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October 16 1914/2014

Brooklyn – Mrs. Sarah S. Weston, widow of E. L. Weston, died Sunday, three days after the death of her husband. While Mrs. Weston was up around the house most of the time, she had been in a precarious condition for some time, but the shock of the death of her husband no doubt hastened the end.  For years she had been taking on a superabundance of flesh, and at the time of her death weighed about 400 pounds. She was a fine specimen of physical womanhood, popular with her associates and always enjoyed a large circle of friends. Her home was one of those free and easy places of earth, where the present was enjoyed without unnecessary thought of the morrow. Bed and board were free to those in need and she lived up to the Golden Rule as near as most people were able to do. Sarah was the daughter of James Wallace Adams, who came to Brooklyn from near Milford, NJ and settled on the farm now owned by L. Bailey, west of the village. Mr. Adams married Miss Julia Geer and Mrs. Weston was the last of a family of four children born to Mr. and Mrs. Adams.  Mr. Adams was connected in an ancestral line with John Quincy Adams.

Auburn Four Corners – Miss Lora Bushnell spent last Saturday at West Point and saw the West Point-Rutgers football game.

Forest City – Forest City is to have a new vaudeville and photo play theatre which will seat 1,000 persons.  The owner, Julius Freedman, will have it made as nearly fireproof as possible, the structure being 50x100 feet and built of brick.

Oakland/Montrose – Gay Prentice Blessing, of Seattle, Wash., has invented certain new and useful improvements in telegraphic apparatus, which if used by the telegraphic companies would save them thousands of dollars and much time that is wasted. By using his invention, polarized relays may be utilized on single line wires and enable the operator at any station to reverse the polarity of the main battery to thereby actuate the armatures of the polarized relays at all stations. By this means, the efficiency of the wires would be increased by the utilization of polarized relays, especially in wet weather, and do away with the trouble now experienced, of the instruments at the way stations being out of adjustment when it rains, as by Mr. Blessing’s system the only instruments which would need to be adjusted would be those located at the battery stations where the attendants are much more skilled in this respect than the average operator. Mr. Blessing is a native of Montrose [he lived his early life in Oakland, the son of James and Sarah Blessing] and learned telegraphy when in his teens, under the late Theo. D. Lyons, and son, H. A. Lyons.  He is now a successful operator in the West, and many friends in his old home town rejoice to learn that he has been granted a patent which in time will prove of great value to the telegraphic art.

Montrose – The borough council entered into a five year contract with the Susquehanna County Light Co. for street lights. The company gave the borough the same rate previously asked under a ten-year contract, which the council accepted on a basis of all night service and at comparatively small increase in cost. Heretofore, the lights had been burned only until 1 a.m. and woe betide the chap who was not home before the lights went out.

Rush – J. M. Ervine and son are the possessors of a farm of more than 150 acres, well cultivated and stocked. They are demonstrating the fact that the country is the best place in the world in which to pursue one’s life work and that hard times can never subdue the thrifty farmer.

East Lynn – A flock of turkeys, two old hens and fifteen young ones, have roosted all summer in a grove near the house of Prof. S. S. Thomas, near Lynn station. Very diligent inquiry has failed to learn their owner. He would be very glad if the party to whom they rightfully belong could be found and get them away before cold weather.  No charge will be made if removed before they need grain.

Clifford – A. O. Finn and Miss Tressa Kenyon have decided to walk life’s road together and were married last week by their pastor. Thursday evening their friends, and they are legion, gave them a reception at their home on the Elkdale road.

Hallstead – The river is as low now as it was last year during the drought.  One can wade across in a number of places. ALSO B. B. Handrick, a well-known resident of this place died Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1914, following an illness of about five weeks, starting with pleurisy and developing into complications. His age was 78 years and this was his first and only illness.  His wife and one son, E. B. Handrick, of Hallstead, survive.

South Montrose – The slight rain of yesterday laid the dust, but was insufficient to relieve the drought to any extent. Many wells and springs are dry and great inconvenience is being felt. The South Montrose Mill Co. has to haul water to keep their big 250 horse power engine going.

Glenwood – Today is Columbus day and by golly when we look at what is doing in Europe just now we’re mighty glad he discovered us.

Jessup Twp. – F. A. Bedell and G. M. Brotzman, poormasters of the township, have a public sale advertised for Oct. 16th, to be held on the John Mills’ farm near Elk Lake.

Springville – Olin Bramhall was a recent caller in town and has been the guest of his relatives, Mrs. Lottie Blakeslee and cousins, Dr. and Mrs. Diller, of this place. Mr. Bramhall was principal of the Springville high school twenty-five years ago and, at that time, one of the best teachers in the county.  He was also a locally famous horse breeder, at that time, and was also a very zealous worker in the church.

Susquehanna – The engagement has just been announced here of Clarence E. Wright, our popular young banker, to Miss Josephine Searle of Montrose.

Silver Lake – Matthew McGraw, a life time resident of this place, who died Sunday morning after a lingering illness of a month, was buried from St. Augustine church Oct. 9, 1914, Rev. Father Dunn officiating.  Pall bearers were: Messrs. John O’Day, Morris Hannigan, John Shea, Jeremiah Mahoney, Michael Dillon and Maurice Mahoney. Mr. McGraw was respected by everyone who knew him and the community mourns the loss of a staunch, honest citizen.  He is survived by his wife, four children, two sisters and a brother.

Harford – The measles patients are nearly all able to be out again around here.

Jackson – Miss Jennie Rounds, of the Jackson telephone exchange, is spending this week with friends at Uniondale.  Miss Corabell Schermerhorn will take her place at the switchboard during her absence.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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