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October 08 1915/2015

Montrose – A Farm Bureau was organized here with the Hon. E. E. Jones, of Harford, chosen as President. Although the day was stormy, over 30 were present, representing every section of Susquehanna County. ALSO An aeronautical association was formed at the High school for the study of aeroplanes and air currents. A three foot model of a Curtiss aeroplane has been purchased and will be assembled by the members of the association. With the growing interest and advance in aeronautics, we believe the young men are taking up a branch of study which will be more profitable in the future than our more sanguine imaginations now anticipate.

Springville – D. E. Tuttle expects to leave for Detroit about Dec. 1, where he has a position in the Maxwell motor shops.  We shall be sorry to lose him.

West Auburn – Allen Jayne has been very busy with a force of men harvesting his fine apple crop, the result of modern, up-to-date methods of pruning, spraying, etc.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. – James Conboy is about to take the agency for the Studebaker car. His territory will include the western half of Susquehanna county and the eastern half of Bradford.

Lawsville – Thomas Kanane, of Silver Lake township, was thrown from his wagon as he was returning from Lawsville creamery, his team becoming frightened by an automobile near the residence of Fred Bailey. He received several bruises and a general shaking up. The team was caught by Mr. Bailey.

Gelatt – William Cole died at his home here on Tuesday, Sept. 28, after a short illness. The funeral was held here on Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock, with burial in the Manzer cemetery. The Sons of Veterans had charge of the services at the grave. He is survived by his wife, Mary, one son, Dr. David Cole, of Gelatt, and one daughter, of Colorado. He was a member of Myron French Post and was esteemed by all who knew him. [Corp. William H. Cole was a member of Co. B, 143rd Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers.]

Hopbottom – Alonzo Bell, one of our oldest residents, died at the home of his grandson, Duane Bell, in Lenox, on Oct. 4. Interment in the Tower cemetery at Lenox. ALSO The M. E. church was packed Monday evening with listeners to the discourse delivered by Rev. Ackley on the subject, “Beef or Booze.” Public thought seems to be springing into a more lively interest in this all-important subject of temperance, and right thinking people are hoping that some good fruit may result from this awakening.

South Montrose – Homer B. Shay has bought a small farm east of this place, of Frank Dill, and took possession last week. It was the old home of Mrs. Shay’s grandfather, Orville Hancock, deceased, and the buildings were built by him some 35 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Dill will start for their new home in Montana, where they will engage in farming on a much larger scale.

Rush – G. S. Shoemaker, of Hallstead, and Charles W. Lung, of Lyons, Mich., were welcome callers on Saturday, en route to Rush, where they intended visiting old scenes of their boyhood days, and the graves of their parents. Mr. Lung lived in this county in his youth, being at one time employed on the farm now occupied by Samuel S. Horton. He was one of the sons of Susquehanna county who responded to President Lincoln’s call for volunteers—enlisting in Co. D, 50th PA. Volunteers, under the late Captain Dr. G. Z. Dimock, and was on a transport bound from New York, for the South, which was so nearly wrecked by a storm.  The late H. C. Burgess was one of his comrades-in-arms.

Brooklyn – Miss Frances Craver has entered the Oral School in Scranton to train for a teacher of the deaf.

Gibson – Gibson was the center of attraction on the evening of Sept. 28, it being the occasion of two weddings.  At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Yeomans, occurred the marriage of Miss Edna to Tracey Bailey. Rev. Jones, the bride’s pastor, performing the ceremony. The same evening, at 8 P.M., at the Universalist parsonage, the ceremony, uniting in marriage Carl VanDuzen and Sadie Potter, of Harford, was performed by Rev. R. S. Kellerman.

Alford – A. W. Richardson, who had acetylene lights placed in his buildings recently, is now making extensive improvements on his barn, and is to have a heating plant installed in his home.

New Milford – O. C. Whitney is building a new factory on the site of the evaporating plant that burned about two years ago and will manufacture fruit crates for the southern trade. Mr. Whitney has been in the south for some time buying fruit and vegetables and is familiar with the conditions.  The new enterprise for New Milford should be welcomed and encouraged as it doubtless will be.

Forest City – The wedding this afternoon of Miss Ruth Owens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Owens, of this place, and Cecil A. Resseguie, of S. Gibson, marked the happy culmination of a romance. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Sacett, a close friend of the bride, at the home of her parents. Miss Hazel Resseguie, the groom’s sister was the bridesmaid and Herbert Horton was best man. The bride and her attendant were gowned in white silk charmuse, trimmed in real lace, with picture hats. After the wedding dinner was served, the couple left on the 3:56 train for New York and other points of interest.

News Brief: The Phillies and the Red Sox will battle for the world’s baseball title at National Park in Philadelphia. A tremendous crowd is expected, as it has been announced that President Wilson will attend. A thought for the day: Forget all gossip as soon as you hear it; forget to do anyone an injury, but remember to do everyone a kindness.

The murder of Jackson Pepper, continued from the week of Oct. 1, 2015 – The arrival of the midnight prisoner [Shew] at the jail was sufficient to set gossip afloat, and it was known that the work in capturing Smith [Eagan], if successful, must be done quickly.  Mr. Ainey and his brother, Charles, started for Windsor, where they arrived about midnight and where Smith’s [Eagan’s] adopted father, Catlin Smith, lives being one of the most respected citizens of that town.  However Mr. Smith had not seen James in over a month.  Next they went to Coventry to the home of Kern Eagan, brother of James, and found that James was at another house where he was living with his wife and mother-in-law.  This was the first intimation that James was married, and it was soon ascertained that he married a daughter of Mrs. Streeter on the Monday before his arrest. At the home, a girl in short dress, and who appeared to be not over 13 or 14 years of age, but who proved to be the wife of James Eagan, was asked where he was and was told that he was at the barn, several rods away.  Here he was captured, without resistance. Thinking that he was being arrested for the stealing of Susie Graham’s household goods, he said that he would prefer to go to Susquehanna direct, rather than go to the jail in Norwich, because he thought he could readily clear himself of the theft charge.  The return trip to Susquehanna was uneventful and likewise from Susquehanna to Montrose.  Early Monday morning, after a carriage ride of 86 miles, Smith [Eagan] was turned over to Sheriff Deuel. Both men waived a hearing on the charge of stealing Susie Graham’s household goods, but later in the day warrants were served upon them for the murder of Jackson Pepper.  Rumors of confession are rife, the latest story being that both of the accused have given their version of the crime. (To be continued next week. The above article is a murder mystery that took place in 1898 in Rush Twp., Susquehanna County, brought to you in conjunction with “Susquehanna County Reads” program.  See details on the Library website. The Scavenger Hunt in the museum is now on.  The museum will be open during regular hours.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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