Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
October 17 1902/2002
Rush - Take heed, all ye fair maids and mistresses, brave youths and gentlemen! On Friday evening, Oct. 31st, at Jack-'o-lantern light, will gather in the lower room of Trinity church, those spirits of the air which are wont thus to gather on All Hallow E'en. All people are asked to come and join their revels, but lest some spell be cast upon you, maids and mistresses bring in your hand this charm:--A box wrapped in a paper of color brown, and in this box 2 pieces of pumpkin or apple pie, 2 fair-cheeked apples, 2 slices of bread and butter, 2 pieces of plain cake and nuts for two, and youths and men carry in your pockets some pieces of silver that ye may not be spirited away. Once more we say thee, come! Signed-"Witches of the Night."
New Milford - An extra freight train running east was wrecked at a point a few miles west of this place Monday morning. The accident was caused by the breaking of an air hose; several cars containing merchandise were demolished, but no lives were lost.
Little Meadows - Graves and Bow Bridge schools, which have been closed on account of Diphtheria in the vicinity, both opened again recently much to the satisfaction of the teachers. AND The Neville school house, number 4, caught fire recently and must certainly have burned but for Mr. Baker, who luckily happened to be passing, saw the smoke and succeeded in extinguishing the fire.
Glenwood - P.P. Squires will draw his carp pond off on Oct. 25th. All are invited to attend and eat a carp dinner. AND Would it not be a good idea to know where our young girls go evenings?
Franklin Forks - Earl Tiffany is hard at work building his excelsior factory at Steam Hollow. AND The Epworth League will hold an experience social at Mrs. William Osborne's the first Friday evening in November. It was decided last summer that each member was to earn some money by something outside their usual work, and give that to the League. Supper will be served. Price given later.
Middletown - Thos. Golden bought a colt to mate his, now drives a span of 2 year olds, weighing 20 hundred.
Lathrop - Mrs. Dennis Johnson had her breast bone broken by a barn door which she and her daughter were trying to replace on the track, and which lost its balance, falling over on her shoulders and bending her with force to produce the fracture as above noted. Dr. Decker, of Nicholson, was called and reduced the fracture. Mrs. Johnson, being 74 years old, the injury is more serious than if she were younger.
Kingsley - The D.L.&W. Railroad company have been making decided improvements at Kingsley station and their grounds, tracks, buildings and water ways have all been remodeled and greatly changed for the better. A force of more than 50 men have been employed since early in the season at a cost of $5,000, erecting new buildings, moving the station, changing the tracks and building a new storage reservoir, and in many other ways changing the entire property at that point.
Brooklyn - A patent has been issued to Wm. L. Sterling, of Brooklyn, for an attachment for wagon endboards. AND Word was received a few days ago from our State Superintendent that he had granted Brooklyn Graded School the title of "Brooklyn Township High School," which carries with it an extra appropriation from the State. Prof. M. W. Stephens has put forth strong efforts to secure this and the people of Brooklyn are to be congratulated upon having [the] teachers and [the] school having qualifications entitling them to such recognition.
Susquehanna - Rev. J. L. Williams, pastor of the Baptist church, proposes that popular meetings be held in each city and town and people express their views on the coal strike. He has called for a meeting of the editors and clergy in Susquehanna to arrange one. But one can hear people express their views, on all sides, without holding a meeting and some of the things that are said would not sound well in a church.
Montrose - Sidney W. Park, of Red Wing Minn., the youngest son of the late Dr. Ezra S. Park (who removed from Montrose to Iowa in 1858, and to Red Wing in 1862) has been visiting his many friends in the place of his nativity and childhood. He came east to attend the recent meeting of the G.A.R. Encampment at Washington, and on his way homeward stopped for a few days at Montrose. His mother was a sister of the late D. D. and N. C.Warner and there were numerous cousins to welcome him. He finds that many changes have taken place in the past 44 years, and many whom he knew in boyhood are now sleeping on the hill.
Clifford - The death of Thomas David, published last week, was a mistake. It was intended for and should have been Thomas N. Doud, one of Clifford's oldest and most highly respected citizens. He was 85 years old, formerly a very hard worker, and quite active up to within a few days of his death, Sept. 27. He leaves a wife, one of the most amiable old ladies of our town and one daughter, Mrs. Frank Bennett.
Dimock - Stang & Whitney have sold out their stone quarry in Dimock, and as Mr. Stang has the western fever, he will probably depart for the West soon.
Forest Lake - H. B. Stone was kindly remembered on Wednesday of last week by about 20 of his neighbors and friends who went to his house and assisted him in cutting his corn.
Fairdale - Names of pupils receiving 100% in spelling: Mattie Hewitt, Carrie Shelp, Wilber Hewitt, Pearl Fowler, Lee Robinson, Fannie Shelp, Lillian Rosenkrans. Those having 90% or above: Harry Clark, Carrie Shelp, Mattie Hewitt. Nellie Hewitt, teacher.
News Brief - In reply to a subscriber we would say that Miss Blackman's history gives the number of Civil War soldiers accredited to this county as 3,100 and from best possible information there are about 850 still living. Authentic figures as to the number enlisting from this county are hard to obtain, as a great many enrolled outside the county.
Compiled By: Betty Smith