Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
October 11 1901/2001
Hallstead - Dr. C. W. Caterson of Franklin Forks, was stopping at the home of Willis Ingraham last Friday extracting teeth for a number of people. He expects to be there one day in every week until further notice. Any one wishing painless extracting done will do well to give him a call at the home of Willis Ingraham on upper Pine street, Hallstead.
Brooklyn - Mr. G. B. Rogers celebrated his 80th birthday at the home of William Morgan on Lincoln St., Dickson City, where he was visiting. The evening was pleasantly spent with stories of Mr. Rogers' younger days and music. All departed after singing "God Be With Us Till We Meet Again." There were four generations represented at the gathering. Although Mr. Rogers has lived 80 summers, he is a hale old man yet and still works his farm himself.
Susquehanna - The Erie was opened through to Elmira 52 years ago on Thursday last. The railroad will be petitioned to have the westbound train, leaving here at 7 A.M., kept on the road. It is a very convenient train for people leaving Susquehanna and Great Bend for Binghamton and points on the Susquehanna division. AND Miss Isabelle Kittell, who recently entered the New York Conservatory of Music, to study voice culture and instrumental music, is the composer of a gem two-step called "The Susquehanna Two-step," which has received favorable comment.
St. Joseph -The Rt. Rev. M. J. Hoban paid his visit here Sunday, Sept. 22d. He administered the sacrament of Confirmation to a class of 153, two adults being among the number. The Bishop was assisted by Frs. J. J. Lally, pastor of the Church, his assistant, Fr. S. O'Boyle and Fr. Driscoll of Friendsville. The little church could not hold one-half of those who came to greet Bishop Hoban on the auspicious occasion. The Bishop presented each child confirmed with a small medal as a memento of his second visit to the parish. The children were neatly dressed, the girls all wearing white, and some with wreaths or crowns. The day was beautiful and will be long remembered by all. Great credit is due the popular pastor, Fr. Lally, who with untiring zeal for many weeks prior to the event, instructed the children most carefully.
Springville - A certain boy took the liberty to stone M. L. Allyn's house Monday night, breaking a large glass. That boy had better settle and save trouble, for he is well known.
Harford - Eloise McConnell, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Hugh McConnell, was married on Thursday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Paul Sherwood in Wilkes-Barre, to Mr. Kniffen of that city. Mr. McConnell and family attended the wedding.
East Rush - The rain Sunday morning kept many away from services. The Pastor H. B. Burns wishes the people to remember that rain will not prevent his coming. If the pastor can drive 3 miles in the rain, surely the people ought not to stay away. AND In Lawton the farmers of this locality are becoming quite enthusiastic over the Grange organization. Their membership at present is nearly 100. It is time that this class of men should awake from their lethargy and organize against the monopolies. This is the last and only resort for the farmers who are threatened with chattel .
Elk Lake - Estus & Green are doing good work with their steam thresher. Any one wanting work done will do well to call on them.
Lakeside - Mrs. Candace Watson was very pleasantly surprised Saturday morning to meet at her door bout 35 of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who had come to visit her in honor of her 80th birthday.
Franklin Forks - Lyman E. Beebe, formerly from Franklin Forks, has gone to Honolulu, where he will act as agent of the Globe Navigation Co., and have charge of its interest in the Hawaiian Islands.
Montrose - The Montrose Foot Ball Team will journey to Tunkhannock Saturday, Oct. 26, to play the strong team of that place. The following are the members of the Montrose team: Coyle, Searle, Ayres, Baxter, Felker, Tingley, Allen, Camp, Smith, Carey, Billings, Downer and Gardiner. AND Among the popular books recently added to the Montrose Library are: "Up From Slavery," by Booker T. Washington; "Five Years of My Life," Dreyfus; "The Crisis," Churchill; "Helmet of Navarre," Runkle; "Days Like These," by Townsend. Only $1.50 a year or 25 cents a month. Open Wednesdays & Saturdays, Searle Building, 2nd story.
Hopbottom - Our streets are well supplied with good stone sidewalks. There have been about 20 laid in the last three years and more than half that many re-laid, so our walks are in very good condition. But Main streets beats anything in the county for cross-walks; in a distance of about 500 feet there are five stone cross walks and the last one laid was unnecessary. If our city fathers have so much money to spend for side and cross walks, they had better burn some of it for the taxpayers' benefit, in lighting our streets, which have been in darkness for a year.
Glenwood - Chicken thieves have begun their fall work. It might be well for them to be a little careful where they get them hereafter.
Dimock - Ed Nobles had a husking bee last Friday night. There were about16 there and they did him a fine job. AND A number from this place attended a stone bee at W. C. Smith's last Saturday.
Choconut and Vicinity - Our people are patiently awaiting the arrival of the Advance Agent of Prosperity, who usually makes his appearance here about election time.
Uniondale - John Tinker has gone to Philadelphia to take a course in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
Heart Lake - Friend L. Richardson has been putting in a dam for Chas. Tiffany, at Brooklyn, for power for the mills conducted by C. A. Corson. Mr. Richardson is an efficient man, stonemason and in years gone by has handled some large county contracts.
Compiled By: Betty Smith