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October 12 1906/2006

Montrose - The younger generation, if methodical enough to keep diaries, can write yesterday down as having one of the severest snowstorms for the time of the year in a generation at least. The storm was general, extending over portions of Pennsylvania and New York. In Montrose it is estimated that four inches of snow fell, which probably exceeds the average fall in other sections. The mercury registered from 30 to 45 degrees, but this morning the outlook is for warmer weather, the snow fast disappearing under Old Sol's welcome rays. It is not thought the apple crop is affected, although there is much fruit on the trees. Several have spoken of their remembering a fall of snow covering the ground when the apples were unpicked, which furnished a novel and easy method to gather them. Men and boys simply climbed the trees and shook them off into the soft carpeting of snow. They were as unharmed as though handpicked, the only bruises they received being from contact with the limbs.

Harford - Next year is the 50th anniversary of the Harford Agricultural Society. The management is already planning to have a three days' carnival and home-coming celebration in honor of the event. AND Isaac Rynearson, one of the oldest and most respected citizens, died on Sept. 29, at the home of his son, A. H. Rynearson. Mr. Rynearson was born in 1819 and had lived at Harford the greater part of his life. He was of revolutionary descent, his grandfather being a survivor of the Wyoming massacre and saved his life by swimming the Susquehanna river.

Tunkhannock - Marshall W. Reynolds, the well-known Tunkhannock football player, has been engaged to coach the University of Pennsylvania eleven. Reynolds was the star player of that institution a couple of years ago, but was barred out last year.

Lawsville - James Mahoney, a farmer residing near Lawsville, while working around horses in the lumber yards of C. D. Middlebrook & Co., in Binghamton, late Thursday afternoon of last week, was kicked in the face and rendered unconscious for some time. He was so dazed by the blow that he could not remember where he was or what he was doing at the time. Neither could he tell whether his wife came to the city with him or not. Meanwhile his team was taken to a stable and while on the way were seen by his wife, who hurried to the scene of the accident. After the wounds were dressed and he had recovered consciousness, Mahoney was taken to the home of a brother residing in that city, on Clinton St., and has since completely recuperated from the accident.

Hallstead - The Lackawanna Railroad Co. engineers have been at work recently laying out the route by which a spur will be built across the river from the main line in Hallstead to a point near the Penn'a Tanning Co.'s plant in great Bend. A bridge will be built on the site of the former bridge and the grade already established will be utilized. A track is already in use as far as the river. Such a branch will be a great convenience to the citizens of both towns and will be a paying investment for the D.L. & W. Co.

Brooklyn - Hon. J.H. W. Adams attended the dedication of the new capitol at Harrisburg, last week.

Dimock - L. F. Thornton is digging and laying the cellar wall for his store building in town, which he will fill with a fine and large stock of new goods from the city, in the early winter.

Thompson - Guss Burns is doing the races at Starrucca with his fast bay, these racing days.

Clifford - The book club has received their first installment of winter reading and will begin at once to burn the midnight oil. Each member has a book selected. Every two weeks they are to change, in a manner prearranged, until all have read all the books, then each one receives the book selected as their own.

Susquehanna - In accordance with advice of Bishop Hoban, delivered to the priests of the Scranton diocese at their annual retreat at Glen Summit early in the summer, they will put into effect some time this month, the order of Pope Pius, that male voices only be allowed to sing the masses in the church choirs. It is expected that the Gregorian music will be used in St. John' church, Susquehanna, on Sunday, Oct. 21, the beginning of the Forty Hours' Devotions. A number of young men are now under instruction, and it is expected that the music in St. John's church will continue to be classed among the best in the diocese.

Uniondale - Frank Westgate delivered a car load of coal to the town people last week. He is also building, in front of W. Morgan's blacksmith shop, and against the switch bridge, a building 60 ft. long to be used for storing wagons and farm implements. Charles Coleman, Jr. and Mr. Entrot, of Fiddle Lake, are the architects and they have made quite a showing in the construction.

New Milford - The neighbors of Mrs. A. E. Brink met at her home Friday afternoon to make a carpet, she being unable to do it, as she has the use of but one hand. Ice cream and cake was served and a good time enjoyed. Won't some one ask us to make another carpet, please?

Middletown Twp. - If something does not occur to stem the tide of emigration of young ladies from this place, in a few years hence Middletown will be a colony of old bachelors. AND Thursday last, while threshing at M.W. Conboy's, the engine run by Wood & Jones blew off the cylinder head. Threshing is at a stand still until such time as will be required for new fixtures to arrive; as none of the attendants were injured, Mr. Wood, like the good Christian man he is, took it as a joke.

Forest City - The carpenters began laying the foundation timbers on the First Methodist Church and the work will be pushed rapidly. It is expected that in a few weeks the basement will be ready for occupancy.

Heart Lake - Master Homer Cobb, aged 10, picked from trees, 17 bushels of apples before half past three p.m. He had planned to pick 20 bushels in all and would have easily done it, had not the rain come and stopped him. He picked two trees clean, moving his own ladder and emptying his own basket.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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