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October 20 1899/1999

Hallstead - The name of the station at Hallstead, which has heretofore been Great Bend, will after this be known as Hallstead.

Brandt - Fred Winters, a respected resident, died on Friday afternoon of typhoid fever. He is survived by the widow and seven children. Funeral services were held from the Brandt Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon.

Jackson - The annual Camp Fire of Myron French Post, G.A.R., will beheld in Roberts' Hall, Wednesday evening, Oct. 25. AND - The North Jackson Cemetery Association elected the following officers on Oct. 2 - President, James E. Curtis; Secretary, Fred F. Corse; Treasurer, T. J. Tallman; Manager, L. D. Benson, Esq. AND - Clayton Washburn, a medical student in Philadelphia, who spent the summer with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Washburn at Lake View, has returned to his studies in that city.

South Auburn - The horses here are getting rather fractious, as Luther Jackson and John Bird have two broken wagons to testify. AND - Auburn has been heard from and that stalwart old town holds the belt up to date in the big apple contest. On Tuesday we received, from C. W. Pierson, a selection of ten apples of the "Pumpkin" variety, the combined weight of which was 11 1/2 pounds; one of them tipping the scales at 1 lb. 4 oz. Mr. Pierson's orchards bore 600 bushels of apples this year.

Forest City - F. M. Gardiner, Esq., formerly a sergeant of Co. G is one of the moving spirits in organizing a military company here.

Gibson - E. L. Hill, a farmer here, gathered 65 bushels of Pippin apples from one tree.

Nicholson - C. M. Parker and Miss Mary Cornell, both of Nicholson, had set Thursday, Sept. 28, as the day for their marriage. When the time arrived, Mr. Parker was confined to his bed by illness, but the important event took place, nevertheless, though the bridegroom was unable to stand up.

New Milford - The barrel factory is rushed with orders. More than 10,000 have already been turned out, but the demand is yet far from being filled. AND - J. W. Jay has sold his meat and vegetable market to L. A. VanCott.

Fairdale - A large delegation of veterans of the War of the Rebellion, from this place, attended the funeral of their comrade, the late Peter Roe, on Sunday. Mr. Roe was a man of high character, a good soldier, an upright citizen and a staunch Republican. It was one of the largest assemblages of people ever known in the locality and gave evidence of the high regard in which Mr. Roe has long been held. Before the hour came the street, barns and grounds about the house were filled with teams, and still they kept coming until the drivers were compelled to go into the fields to find places to secure them. The house was filled to overflowing and there were many who could not get into the yard surrounding it. The Grand Army was largely represented by members of Bissel Post, Rush (to which Mr. Roe belonged), Four Brothers Post, Montrose, Lieut. Titman Post, Auburn and Spaulding Post, LeRaysville.

Montrose - Mrs. C. Tucker Scott returned to her home in Wilkes-Barre, Saturday, having attended the A.M.E. District conference held in the Montrose Zion church, last week as one of the representatives of that city. Mrs. Scott is an accomplished pianist, and at a small informal gathering in the Y.M.C.A. parlor, Friday evening, gave several selections to the delight of all. Vocal solos by Henry Nailor and Edw. Nelson added a good spirit to the occasion and the programme ended with a charming soprano production by Mrs. Scott, entitled, "Sweet, Sweet Love." AND - We understand that E. A. Main [photographer] has sold his gallery to E. D. Bronson, of LeRaysville, the latter to take possession Jan. 1st.

Susquehanna - Chief of Police McMahon, recently received a reward of $150 for catching a convict that had escaped from Trenton, NJ.

Forest Lake - Forest fires are raging in Forest Lake and Choconut townships, greatly damaging several hundred acres of timber.

Great Bend - The St. Lawrence Catholic church is holding a fair, closing on Friday evening. The Thirteenth Regiment band, of Scranton, the Susquehanna band and the State Hospital band furnish music for the occasion. Under the able direction of the pastor, Rev. James Fagan, it is sure to be a success.

Brooklyn - The Universalists will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the dedication of their church by a three-days meeting, beginning on Friday, Nov. 10. Leading clergymen of the denomination are expected to be present.

Hopbottom - We wish to state that the little daughter of our miller, Mr. Merrithew, has not had the diphtheria. It is a false report. There are no other cases in town, we are glad to state.

Welsh Settlement, Clifford Township - On Oct. 5, 1899, death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Anthony and took from it their daughter, Margaret, aged 12 years and 9 months. She was a bright, lovable, little girl, cherry in temperament, modest in manner and winsome in deportment. Funeral services were held Saturday and four boys, her class-mates, acted as pall-bearers, while four little girls of her Sunday School class dressed in white and bearing flowers, preceded the casket. Interment in the Welsh Congregational church cemetery.

NEWS BRIEF - Our esteemed Democratic contemporary, the Scranton Times, celebrated its fourth anniversary under its present live and able management, last week, by issuing a double number of 16 pages filled with interesting matter. Since Editor Lynett assumed the ownership of the Times it has become one of the newsiest and best edited evening journals in Northeastern PA. Politically it is all wrong, but as a newspaper, it is all right. Independent Republican.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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