Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
October 16 1908/2008
Dimock - Hunters are more numerous in the woods than game.
Lynn - Apples are bringing only 60 cents per hundred, hardly worthwhile to pick them. Potatoes are worth 65 cents a bushel, and still the potato is better than the apple crop. Why don't they bring a price in proportion?
Starrucca - Angus Smith, aged 91 years, one of the early pioneers of Susquehanna Co., died at his home in Starrucca on Tuesday. He was a large manufacturer of wood acid for many years, but has been retired for some years.
Brooklyn - F. B. Jewett drove his span of grays with a carriage containing five grown persons, from Brooklyn to Foster [Hop Bottom] station, a distance of about 4 1/2 miles one day last week, in 23 minutes and let them walk up both grades and met the early train for Scranton just as it was drawing into the station. AND Ira Johnson, who is proprietor of one of the school wagons that cart the children from the Watrous district to Brooklyn, met with an accident one morning last week. He had been to Brooklyn with the children and returned to A. J. Smith's, where he was loading some apples to take to Hopbottom, when it is supposed that one of the horses kicked him. He was found unconscious beside the wagon, and remained so all day.
Montrose - D. V. Gardner's cigar store, pool and billiard rooms are now heated by steam from a thoroughly modern plant installed by J. J. Ryan & Co. "Dave's" new quarters are second to none outside of the larger cities. AND Take in Washburn's big sensation at the colonial next Monday night. Fine moving pictures and interesting vaudeville will entertain you. The show that has delighted thousands of people. Don't miss it.
North Jackson - Through the kindness of Judson Savory the Epworth League Junior Band enjoyed a straw ride to Jackson and were royally entertained at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. and Mrs. Transue. About 25 young people made up the company.
Hallstead - Charles Connor has completed a fine map of the borough, which will be used to perfect a fire alarm system for the use of the fire department.
Great Bend - A very pretty autumn wedding was solemnized at St. Lawrence church, Wednesday morning, October 7th at 10 o'clock. Rev. Father Mack performed the ceremony, which made Margaret R. Dolan, of Brookdale, the bride of Leo. Walsh, of Silver Lake. The bride was handsomely attired in white lansdown trimmed with all over silk lace and wore a white picture hat and carried a white prayer book. The brides maid was Miss Catherine Dolan, sister of the bride, who also wore cream-colored lansdown with lace trimmings, and wore a hat to match. The groom was attended by his brother, John Joseph Walsh, and both wore the conventional suit of black. Immediately after the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly presents.
Elk Lake - James Cokely will have a public sale at his farm 1 mile west of Elk Lake, Tuesday, Oct. 17, of stock, tools, and last but not least a good dog.
Flynn - The Baldwin School is closed on account of Spotted fever existing on the premises of Leroy Edwards in that district.
Uniondale - The fair at this place was a decided success. The weather was fine and there was a large attendance. A special train was sent from Susquehanna for the occasion. The exhibits were much better than were expected for the first one and the people of Uniondale looked with pride upon the interest manifested by the entire county. The races were exceedingly good and conducted so fairly that no one disputed or doubted the right of the winner.
Ararat - Mrs. N. Brooks passed away the 3rd after an illness of two weeks, caused by a stroke, which she sustained on the night of the 19th of September, in her 90th year. Again we are called upon to mourn, this time for mother. Just three weeks ago from the day we laid brother George to rest in the family plot in the cemetery, the Angel of Death called for mother, and her sweet spirit hastened to meet her Lord, whose acquaintance she made 75 years ago. Three daughters and two sons are left to mourn her absence.
Auburn Four Corners - Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Adams entertained a dinner party on Tuesday in honor of their daughter Vera's sixth birthday. The ladies finished a quilt, which little Miss Vera had pieced during the past summer.
Susquehanna - Wm. Flynn was taken to Montrose by Constable W.H. Smithurst and placed in Sheriff Pritchard's custody. Flynn was quite disorderly in the "city of stairs" and rambled all around the town exercising his vocal organs most hilariously. Justice Williams gave him 30 days.
Rush - Herbert J. Truesdell, formerly of Rush, died at the State Hospital in Binghamton on Wednesday. He had been confined to that institution for the past year and was 52 years of age. Truesdell was in the famous prosecutions against George E. Green, Broome county's Senator, a couple of years ago, he being one of the main witnesses in the celebrated case that involved the sale of time recording clocks to the government and a mixture of graft and blackmail that held the attention of the people of a large section of the country, especially in this section, during the week of the trial in Washington. Truesdell was a man of considerable wealth at one time owning one of the best and most improved farms in the county, but his money slipped through his fingers toward the last and the farm was sold to satisfy his creditors. He was possessed of a keen, bright intellect and pleasing personality.
Forest City - The Farmers And Miners National bank of this place opened for business yesterday. Thirty thousand dollars was received in deposits during the day. During the afternoon the Forest City band rendered a concert in front of the banking house. A large number of people inspected the new business place and the handsome fixtures and furniture received a good deal of attention.
News Brief: The Pennsylvania state automobile tags for 1909 will be white with black letters, instead of yellow with black letters, as now in use. The tags will be ready in December. This year the sales of automobile license tags were almost 24,000, yielding over $70,000. The bulk of this money is used for road work, such as experiments with dust layers, engineering and other expenses, after deducting the cost of the division in charge of licenses.
Compiled By: Betty Smith