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October 11 1917/2017

Montrose – Montrose has three brothers, all living, and all having spent practically their whole lives here, who served in the Civil War, all seeing actual service on the battlefield. They are ex-Postmaster Edson S. Warner, aged 83; Fletcher Warner, age 80 and Capt. Chas. N. Warner, age 78. They were the three sons of a family of seven children of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Warner and spent their childhood days on the homestead farm, in Bridgewater township, just east of Montrose, near Jones’ Lake, now called Lake Montrose. Edson, the first day out of Camp Curtin, was severely injured, having an arm crushed by a supply train wagon, which overturned. He came very near losing this member—in fact the arm would have been amputated had not one young army surgeon persisted in an effort to save it, and his effort proved successful. When he had recovered he returned to the service.  Fletcher was wounded at the battle at South Mountain, in 1862, having one of his ankle bones severed by a Rebel bullet. The wound bled profusely, and he came near losing his life. His brother, Capt. Chas. N. Warner, who was in another company, also in the battle, heard that his brother had been wounded and came to his assistance.  The wounded man was carried to a barn, and after much trouble a surgeon was secured. The number of surgeons was greatly inadequate to the needs of the Union army during the Civil War. His wounds were dressed and the patient taken to the hospital.  Capt. Chas. N. Warner, the youngest of the three, was a graduate of West Point, we believe the only West Point man in the county today.  Upon leaving West Point, he was made a Captain. Ex-Postmaster Edson Warner was also promoted to the rank of Captain. [Brian R. McEnany published his book For Brotherhood & Duty: The Civil War History of the West Point Class of 1862, on 2015, after years of researching the members of this class. Charles N. Warner, Montrose, was an 1862 graduate and his letters and diaries, from 1859 to 1865, were studied by Mr. McEnany and used for this book. McEnany was a graduate of the West Point class of 1962. He received the Eugene Feit Award for Civil War History in 2016.]

Herrick Center – Peter Clark, aged 64 years, died on Spt. 26, at Flynn’s hotel, where he had lived for the past few years. He had been a resident of this town for many years, being foreman of the Erie section hands for several years. He was unmarried and is survived by one sister, Mrs. Kate Kelly. The funeral was held at the Catholic church, Pleasant Mount, and interment at same.

East Great Bend – Lieut. Fred Brush has been appointed executive medical officer of the U. S. naval training station at Pelham Bay, NY, where thousands of seamen are being consistently trained.

Hallstead – Eugene F. Wilmot was formerly the conductor on the Montrose branch of the Lackawanna, but for the past seven years has lived in Hallstead, where he resided previous to coming to Montrose.  His health has not been good for some months past, but “gene” as always, puts his best foot forward and “puts all his troubles in his old kit pack, and smiles.”

Dimock – Leslie Barnes, who moved to Wilkes-Barre last spring, has purchased the blacksmith shop of his father here and will soon move back to his own home when vacated by Cecil Treible, who will move to Tunkhannock and will work in the lumber woods. ALSO W.J. Cronk has built a large addition to his feed store.

Jefferson Junction – A disastrous wreck, due to a rear-end crash, occurred on the D&H railroad at this place, Saturday morning, due it is stated to the mistake of the tower man at Stevens’ Point. Seven cars were burned, a number of others piled up in a mess covering both tracks, and the engine of one of the fast freights badly smashed and turned over on its side on the southbound track. The train crews escaped without injury by jumping through conductor London and a brakeman who were in the caboose of the coal train, [and] had an exceedingly close call.

Dundaff– Misses Florence Morgan and Helen Bond and Messrs. Ryan Cobb and Harry Millard, were victims of an automobile accident at Johnson City, Sunday afternoon. Something went wrong with the brakes and as a result the car toppled over twice, but fortunately the occupants were thrown out. Miss Morgan sustained a severe cut on the head requiring 26 stitches to bring to place. Miss Bond received a bad cut over the eye. Mr. Cobb was picked up in an unconscious condition. He received cuts about the face. Mr. Millard was not injured but was badly shocked. The ladies were removed at once to a hospital in Binghamton where their injuries were cared for. Messrs. Millard and ‘Cobb returned home late Sunday evening. The young ladies are still in the hospital, but from reports are doing as well as can be expected. [Another newspaper has three of the occupants from Uniondale and Ryan Cobb from Carbondale. Also Helen Bond was listed as Helen Barnes.]

Susquehanna – John B. Waidler, Edward J. Cruise, John C. Rifenbury, Harry Thomas Casey, Max Eugene Norton, Victor A. Hurley and Robert Bernard Johnson, all of this place, will leave for Camp Meade, Maryland, Friday October 12, 1917.

North Bridgewater – A double wedding was solemnized last Saturday evening, Oct. 6, 1917, at the Baptist parsonage, by Rev. Claude G. Langford, when Mr. Geo. B. Holbrook and Miss Mary E. Pickering, and Mrs. Enoch C. Holbrook and Miss Lillis H. Strang were united in matrimony. They are among the most popular young people of North Bridgewater, and are receiving congratulations from a host of friends.

Springville – Davis Layton, Tennyson Messerole and Storm Kilts started Monday morning for California. They will make the trip by auto. They have taken tent and all the paraphernalia for such a trip. Expect to be about a month on the way.

News Brief: The post office department has issued these instructions: “Postmasters shall, on and after November 2, see that postage is paid at the rate of three cents an ounce or fraction thereof on letters and other first class matter, except drop letters and foreign mail. Postal cards are required to be prepaid two cents and therefore the one cent postal cards must have a one cent postage stamp affixed to them in addition to the one-cent stamp impressed on each card. Post Cards (private mailing cads) bearing written messages must have two cents postage prepaid on them.”

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, October 11, 1817.

*Regimental Orders. The Regimental staff and commissioned officers of the 76th Regiment Pennsylvania Militia are directed to meet at Edward Fullers Montrose on Monday the 20th of October next at ten o’clock A.M. for the purpose of military discipline agreeable to the 16th section of the militia law of this Commonwealth. FREDK. BAILEY Col. 76th Regt., P.M. September 18, 1817.

*A PIOUS TRAP INDEED!! The federalists in Luzerne County have nominated George Lane, who we understand is a Methodist preacher, for member of Assembly, in hopes thereby to gull those of that sect to vote for their candidate.  Now, gentlemen, this will not go down with the Methodists in this County; as they are almost to a man Democratical Republicans; and, although they may admire M. Lane’s religious sentiments, they do not feel disposed to join with him in politics, at least not until he renounces his federal principles. Therefore, gentlemen, you might as well keep your pious electioneer’s at home.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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