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October 2 1896/1996

Hop Bottom- Some four weeks ago a niece of Mr. Elijah Tingley, Alice Wilmarth, was wedded to a Mr. Bixby. As the fond mother in her western home is making a reception for her boy and bride, death steps in and claims the son, festivities turned into mourning. Today he and his bride were to start, and they did, she in her widow's weeds, he in the coffin. May God heal their broken hearts.

Susquehanna - It is stated that the Erie contemplates bringing passengers from their homes to the station in a horseless carriage. A run down a Susquehanna hill, in a horseless carriage with the break off, would be an event of a lifetime.

Silver Lake - News of the death of James McNeamey was received by his sister, Mrs. John Kain, last Wednesday. His body was found in the river at Harlem, and it is feared he was murdered. Mrs. Kain's only sister, Mrs. Timothy Murphy, was buried only a few weeks since.

Hallstead - Frank Lawrence was elected delegate to the Fireman's Convention to be held at Johnstown, PA, in October, from the Hallstead Fire Engine and Hose Co., No.1. They made a good selection when they chose him. The hose Co. has fitted up their hall by dividing the upper part by a partition through the middle, making two rooms. The front is nicely carpeted, furnished and painted, making one of the finest parlors of any fire co. in Northeastern PA. We wish them as unbounded success in the future as they have had in the past.

South Gibson - L.W. Bunnell suffered the loss of two of his best horses, and had one injured, and Ed Crisman lost his horse, by the blowing down of a barn on Miller Alien's farm during the shower Tuesday night. Mr. Bunnell informs us that he will continue threshing as he has, immediately.

Brooklyn - We understand that Mr. Rohrbasser, of Little Meadows, has rented the cooperative creamery in this place and will move here in the near future. He has a number of dairies pledged and anticipates building a creamery here.

Montrose - Prof. Button, the favorite magician and ventriloquist, accompanied by Flora, in La Cremation act, will appear in new acts at the Armory, Saturday evening, Oct. 3d. His feats of legerdemain are more wonderful than ever presented before. AND Mr. Nelson Hawley, one of our aged and highly esteemed citizens, who has been in poor health for some time, is not as well as usual.

Forest City - The Independent Lithuanian club meets in Peter Welsh's hall, at that place, the first and third Sunday in each month. Jacob Kreechik is the President; Chas Pestnik, Vice President; William Savas, Sec. and Paul Zdanis, Treasurer. Peter Welsh and Baldrick Shemitis are Trustees and Martin Daltin is Asst. Sec. The officers are working to build up the strongest organization in that borough.

Thompson - Mr. Ralph Howard has put in a wagon shop for the repairing of wagons and sleighs. AND Mr. David Benedict has moved his harness and shoe shop to rooms of A.O. Salsbury, over his blacksmith shop.

West Lenox - Lucious Briggs and Mrs. Lewis, of Gibson, called on Mrs. Lewis's sister, Mrs. Ida Truesdale, who is keeping house for Will Birch in the old school house on Tingley corners.

Elkdale - At the State fair at Johnstown, E.L. Stevens was awarded first prize for Red Polled cattle.

Auburn Centre- Word has just come to your correspondent that another little Democrat, by the name of Wm. Jenning Bryan Galvin, has arrived at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Galvin.

East Rush - The first hard frost of the season, Wednesday morning. AND The new windows are placed in the church; one memorial window for Mrs. Horace Roberts.

South Gibson- New Milford - Mrs. M.E. Manzer will give a chicken pie social at her home, Oct 6, for the benefit of the church. Price 10-cents.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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