Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 16 1903/2003
Flood Notes - The heavy and continuous rain for the past three days has caused trouble in this section. Friday night, the Starrucca Creek, swollen by the heavy rains, overflowed its banks and caused considerable damage in the northern end of Lanesboro. J. F. Lovelace's shop was undermined and precipitated into the stream, together with many tools. At Stevens' Point, on the Delaware and Hudson road, the flood of Friday night last washed away the ballast in such a manner as to make the rails insecure and caused the wrecking of fast freight train No. 69 Saturday night. About ten cars were ditched and more or less seriously damaged.
The first train to run through from New York to this place on the company's own tracks, in four days, arrived last night between 10 and 11 o'clock, when train one pulled into the station, says Tuesday's Susquehanna Transcript. The mail and express were no heavier than on ordinary trains, as they had been transferred. The tracks are in the worst condition ever known in the history of the road. It will be necessary to rebuild nearly the whole road on the Eastern division. Only one track is open and the eastbound trains are still run over the Lehigh from Waverly.
At Thomson early Saturday morning Conductor Becker's train was wrecked and half a dozen cars were badly damaged.
Forest City escaped comparatively easy, but both the trolley lines and railroads were forced to quit business for a couple of days to the great inconvenience of the public in general. The mines were also flooded.
John Madigan, of Lanesboro, attempted to drive across the Starrucca creek and with his team was swept into the river from which he and his horses were rescued with great difficulty. Mrs. L. Armstrong, who was ill with typhoid fever at her home, near the D & H station, was taken from her bed in a boat over the same creek. Sunday no teams were permitted to cross the Susquehanna and Oakland bridge, but it was found to be intact when the flood had subsided. Great damage was done to the summer cottages at Columbian Grove. The river, on Sunday, was within eight inches of the high water record made in 1865 and was at the highest point ever reached with the rise due to rainfall only. For two days there was no telegraphic communication between this place and Scranton, Philadelphia and New York.
South Montrose - The local telephone has again been installed in the store of L. W. Moody.
New Milford - The new Pratt public library building will not be opened until spring. This has been decided by Colonel and Mrs. Pratt to be the best course possible, owing to the condition of the building, which is not yet completed. The delay occasioned in the beginning, owing to the contractor not being able to secure material, made it necessary for a change in the plans of the opening. The library has been re-opened in the old building and its patrons will there find plenty of the latest and best productions of the popular authors. In the spring the new building will receive the finishing touches and the grounds laid out and beautified.
Forest Lake - Bradley Fessenden, of Hibbing, Minn., is visiting his brother, Charles and others, whom he has not met in 40 years.
Lawton - Thos. McManus, while driving to Middletown Centre recently, met with an almost fatal accident. The horse became frightened while Mr. McManus was talking to some friends and ran away, throwing Mr. McManus out of the carriage. The horse was caught by one of the neighbors at that place and Mr. McManus was obliged to stay there all night.
Hallstead - There is lively times among the school principals in Susquehanna county this year. Prof. A. C. Paul has now resigned the principalship of the Oakland graded school to accept the principalship of the Hallstead schools, and entered up on his new duties. The Oakland School Board, at a meeting held on Monday evening, decided to advertise for a principal and defer the selection for one week.
Silver Lake - While in attendance at a funeral near Silver Lake, the team attached to Billings & Co's hearse ran away and damaged the body of the vehicle, the thick plate glass sides being shattered. It occurred after the house had been reached and the contents removed and was caused by hogs that suddenly frightened the team, unpreventable.
Montrose/Harford - Andrew Mead, for many years with Cooley & Son, has purchased the tinning and plumbing business of Omar Jackson, Harford, and will remove there at once. Mr. Jackson, becoming the owner of Mr. Mead's house and lot in Montrose in the transaction. Mr. Mead is an energetic, competent tradesman, enjoying the fullest confidence of a lot of friends here. We bespeak for him success.
Springville - School was closed on Friday evening and will remain closed until after the Montrose Institute, as two little girls of Arthur Tuttle, have been sick with scarlatina, or scarlet fever, so there would be no danger with other children.
Gibson - J. G. Manzer celebrated his 81st birthday September 28. About 50 of his friends and neighbors met with him to help him enjoy it. A fine dinner was served by the ladies and they spent a very pleasant day visiting, telling stories and playing games. After dinner Charles H. Manzer, of South Gibson, assisted by Henry Sumner, of New Milford, made a short speech and presented him with a purse of money as a token of respect by those present.
Mud Lake, Silver Lake Twp. - Timothy Sullivan has been appointed postmaster at Mud Lake.
Thomson - F. D. Wrighter has taken possession of the Jefferson House.
Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. - Mr. George LaSure has taken the road to build from Rhiney Creek to the road that goes to Conklin Forks. When it is finished it will make it only about eight miles to Binghamton.
South Montrose - E. C. Wells recently lost his old "Prince" horse because of old age.
Compiled By: Betty Smith