Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 19 1906/2006
Hallstead - On Saturday morning last, about two o'clock, the people of Hallstead were awakened by the sounding of the fire alarm and the blowing of whistles at a lively rate. Investigation soon showed that the fire was in the Franklin street school house, and soon the interior was a roaring mass of flames, which threatened the adjoining property. The school building is a complete ruin, and nothing but the walls are standing. The cause of the fire is unknown but it is estimated to be between $10,000 and $12,000. Temporary quarters will be provided for the different departments of the school in some place in town. The building was of brick and stone, with a wooden wall adjoining, and was built about ten years ago at an expense of $7,000. There was an insurance of $5,000 on the building; school supplies to an amount over $200 and a heater that cost $900 last year, along with about 20 tons of coal, were in the building.
New Milford - A band has been organized, starting out with about a score of members. Charles Culver, a well-known and proficient musician of that place, is the musical director, and the prospects for a strong musical organization are excellent.
Montrose - Mrs. Nimrod Slaughter, an old colored lady of this place, died Wednesday, after a long illness. She was once a slave in the South. Her belief in Christ was very strong. Mrs. Slaughter was a member of Bethel church, on Chenango street. AND Mrs. Cornelia Lathrop died a little before 2 o'clock a.m., Oct. 17, 1906. She was born near New London, Conn., Feb. 23, 1818. She spent many years in the Choctaw Nation as a missionary teacher, and there met and married Edwin Lathrop, who was a missionary farmer. They located in Montrose in 1859 and here the rest of their lives were spent. Deacon Edwin Lathrop died Dec. 22, 1896. Georgiana, their only child, died many years ago. Funeral services will be held from her late residence on Scenery Hill at 2 o'clock this Friday afternoon.
Susquehanna - Friday afternoon, John J. Prater, of Chatsworth, Ill, and Mrs. Ida Crofet [Crofot], of Oakland, were married by Rev. J. R. Austin, of the Oakland M.E. church. The ceremony was preformed at the home of Mrs. Crofet's daughter on State street. They left for their home in the West, Saturday evening. Mrs. Crofet, about two months ago, it is reported, answered an address in a matrimonial paper and received a prompt reply. Later, photographs were exchanged and the man came here last week, Tuesday. Mrs. Crofet met him at the depot. He had a red and white ribbon on the lapel of his coat and she had the same on her dress. Mrs. Crofet is a good-looking widow and Mr. Prater is a prosperous Western man.
Rush - Photographer Roberts leaves for New Milford, November 1st, closing his studio here at that time.
Lenox - The grange fair was very much of a success notwithstanding the day was so unpleasant. A net profit of $130 was realized. State Master Hill was present and showed his shrewdness not only in his fine speech, but also in selecting the lucky number on the clock and in guessing on a can of beans by which he won the jardinière. The oil painting was drawn by J. L. Tower, of Hop Bottom, and the $5 gold piece by G. N. Bennett.
Springville - Mrs. Mowry, of Meshoppen, brought her grandmother, Mrs. Overfield, home to her daughter's, Mrs. Warren Dunlap's, Saturday. On going to the barn Sunday a.m. they found her horse dead. She also received a telegram that her father, Mr. Bunnell, was dead. Deceased was Mrs. Dunlap's brother, and resided near Meshoppen.
Brooklyn - A. Ely raised 170 1/2 bushels of corn to the acre this year. AND Mrs. S. B. Eldridge has returned from New York with all the latest styles of ladies hats. Her shop is profusely decorated with autumn leaves and plants.
Uniondale - Last Saturday, as Lewis Norton was driving home from Forest City towards evening, he met with an accident that nearly cost him his life. At Stillwater a telephone wire had fallen across the road which he did not notice; as he came to it the horses were trotting along and the wire struck him on the throat just below the chin, dragging him over the seat into the back part of the wagon. The horses went on about 1 mile before he could recover his seat and get the lines. The cut was bleeding badly and the neck swollen when he reached H. J. Orce's, where he stopped and had the wound dressed. He was also bruised by the fall.
Heart Lake - L. O. Farrar, Sup't of Mountain Ice Co., is busy with his men, making extensive repairs on their large ice houses here.
Tunkhannock - A small epidemic of the itch has appeared in the public schools at this place. At a meeting of the school board one day last week the principal met with them and stated the facts. A doctor was appointed to examine the children and on his report several children were excluded from the school until such time as they could prove they were cured.
Forest City - Foreign-born residents who have not become citizens of the United States should remember that they must take out a license before hunting in this state. The fine for a non-citizen or non-resident hunting is $25. AND There is a project on foot to organize a state bank here. One of those interested in the movement stated that the capital stock of the institution would be placed at $50,000 and that already there had been a number of subscriptions pledged.
News Brief: Hereafter, clergymen performing marriage ceremonies cannot keep it a secret for a little while, when requested to do so by the contracting parties, without violating a new law which went into effect Sept. 1. This law compels every clergyman, within 24 hours after performing a marriage, to record the names and other specified particulars in the city or town clerk's office. The law was passed to prevent secret marriages.
Compiled By: Betty Smith