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October 18 1918/2018

With Our Boys in the Field: Corp. Orson L. Sloat, of Oakland, was severely wounded in France on Sept. 4, a member of the 110th Infantry; Lieut. Roswell Watrous, age 29, of Montrose, succumbed to Spanish influenza at the Walter Reed hospital in Washington; Pvt. Edwin S. Stephens, of Great Bend, died Sept. 2, of pneumonia, somewhere in France; Sgt. Wm. Quinlivan, writes that he will see a lot of France because his company will be building roads and all kinds of engineering work.

Uniondale – Nine members of the home John Burdick are ill with Spanish influenza. There are about 20 cases of the influenza in town and some cases of pneumonia. Mrs. E.L. Avery and Mrs. Eugene Deming are reported very low.

Brooklyn – Miss Hazel Bennett, a trained nurse, has enlisted in the service of the United States army.  She is spending a few days with her parents, here, but expects to be called early next week to one of the camps.

Thompson – Help being so scarce at the Borden plant, owing to so many of the employees having influenza, that they have dispensed with bottling the milk for the present.

East Rush – The neighbors and friends of Myron Crisman gathered at his place and cut his corn and filled his silo, buzzed wood, dug but the most of his potatoes and raked up most of his buckwheat. About 35 men and women were there. Mr. Crisman is not improving very fast.

Hallstead – The number of men from this community in the service is ninety.

Harford – Several people here are on the sick list. Schools are closed, churches are closed and the doctors are kept busy.

Auburn – William Russell, one of the oldest residents of this place, passed peacefully away at the Auburn and Rush poor asylum, September 25. The remains were interred by the side of his parents in the Quick cemetery. He was born April 20, 1826, his age being 92 years, 5 months, 5 days. For a number of years he had been entirely deaf and blind, there was no possible way of communicating with him and he was probably wholly unaware of any of the events that were transpiring either at home or in the world at large and probably did not know where he was. He never married and had no living relatives since the death of his brother F.E. Russell, 13 years ago, who also died without issue.  His entire life was spent here with the exception of a few years when he operated a fruit farm at Vineland, NJ.

Dimock – People were grieved to learn this week that Perry Mills, his wife and child, former residents of this place, but who had resided in New York the past year or so, had all been summoned by death—being victims of the influenza. He was a son of Mrs. Arthur Mills.

Forest City – Forest City is being visited by an epidemic of the influenza which is prevailing throughout the country. Many homes have members afflicted with the malady and there have been several deaths from pneumonia which seems in many cases to follow the ailment. The doctors have been working night and day.  It is reported that there have been 650 cases of the disease.

Susquehanna – Prof. Dunlap, of Susquehanna, gave a fine exhibition of bicycle riding at Uniondale the other day, and the girls of that locality were so highly pleased with his performance that they request us to tender their thanks and congratulations to the artist. The professor claims that he would have done better had the ground been more even but the steep grade of the street combined with his anxiety to please the girls, made his bicycle so unmanageable that the performance was as trying to his nerve and muscle as it was gratifying to the interested spectators.

Elkdale – The school has been closed indefinitely on account of the epidemic.

Influenza comes suddenly. It is characterized by fever of varying degrees of 101 to 104 degrees, headache and pains in the back, bones, and joints, frequently chilliness, general indisposition, flushed face, some soreness of the throat and the eyes somewhat reddened. The headache, pains in the back and joints, prostration and fever constitute the chief and outstanding symptoms. Loss of appetite is also present, and there may be vomiting at the onset of the disease, and this vomiting may be frequently repeated. In robust and well-nourished individuals the attack is, as a rule, fairly mild and rapidly subsides after the second or third day, terminating in most all instances after a duration of three or four days. The tendency toward the development of bronchial pneumonia, as a complication, has been observed among cases as a rule, who had been up and about and tried to fight off the attack. The treatment must be confinement to the house—to bed, if possible—and resting there until the fever has been controlled. The diet must be light, chiefly milk; there must be warmth and plenty of fresh air. Laxatives are needed to eliminate the infection from the intestinal canal. The patient should be isolated in a room by themselves. Everything used by him—handkerchiefs, towels, dishes, etc.—disinfected before being handled by others in the household.  See a doctor and be careful in convalescence.

News Brief: We cannot recall a time when there was even one-half so much death and sorrow as at present. While the war is awful, the influenza is proving a scourge. While the bullet or shell claim one the epidemic sweeps away dozens, perhaps hundreds. But this is a time for courage—those blessed with health must minister to those in trouble. “Human courage should rise to the heights of human calamity.”

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, October 17, 1818.

*Samuel Gregory is elected Sheriff by a majority of between 4 & 5 hundred and Philander Stephens, Commissioner, with little or no opposition.

*FULLING & CARDING. The subscriber informs the publick that he has commenced the business of Cloth Dressing and Wool Carding at his old stand on Martin Creek where every attention will be paid to render satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. Cash or produce will be required when cloth is taken away. JOHN KINGSLEY. Those who are indebted to the subscriber will please to call and settle without delay Harford, Aug. 8th 1818. N.B. Cloth will be received at the Store of Herrick & Fordham, in Montrose, with written directions for dressing, and returned there when dressed.

*CLOTH FULLING, DYING & DRESSING. The subscribers inform the public that they have commenced Cloth Dressing, at their stand in Rush, on the Wyalusing, formerly occupied by Amos Fairman; said work will be done by a well experienced workman from Connecticut. Cloth will be received with written directions at the store of Herrick & Fordham where it will be returned when dressed. N.B. a deduction of 12 ½ per cent will be made from the customary prices for ready pay. All kinds of produce will be taken in payment. I.H. ROSS, AUSTIN JONESRush, Oct. 8, 1818.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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