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October 10 1913/2013

Rushville - The new schoolhouse is entirely completed and school began Monday with Hazel Bennett as teacher. In Rush, Ude James, while returning home last Tuesday evening, lost his balance and fell out of the wagon. The horse walked on into town. ALSO: Auto riding is the popular sport in which some of our ladies indulge in. ALSO: The revival at East Rush M. E. Church will begin on Sunday and continue through the week each evening at 7:30. Cordial invitation is extended to all to come to a meeting were the old time religion prevails. Rev. Ivan Lott Snyder, pastor.

Uniondale - Our fair was a decided success notwithstanding the cold, rainy weather, and one of its attractions was the “rest tent” placed on the ground by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union of Uniondale. The tent, equipped with a couch and chairs, together with a checking room, brought down many a tired mother’s benediction upon the heads of those whose thoughtfulness placed them there. The W. C. T. U. also had a booth where they sold ice cream, candies, nuts, fruit and popcorn.

Montrose - Joe Mawhinney has been one of the familiar characters here ever since the days when he used to play old fashioned baseball with the boys on the village green. He has shoveled the earth over the remains of many of the greatest statesmen of Northeastern Pennsylvania, and can give the history of nearly everyone buried in the cemetery during his career as grave--digger. While he expects to preside over the silent city for many years to come, Mawhinney prepared his own tomb several years ago, and exhibits with pride the concrete vault that is ready for occupancy at a moment’s notice. He is noted for his grim wit, and has often remarked that the people mind their business in the section of the town under his care. The little plot at Montrose, where the sexton may be found daily, is one of the most beautiful. ALSO: The late Artemus Ward once remarked that “the mule is an amoosin cuss.” One of Will Harrington’s speckled roosters did not find it so however, last Friday, when a well directed kick from Mr. Harrington’s brown mule ended the earthly career of the rooster. A Democratic mule, probably. ALSO: Montrose Chapter of the Eastern Star, lately organized, is growing in numbers, 4 new members having been received into the order Friday evening. The total membership is now 54.

Oakley - The Kingsley Book Club was entertained last Friday by Mrs. Louise Alexander, of Butte, Montana, at the home of her father, Seymour Sophia.

Highlands, New Milford Twp. - There has been no school since Thursday last, as Miss Dana is helping care for her niece, Mrs. Lewis Squires.

Fair Hill, Jessup/Forest Lake Twp. - Chicken thieves visited J. Green’s on Thursday night. M. J. greeted them with his shotgun and no more was heard from them until Sunday night, when Mart Smith’s coops were also visited. They met a warm reception and left for parts unknown.

Brooklyn/Hop Bottom - The fine macadamized state road, connecting Brooklyn and Hop Bottom, has been completed and was opened to the public last Sunday. It is one of the best pieces of roads in the state, costing about $22,000 per mile.

Hallstead - What came near being a fatal accident happened last Tuesday evening when Mrs. Barnes, with her daughter and baby, who reside up the river road were going home when the evener on the wagon broke letting the horse out of the shafts and frightening it. After going some distance, dragging the wagon by the shaft strap, it finally was run into a small ravine landing against a tree, when near neighbors caught the horse and partially repaired some of the damage done. Fortunately no one was badly hurt and were soon able to be taken home.

Thompson - Sneak thieves were transacting business in town last Saturday night. They took a pair of rubber boots and three bottles of milk from Borden’s milk station. Feed was taken from F. T. Spencer’s flour and feed building the same night. ALSO: Mrs. Myra Stoddard, an invalid, attended church last Sunday, for the first time in 30 years, through the kindness of Herbert Burchell, who took her to and from church in his new auto.

Clifford - Our school, taught by Miss Irene Morgan, of Welsh Hill, sister of former county treasurer, Will Morgan, is in a very flourishing condition.

Brooklyn - Miss Helen Craver has gone to Scranton, where she will enter the Oral School to train for a teacher of the deaf and dumb.

Gibson - Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sweet enjoyed a motor trip to Binghamton with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Terwilliger and also attended the fair. While there Mr. Terwilliger purchased a fine new automobile.

Jackson - Miss Jennie Rounds will take charge of the Jackson telephone exchange the middle of the month.

South Montrose - Something entirely new and novel and long wished for by many practical farmers, is coming on Wednesday next on the Lehigh Valley demonstration car. This is the first time the Lehigh Valley has sent the demonstration car over the Montrose branch and it was brought about through the efforts of F. R. Cope, who is anxious that the farmers, their wives and children, and all interested in agriculture, should have the benefit of the many interesting and practical features which are embodied in the car. An expert will present the subject of poultry raising and, in fact, all of the different lines of agriculture and home improvements have expert instructors to propound knowledge and give information. This is being done to encourage the people living along the line of the Lehigh Valley road to encourage them to greater efforts, stimulating improvement and awakening inquiries into better methods of farming and more wholesome ways of living.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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