Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 13 1911/2011
Forest Lake - A. B. Cook, of Philadelphia, foreman of the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. corps, which is at work improving the lines in this section, has the clay pigeon shooter beaten for results. Monday afternoon a flock of 17 ducks rested on the lake and Mr. Cook secured a gun and went gunning. He bagged 14 of the birds. Taking them to the boarding place at Jefferson Green's, they were appetizingly prepared and hungry linemen enjoyed a game supper.
Elk Lake - Messorle Bros., of Springville, have placed new roofs on Miss Arnold's house, the Grange Hall and the new porches of E. B. Smith's house.
West Auburn - Allen Jayne has nearly finished picking his large apple crop. We are informed that he is shipping the crop to Philadelphia to be placed in cold storage. ALSO the new State road is now completed from Laceyville up the Tuscarora creek to the Bradford county line. It is hoped to extend it further up the creek to Susquehanna county. It will be a great advantage to the people of this section. In South Auburn Leon Champluvier, who left some time ago for his native land, France, on the Lusitania, arrived safely and will spend some time with realtives before returning.
Brooklyn - Mrs. S. B. Eldridge, who spent some time in the city studying fall styles, returned a few days ago and had a very successful opening of her millinery parlors on Monday. Light refreshments were served. ALSO Isaac Van Auken, aged 83, had a narrow escape from death. Mr. Van Auken, who assists C. A. Rozell, the gardner, was taking a load of produce to Lathrop, driving a single horse. The animal became frightened near a bridge below the Saunders farm by a blanket becomming entangled in the horse's feet. While attempting to disengage the blanket with one hand and guide the horse with the other, the frenzied animal suddenly lurched to one side, throwing Mr. Van Auken to the floor of the bridge, while the horse and loaded wagon careened over the side of the bridge into the water. The wagon was turned upside down, while the horse lay on its back in the creek, but strange to say no particular injury was done to any of the participants in the mix-up/ Barring a slight lameness, the aged driver was at work the following day. Mr. and Mrs. Van Auken recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary and both are enjoying remarkably good health for their years.
Lynn, Springville Twp - Ralph Loomis, a 15-year-old schoolboy, som of A. K. Loomis, shot and killed a large gray fox about 9 o'clock in the evening. It was prowling in the neighborhood of the poultry yard.
Forest City - Forest City will vote at the coming election on the proposition of a bonf issue to construct and erect a surface water system and make extensions to the sanitary sewer in that borough. The sum to be raised is $8,000.
Alford - Work was started this week on the new depot to be built by the Lackawanna railroad, burned some months ago by contact with telegraph wires which had become charged by electric wires. The depot will be constructed of concrete and stone. It is expected the building will be completed before cold weather.
Montrose - Manager Frank Caruso, of the Cnic, desires to state that through no fault of his the picture prohibited to be shown in the best nickelets in America, was placed on canvas here Saturday evening. It was taken off as quickly as discovered. Mr. Caruso's purpose is far from giving offense, and when pictures are condemned the operator will cut them out, when requested to do so.
Choconut - Jerome Donnelly was a lucky man last Saturday. at the drawing held for the benefit of Mrs. Thomas Donnelly he won a pig for guessing the number of beans in a bottle.
Fairdale - Wm. McLeod received a violent kick from a horse while feeding his stock and had it not been for his faithful dog, he thinks it possible that he might have been killed. The blow glanced from his shoulder, striking his jaw, rendering him unconscious and his dog stood guard, barking feriously, keeping the horse at bay and attracting assistance. It was found that Mr. Mcleod's jaw was badly fractured.
Susquehanna - Charles Roney will run for Sheriff as a Prohibition Candidate. He was born in Susquehanna in 1851. His father and mother, Charles and Mary Roney, came to Susquehanna in 1847, from Baltimore, MD. His father was one of the first engineers to run out of Susquehanna and died when Charles was five years old, leaving a wife and six children. Charles attended school lat Susquehanna and at the age of 14 went to work in the Erie shops and started to learn the machinist trade at the age of 17. He has worked all through the West and South, but for the past 21 years has worked for the D.L.&W. RR at Hallstead. Mr. Roney says he has made no pledges to any man and can honestly say, if elected sheriff, that he will be governed by the law and by no party boss.
Ararat - The Jefferson Railroad (branch of the Erie), which passes through this township finds its highest point near Ararat Summit. This point is said to be the highest altitude reached by any regular standard railroad in the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains.
Birchardville - Chas. A. Golden and family are visiting at T. H. Golden's. Charles is one of our boys who went to the Metropolis to carve out his fortune and has made good. He operates one of the fire engines of New York City.
Thompson - At the Freewill Baptist church on Sunday, a silver collection was taken by the Baptist society to be sent to Mrs. H. R. Terry, of Missouri. Mrs. Terry is a missionary preacher in destitute circumstances, owing to the failure of crops in that vicinity. She recently lost her husband, who was also a missionary and she has taken up his line of work and is carrying it out quite successfully.
News Brief - William A. Lewis, a body guard of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, and policeman at that White House with a doorkeeper's duties for 35 years, died at Washington last week. He was 85 years of age, the oldest policeman on active duty.
Compiled By: Betty Smith