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October 09 1903/2003

Montrose - Chief Justice Joseph Brewster McCollum passed away on Sunday morning, October 4, 1903. J. B. McCollum was born September 28, 1832, on his father's farm in Bridgewater Twp. Until the age of 17 he led the ordinary life of the country lad, alternating between the performance of farm duties and attendance at the district school. He was a student for nearly three years at the old Franklin Academy in Harford and afterward entered the National Law School at Poughkeepsie, NY. He served a term of service with Atty. R. B. Little and was admitted to the Susquehanna County Bar in 1855. He was a co-owner of the Montrose Democrat and after selling his interest he was in partnership with several county lawyers. He was elected President Judge of this County in 1878 and in May of 1888, at the Democratic state convention in Harrisburg, the nomination for Justice of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth was accorded him by a substantial majority. He served in this capacity until his death. No eulogy has yet been written which will express even in a measure the noble life, which the late Chief Justice led. In life he was a friend to rich and poor alike. The closing of his useful and brilliant career ends the life of one of our country's most noted and successful sons; one whose deeds both in public and private life will long be remembered with never a blot or stain to dim their luster. 

Brandt - The Brandt wood acid works, after being idle for about six months, resumed operations on Thursday of last week.

Lenox Twp - Sept. 22d. was the 50th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Bailey. Fifty-two relatives and friends of O. J. and Polly Loomis Bailey, assembled at their pleasant home on Prospect Hill near the head of Loomis Lake. Mrs. Bailey was born and brought up near the outlet of said lake; Mr. Bailey when a boy and up to manhood, lived on the opposite side near the head of the lake. Mrs. Bailey is a granddaughter of Ezekial Titus, one of the Nine Partners. AND Soap CLub No. 1 met with Mrs. J. E. Severance and [Soap] Club No. 2 met with Mrs. E. K. Severance, Wednesday, Sept. 30th. 

Hallstead - Wm. Corwin, the Hallstead tea agent, while en route to Montrose, had his horses scared by an auotmobile, and in the general shaking up that followed he sustained consinderable loss by the breaking of dishes, etc.

Forest City - Morgan Davis, an employee in the Delaware and Hudson Breaker, had an eye blown out on Thursday of last week. The accident resulted from an explosion caused by a spark from Davis' lamp dropping into a keg of powder.

Susquehanna - The new free postal delivery route from Susquehanna to Jackson and New Milford township, is a success. Postman Holmes is said to be the handsomest route carrier in the State; he is married. AND Boiler makers' Union No. 147, will give a dance in Hogan Opera House on Thursday evening, Oct. 22d, in aid of a sick member.

Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - Though the morning was rainy last Thursday, the bee at the [Methodist] church was a success. The large foundation stone donated by Winans & Degnan was put in place for the steps. Also the fine stone for the basement door, donated by Leslie Kellogg. Grading the yard, putting in hitching posts, mowing, weeds, etc. was done. The Ladies' Aid served dinner to about 65; proceeds, $8.87. The total expense of building the church, including basement, furnace, carpet and lamps, is $1,803.52.

Dimock - Wright Chamberlin, of South Montrose, was through here last week, selling Dr. Decker's remedies.

Springville - Florence Lake's young girl friends made her a pleasant surprise last Friday, it being her 12th birthday and left her a nice collection of gifts.

Brooklyn - About 30 friends of Louis Gere gave him a surprise party Friday evening, it being his 21st birthday. They left a purse of money as a token of their good will and sympathy for his misfortune.

Fairdale - W. T. Bundick, of Virginia, gave a rousing speech on Temperance and Prohibition at the M.E. Church on Thursday evening. The people considered it a great treat to hear him. He handled License and the saloon quite rough. The Sheen brothers and sister were present and they sang some fine selections of music. They can do that.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Our telephone line is nearly up; all we lack is the money, the poles and wire.

New Milford - Samuel R. Fancher, for many years a resident here, who has conducted the hotel at Harford the past 4 months, has bought the property, the purchase price being $1,400. The traveling public will be well taken care of by Mr. and Mrs. Francher and we believe the people of Harford will find nothing to criticize in their conduct of the place.

Gunn Hill - An arrest was made in th Gunn Hill robbery case. The suspect is William Dennier, a shiftless character who hangs about Susquehanna county, who it is alleged, returned recently from a stay in the penitentiary for having stolen a cow. He was in jail in Susquehanna, where Detc. Edward Neary, who has been searching for Dennier since the night of the robbery, went to develop the case against the accused, in order to hold him until the suspicious circumstances are cleared away. On Tuesday, the day before the robbery, four men came into a Susquehanna saloon and begged for a drink, promising to settle on their return. They got the drinks and departed. On Thursday, the day after the robbery, the quartette returned to the saloon, the man who begged the drinks before settling for the four they had, ordering and paying for another round at the same time. This was the beginning of their thirst allaying and in a short time the four were pretty drunk. They began to flash money, one seeming to try to show a bigger wad of bills than the other and gold certificates were observed, like the pile stolen at the Steven's home. One of the party became exceedingly strenuous and pushed one of the bystanders out of the saloon and pulled a revolver and pointed it at his supposed victim. This ended the strenuous lad's fun. He was arrested and hustled off to the borough jail. The prisoner gave his name as White, but he was later identified as William Dennier. Dect. Neary picked up two men at Dundaff, whom he will hold, pending investigation.

News Brief - Owing to thet cold, wet summer, poultry have found it exceedingly difficult to raise turkeys, which even under fair conditions is no easy matter. The chances are that the festive birds will come high this year, possibly in the neighborhood of 25 cents per pound. AND A correspondent of the Scientific American says: Let anyone who has a case of lockjaw take a quantity of turpentine, warm it and pour it on the wound, no mater where it is and relief will follow in less than a minute. Nothing better can be applied to a severe cut or bruise than cold turpentine. It will give certain relief almost instantly. Turpentine is also a sovereign remedy for croup. Saturate and place the flannel on the throat and chest and in each case three or four drops may be taken inwardly.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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