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October 08 1909/2009

Lathrop Twp. - Claude Miller has returned to Syracuse University to pursue his musical education. His talents are highly appreciated in that institution.

Hallstead - The Hallstead football team, recently organized, will play the first game of the season on the ball grounds, Saturday afternoon next, with the team from Lestershire. AND Herbert Wolfe has gone to Rochester where he has secured a position as wood carver in a large furniture factory.

Lanesboro - The bursting of an air hose on a freight car Saturday night, while the train was passing over the Lanesboro bridge, derailed two loaded cars and required several hours' hard work for the wrecking crew to clear the tracks. Had the engineers of the pushers not quickly shut off steam, the cars would have been pushed off the bridge and no doubt rolled over the entire string, making a serious smash-up.

Gelatt - The machinery for making cheese is being put back in the creamery.

Montrose - N. E. Bissell has been made county representative of the Buick Motor Co., manufacturers of excellent general purpose cars. If in the market for a machine, consult Mr. Bissell and let him demonstrate its merits. AND James D. Smillie, who recently died, was one of the foremost of American artists and who for many years made his home in Montrose, left a singular will, which, however, was characteristic of the man. It directed that a jury of artists be appointed to pass upon the merit of paintings in the testator's collection. The good were to be saved and the poor ones destroyed, in the interests of the collector's reputation as an art lover. Mr. Smillie modestly asserted it was only natural to suppose that he had made mistakes, some of which he himself was aware. Those who are familiar with the works of Mr. Smillie will be ready to wager that there will be no destruction of his creations if the question is left to real artists.

Silver Lake - No rain here as yet. Enclosed is an item written for the Republican, over 32 years ago, that shows there was a drought as bad then as at present here: "The driest time ever known here; many wells and springs without a drop of water; the lake is so low that the sawmill has not been running for several months. Some thoughtless person started a fire in a fallow and it seemed for a time as if everything would burn, but the providential showers checked it."

South Montrose - The McDermott Dairy Co. has leased ground on the farm of Robert Reynolds and a pond is being constructed, from which ice will be cut.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - The parties who tried to wreck a train on the Montrose branch near the Lynn milk station, a short time ago, proved to be John Rosengrant and Stephen Barber. They were arrested and given a hearing before Esquire J. O. Lyman, who held them for the grand jury at Montrose. They gave bail for their appearance.

Jackson - Horace Sheldon is in the hospital at Los Angeles, Cal., slowly recovering from his terrible injuries received in the railroad accident of Aug. 26. Fears are now entertained that he may be deaf and one arm may be useless, if he recovers at all. AND Miss Fay Aldrich is the new assistant at the Jackson telephone central.

Brooklyn - State highway engineers are making examination of stone from local quarries preparatory to the selection of suitable material for the macadam road to be built in the near future.

Ararat - The medicine show last week was largely attended. Miss Leona Davis received the prize as being the most popular lady and little Theada Keenan the prize for being the most popular baby. AND The barns of Josiah Taylor, on what was formerly known as the Sam Clark Avery place, were destroyed by fire on Wednesday night.

Great Bend - The home of K. H. Gunn, of East Great Bend, caught fire Monday. Mrs. Gunn had hung a cloth in the back stairway which she thought must have caught fire from the stove. A man passing by noticed smoke coming out of the top of the house and stopped and told them. Upon investigation it was found that the stairway had burned through into the cellar and in a few minutes more the fire would have been beyond control. The amount of damage done was only $25.

Friendsville - Byrnes Brothers have been exhibiting their Ayrshire herd at the Binghamton Fair, and won all premiums on that class of cattle. AND Stephen Cunsman, the veteran cattle buyer of Easton, is shipping his 6th carload of cattle out of this vicinity this fall. He has been buying cattle in this county over 32 years.

Rush - Henry Deuel, an aged veteran of the Civil War, died at his home on Devine Ridge, Wednesday, Sept. 20.

Lenoxville - A large crowd attended the dance at Royal last Friday night. Mr. Purvis can play the music that makes them all feel like dancing.

Niven - Stark Miller and Alvin Button each have new telephones, a line having been built from Deckertown as far as Mr. Button's. A new line has also been built from Strickland Hill down past Robert Squier's, James Decker's and others.

Forest City - Marriage licenses were issued to the following Forest City couples: Frank Kardel, age 25 and Ludviski Vise, age 21; Anthony Paleduak, age 26 and Mary Kucera, age 21.

New Milford/Gibson - Mrs. Lucille Whitney Dean, of New Milford, will be at the Gibson House, Gibson, on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 14 and 15, with a full line of millinery.

News Brief - Served as coffee, the new coffee substitute known to grocers everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, will trick even a coffee expert. Not a grain of real coffee in it either. Pure, healthful, toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc, have been so cleverly blended as to give a wonderfully satisfying coffee taste and flavor. And it is "made in a minute," too.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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