Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 09 1914/2014
Brooklyn - Hundreds of friends throughout the county will be greatly grieved to read that E. L. Weston, one of Brooklyn's prominent and highly respected citizens, died this morning, Oct. 8, 1914, following an illness of pneumonia, which he contracted about a week ago. His age was 59 years. The deceased was a man of sturdy constitution, fine moral character and a mind of unusual resourcefulness and versatility, and will be greatly missed in the community. In addition to operating a large farm, he was a skilled surveyor, his duties taking him all over the county. He was the son of late E. A. Weston, a noted educator, and author of the History of Brooklyn, PA.
Hopbottom - Miss Maude Willis, the popular dramatic entertainer, who has delighted Hopbottom audiences for two seasons past, will make her third visit here on Thursday evening, Oct. 15, when she will present her latest drama. "In The Vanguard". The entertainment will be given in the M. E. church under the management of the Lyceum entertainment course committee. There will be a series of entertainments to be given during the winter months but Miss Willis has been secured as a special number in response to the general desire of those who have heard her previous entertainments to hear one more.
Harford - Mrs. Kate Thatcher, who has been visiting relatives and friends in this place, returned to her home in Michigan. Mrs. Thatcher is in her 90th year. Very few women of that age could make such a trip.
News Brief - The world's series of baseball games will be received by a special wire at H. A. Patrick's cigar store, every afternoon, during the progress of the games. Baseball fans can learn every play made almost as quickly as though on the bleachers. The first two games will be played in Philadelphia, October 9 and 10. The third and fourth will be played in Boston.
Montrose - Prof. Edward Halsey, of Philadelphia, has been visiting in town this week. Mr. Halsey is listed among the best church organists in Philadelphia and whenever he comes to his former home, the worshippers at St. Paul's church usually receive a rare musical treat. ALSO Mrs. Maxwell Chapman, Chairman of the 3rd Division, will address a suffragette meeting in the Library Building, Friday evening, Oct. 9. The ladies of Montrose and vicinity are most cordially invited to attend this meeting and hear this noted speaker on women suffrage.
Rush - Prof. Dayton was operated upon, last Thursday, at Binghamton. His cheek bone was replaced and he is getting along nicely. ALSO Work was started on the basement of the M. E. church Friday, when the building was raised.
Gibson - Dr. Frank C. Hill returned to Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, to take up his senior year. His sister, Josie, accompanied him and entered Jefferson Hospital, where she under went a successful operation for chronic appendicitis. Her many friends will be pleased to know that she is doing well. ALSO C. W. Lewis has purchased the hotel site at South Gibson and will erect an up-to-date hotel. Building operations will begin at once.
Birchardville - James Strange, a member of Co. H, 143rd Pennsylvania Infantry, dropped dead here, just as he was to start for Montrose to take the train for the Hampton Soldiers' Home, in Virginia, where he had planned to spend the winter. His age was 81 years.
Dimock - The leaves are beginning to fall, which reminds us that we are nearing another cold and long winter. Are we ready for the change?
Choconut - The great popularity of the dances at Choconut Valley Inn, with the young people, is attested by the fact that the last hop given by McCahill Bros. was attended by over 300 people. The date of the next dance is Monday evening, Oct. 12.
Apolacon - Jerome H. Ryan, of Sloan, Erie Co., NY, has been visiting his brother, James, of Apolacon, and visited Montrose, Friday, the first visit here in 35 years. Mr. Ryan conducts a large sand and gravel business, his works being within one-half mile of the city line of Buffalo, which city is a large user of his products.
Susquehanna - At the Binghamton Fair, Saturday, the Susquehanna band captured a prize of $75. The prize was awarded the band for the number of men in line, appearance and the excellence of the music they discoursed.
Lymanville - an accident, which might easily have resulted far more seriously than it did, occurred at the home of P. H. Lyman, near here, on Monday. Mrs. Lyman was engaged in doing the weekly wash when, by mistake, some gasoline was placed on the stove to heat, instead of water. As soon as Mrs. Lyman discovered the error she grabbed the stuff and started to carry it out, but not in time to prevent it taking fire. She was quite badly, though not dangerously, burned about the face and arms.
She is able to be about the house as usual.
South Auburn - There is a feeling of deep sadness in this community owning to sickness and death in our neighbor's home. The death of Mrs. P. N. Bennigar [Benninger] occurred Tuesday forenoon about four hours after the death of her little son, Grant, and just at sunset Thursday evening, Frank, was the oldest son, aged 19, was taken. Interment was made in South Auburn cemetery. No public funeral was held owing to the nature of the disease, diptheria. Two other members of the family, baby Foster and Grace, aged 7 years are stricken, but their recovery is hoped for.
Forest City - On the first of the month John Franko sold the Forest House barber shop to Leo Scully. Mr. Franko will open a shop in the Piatkowski building in the near future.
Thompson - One of the greatest improvements on Upper Main street, for a long time, is the felling down and clearing away some of the lefty maples and other trees belonging to C. M. Lewis, which throws light into many of the homes and makes a healthier atmosphere. Everyone is praising Charley for the good work he is doing.
Compiled By: Betty Smith