Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 11 1897/1997
Rush - A reward of $1 is offered by Miss Sarah Perigo for the return of her rough black coat, which she lost between Rush and Montrose. Finder will leave it at David Roe's store in Fairdale, or S. B. McCain's in Rush, and get the reward.
Forest City - W. S. Hoskins has purchased the Forest City steam laundry from Eichholzeyr Bros. AND All the members of [the] Hose Company will be off early Thursday morning for Wilkebarre to take their new hose wagon and no doubt will make a fine appearance.
Montrose - Sheriff Deuel conveyed John Waltz, who was convicted of the murder of J. E. Lemon (2nd degree), to the Philadelphia peniten-tiary Tuesday to start in his term of 9 years. There are many people who firmly believe Waltz innocent, notwithstanding his conviction, there were so many elements of doubt in this case.
Lenoxville - Died, on Monday Sept. 23rd, Grover Cleveland Robinson, aged 13 yrs., only son of Ellen Robinson. The funeral service was held in the M.E. church at Lenoxville, the interment at Clifford cemetery, Rev. F. E. Adams officiated. Little Cleve, as he was called, was a great favorite, as the large funeral showed the esteem he was held. The many friends extend sympathy for the bereaved parents.
Birchardville - A band of Gypsies (so called) passed through this place a few days since. They consisted of two teams with covered wagons, three dogs and from 10 to 12 persons including a number of children. AND Rev. J. C. Swackhammer, pastor of the Baptist church at Towlesville, Stuben Co., NY, passed through here a few days since, going to visit his father Philip Swackhammer, who he'd not seen in ten years. He weighs 270 lbs.
Brooklyn - Dogs are making havoc with the sheep in this town. It is about time the owners of the curs should pay the damage and dispose of their dogs by giving them lead pills. AND H. H. Craver is moving the old office building into the yard back of his house.
Susquehanna - Erie Hose Company No. 1 will hold its 12th annual ball in Hogan Opera House on Thanksgiving eve., Nov. 24. Music will be furnished by Baker's Binghamton orchestra. AND About 200 new volumes will be added to the Young Men's Library, which now contains over 4,000 volumes.
Franklin Forks - A thief has been visiting the hen roost at J. W. Palmer's hen house for a couple of weeks, and on Saturday night made way with 5 pullets. Not satisfied with that and to set all doubts at rest as to whom the thief could be--he had the boldness to come close to the house on Sunday morning after more, but strange to say he was too spry to be captured. It was a large black mink, which takes refuge under the smoke-house. It has already killed 10 chickens.
Hallstead - Our people are looking forward with bright anticipation to Thursday evening, Oct. 21st, when A. Aaron Bower, Esq., of Scranton, will give his lecture on Pompeii, in the R.R.Y.M.C.A. Hall. The lecture is illustrated by 100 stereopticon views, and is highly spoken of. AND Messrs. John Tyler, John Decker, Fred McLeod and & Chas. Ketchem, will leave the last of February for the Klondike, Alaska.
Prospect Hill [Jessup Twp] - Devine & Jenner's new steamer has arrived, and it is a shiner.
North Jackson - F. E. Sheldon exhibited 16 varieties of grapes at the Harford Fair. Mr. Sheldon's grape crop this season is estimated at nearly two tons of fine fruit. AND Mrs. M. A. Yale, North Jackson's postmistress, lies at death's door with no prospect of recovery.
South Montrose - The three rear coaches of the Canadian Pacific express were derailed at Milford, Mass and thirty persons were more or less injured. All were New Englanders except George Baker, of South Montrose, who had his left hand and fingers crushed. Later--George has arrived home, with his hand in bandages. This is the second [wreck] which George has gone through, having been in the wreck at Jackson, Michigan, in 1893. The Supt. of R.R. was here yesterday to settle the damages, and did well by George.
Lanesboro - At the Deposit street fair, the Canawacta Band captured the second prize of $50. It ought to have received the first prize.
News Briefs: It is said that an order has recently been issued by the postmaster general forbidding the renting of lock boxes and call boxes, in postoffices, to minors, without the written consent of parents or guardians. The order is said to have been issued because the postal authorities found that many young girls and boys carried on correspondence without the consent of their parents, receiving their mail in the boxes which they rented.
Compiled By: Betty Smith