Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 13 1922/2022
Jackson – Oct. 21, 1922 will be a big day in the history of North Jackson when the anniversary of the establishment of the First M. E. Church and an “Old Home Coming Day” will be observed. Several former pastors will be present and at the noon hour “ye old time eats” will be provided, in abundance, by the ladies of the church.
Springville – The Literary Society of Springville high school will give a free program in the community building, Thursday evening, October 12th. Afterward there will be an ice cream social and parcel post sale for the benefit of the senior class.
Fairdale – On account of the fox hunt at Birchardville and celebration at Rush, on Saturday, October 14th, the Grange dinner, which was to be held that day, is postponed indefinitely.
Harford – Work is progressing nicely on the new road from Harford to Kingsley. ALSO An old resident of Harford was laid to rest on Tuesday morning in Harford cemetery. Dr. Sylvester Carpenter, who died at Clarks Summit, Saturday, was buried beside his wife in the family lot. His daughter, Miss Gertrude, and her friend, Miss Shaw, were present from Port Jervis.
Alford – A porch picnic dinner was enjoyed on Rev. Hubbard’s porch on Wednesday. All enjoyed the chicken dinner very much.
Montrose – About fifty pupils from the Montrose high school motored to Meshoppen, Saturday, and witnessed the foot ball game between Meshoppen high school and the Montrose high school, the score being 0-0.
Middletown – October 1, 1922, at home, occurred the death of John T. Jones. In the death of Mr. Jones the community loses one of its very best men, always public-spirited and any movement for the betterment of the community always received his best efforts. Although a long and patient sufferer, being confined to his bed for about five years, he always kept abreast of the times and always had a pleasant smile and hearty welcome for all, being a model neighbor. It can be truly said of Mr. Jones that any neighbor wanting his assistance was never refused even at a sacrifice to himself. So why would not a community mourn the loss of such a man.
Ararat – Marvin Price is working on the new bridge near Gelatt, where the other bridge was destroyed in the flood. It will be a long time before it is completed. ALSO Messrs Scott, Smith, Bushnell and A. Brooks were the only men attending the cemetery bee last week. They, with the assistance of Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Scott, placed all the cement posts at the corners of lots, which are for sale. Dinner was served at the home of Mrs. Floyd Sartell. The cemetery looks fine, but a little more co-operation among friends who have lots in the cemetery, in donating work or money, would enable the women’s committee to make the place more beautiful.
East Rush – Our boys feel pretty proud over winning of the silver cup in the series of base ball played this season.
Auburn Twp. – The South Auburn Grangers are planning a Halloween masquerade social in the near future. Particulars given at the next meeting.
Cider Making – We are ready to make cider, one mile east of South Montrose, at the Ralph Roberts farm, on the detour road to Dimock. H. D. Griffis and Ralph Roberts.
Brooklyn – Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Miller entertained about twenty friends from this place and Hop Bottom at the Scout Camp at Ely Lake on Monday evening. Dancing and cards were enjoyed and dainty refreshments served. ALSO Mr. Watrous has his house on the new foundation on the east side of Maple Street. J. W. Bunnell, of Dimock, has had charge of the moving.
Great Bend Plaindealer of Oct, 6 – The saw mill and a large quantity of lumber belonging to Miles Rickard & Son, on the Windsor road, was destroyed by fire about 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon. Clair Rickard discovered the blaze and gave the alarm. The neighbors responded and many from town answered the call for help. The fire burned rapidly and the workers, securing water from a nearby creek, endeavored to save the burning building and lumber, but it was impossible. Much new machinery had recently been installed, and this, together with 50,000 feet of finished lumber was destroyed. The loss amounts to $6,000.
Forest City - J. J. Newberry, who has a five and ten cent store here, has opened his thirty-second store. The latest is at Newton. Mr.Newberry is a former resident of Stroudsburg, and has made wonderful strides in the mercantile line. ALSO The State Firemen’s Convention is being held in Harrisburg. Michael Skubic will represent Hillside Company. Thomas Jurasko was chosen to represent the Enterprise Company, with John C. Murray as alternate.
Drought – One of the longest drought periods on record in this part of the country was broken Saturday by a soaking down-pour, which continued into the next day and again on Tuesday. As a result of the twenty-five days without rain fall many of the streams dried up and springs and wells that had never before failed went dry. It will take several days of soaking rain to prepare the soil for the winter’s water supply on many farms. Many forest fires were raging and the rain saved many young trees. A fire south of Montrose was in progress; also fires north of Alford and the vicinity of Forest City, Herrick and many other places.
Compiled By: Betty Smith