man, who will take possession about Nov. 1. Fred has evidently made his pile. AND James Blakeslee has advertised his farms for sale. He and his wife expect to go to Pasadena, Cal. in the early part of November.
Lenoxville - The new telephone line from Lenoxville to Glenwood will soon be completed. Those having phones put in their houses are B. E. Clarkson, D. B. Robinson, W. E. Ross, J. E. Severance, A. W. Chancy, E.E. Conrad, J. P. Kline, W. M. Ransom, Walter Carpenter and Harry Wilson.
Thompson - Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Stager, a son, Oct. 12. Mr. Stager has been sick for a long time and for the past few days has been unconscious and has not taken any nourishment. He is not expected to recover.
Upsonville - A traveling salesman from Montrose put up for the night at B. Jennings' near the Shields' quarry last week, Tuesday night. During the night a person or persons borrowed the horse and forgot to return it.
Harford - Harford Grange is just booming with a membership of over two hundred.
Birchardville - Any one having any news that would be of interest to the public, would be helping your correspondent a lot if they would kindly leave a note of it at the postoffice.
Montrose - The Susquehanna County Teachers' Institute is holding its 38th annual session in the Montrose High School building, Oct. 16-21. There are 299 teachers attending. AND Last Friday a phenomenon was witnessed here that perhaps very few, if any, had ever before seen. A queer-shaped whitish cloud was visible floating quite near terra firma about the middle of the afternoon and persons upon being questioned reported having heard a peculiar explosion just prior to their first noticing the singularly appearing cloud. Men who are considered local authorities on astronomical questions, state that a meteor in its flight earthward undoubtedly burst over the town and the gaseous vapors escaping caused the appearance of the cloud which attracted so much attention.
Rhiney Creek, Liberty Twp. - The meteor which fell late last Friday afternoon was seen by some of the people in this vicinity.
Glenwood - The sale of the old Glenwood Hotel building [was held] on the 12th inst. After selling the scattered remains, such as doors, windows, old lumber and the accumulations of years, then the old building was put on sale and spirited bidding was indulged in. It was struck off to Wm. Bell for $52.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Our ball nine went to the [Middletown] Centre to play a return game of ball, Sunday, with that nine. The Centre nine had three men from Friendsville to play with them, also one of their own men for umpire. They also had all the old maids and young maids out with horns and whistles to celebrate their intended victory, but instead of a victory it turned out a defeat, as the Hill nine was victorious. It would seem as though they were better at blowing horns than playing ball.
Great Bend - Prof. Thorpe, vice president of the Teachers Association and principal of Great Bend high school, and Misses Lou Egleston, Edith Reckhow, Minnie Banker, Bessie Patrick, Johanna O'Neil, Daisy Egleston, Florence James, Bessie Vaughn and Flora Gunn, are the teachers from here who are in Montrose this week at the institute.
Uniondale - H. H. Howard, of Olyphant, born and brought up in South Gibson, this county, has recently moved here and is now occupying his own property, the Uniondale hotel. But before giving the people a general invitation to share his hospitality, he seems to turn his attention to thoroughly renovating the place by papering, painting and newly furnishing the rooms throughout. It is hoped that Mr. Howard will run his hotel so it will be an honor to himself and a credit to the place.
Auburn - James Donlin's barn took fire at about 3 o'clock Saturday, while they were pressing hay, and no account can be given as to how it took fire. The first they knew, while hard at work, the flame came up from underneath and the men had scarcely time to make good their escape. The pressing was done by horse power. A good barn, 40 tons of hay, 20 of which was of last years' growing, hay press, which belonged to the Donlin family, besides grain and farming tools, all went up in smoke and not one cent of insurance, which makes a loss much more than one man should be allowed to shoulder. A vest snatched from the flames was the only thing saved and that contained $30.
Little Meadows - Wm. Butler had very good success with his buckwheat, turned out 40 bushels to the acre. AND A very pleasant dance was held at John Boland's, Friday evening. Many guests were present. Music was by James Hickey and son, Michael.
Alford - While coupling cars at Alford Sunday, A. J. Masters got his hand between the bumpers and several fingers were badly smashed. Mr. Masters has acted in the capacity of telegraph operator in the D.L.&W. station here temporarily, and the sympathy of many friends here is extended him.
Great Bend - W. B. Hamlin has purchased the express business carried on between Binghamton and New Milford.
Compiled By: Betty Smith