Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 07 1921/2021
Uniondale – Uniondale, a pretty village in the eastern part of the county, was thrown into a whirl of excitement, Monday, when it became known that Burns Lyon, one of her prominent and respected citizens had been cruelly beaten and robbed of $2000 in cash. The victim’s skull was fractured by the assailants. His age is 45 years. He was immediately removed to the Carbondale hospital. It is not thought that he will recover. Lyon was engaged in the purchase of cattle and left his home at 6:30 am for his farm, about 2 miles from the village. When the cattle dealers arrived at the farm they made a search for him and found Lyon lying in a pool of blood in the barn. It is the belief of State Trooper Shott that Lyon recognized his assailants, as his clothes and body show evidence of a hard tussle. At last account Lyon’s condition was critical. ALSO The splendid new creamery and milk station was totally destroyed by fire last Saturday night. Flames broke out in the ice house roof and in a very short time the whole building was enveloped. From the fact that the fire seemed to start simultaneously at two different points, remote from each other, it is thought that the fire may have been of incendiary origin. Very little was saved and the loss is most unfortunate, as this creamery replaced another creamery at Uniondale, which soon after being remodeled and equipped with modern machinery, was destroyed by fire last October.
Heart Lake/New Milford – The detour between Heart Lake and New Milford is an unpleasant one for autoists, and becomes exceedingly dangerous when the ground is wet. It is not unusual to see a dozen or more cars tied up, after some car has slipped off the narrow road and blocked traffic. The small connecting link between New Milford and Heart Lake will be opened up in about ten days.
Jackson – The death of Edwin O. Perry, a life-long resident of this County, occurred at his late home at Jackson, Sept. 28. Mr. Perry was a direct descendent of the first pioneer families from Massachusetts who settled in Susquehanna County. He was born in 1844 and in 1867 he married Miss Malvina Butterfield, a woman of sterling Christian qualities and was a carriage and wagon maker, a trade he followed all his life. He enlisted in the navy during the closing months of the Civil War and was honorably discharged in 1865. He was a Mason, a Granger, held township offices and a man of splendid habits, respected and honored by all. His burial took place in the Lake View Cemetery.
Ararat – James Fitzgerald is building a garage. A “Tin Lizzie” is suggested as the next improvement by one who knows.
Brooklyn – The Ladies’ Musical Club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. M. K. Packer. “Women in Music,” was the topic for study and sketches of the lives seven noted women composers were read; guessing games and musical contests were indulged in and delightful refreshments were served by the hostess.
Montrose – Uncle Tom’s Cabin, with vaudeville and Unafone band, at Colonial Theatre to-night. ALSO On a recent evening a young screech owl entered the home of Miss Alice Smith, on South Main Street, and unceremoniously began to dine on a meadow mole which he had just caught. Miss Smith summoned Melvin Kelly, just across the street, who came and captured the owl with no trouble. The young disturber of many a good night’s rest on south Main Street was placed under a crate for safe keeping in the Kelly home, but during the night lifted the crate with his head, sufficiently to get out, and in the morning was found perched on a mantel shelf. It was a pretty, young specimen and after Melvin had shown him to his friends, gave him his liberty, as these birds are protected by law. ALSO Harry A. Patrick expects to be located in his new quarters, in the D. V. Gardiner building, by next week. Mr. Patrick’s many friends and customers were glad to learn of his purchase of this property and anticipate splendid service in the future. This they will surely get as Mr. Patrick is making many improvements, one of the big changes being the installation of first-class bowling alleys in the basement.
Rushville – Dr. G. S. Milnes, who bought the Irwin Wood General Store here, a few months ago, announces that he is now prepared to practice medicine, having recently passed the state medical examination, but, necessarily, for the present, will limit his practice to office calls. Dr. Milnes, who is a Texan, was a physician in the Army, being connected with the tuberculosis hospital at San Antonio, Texas, for two years, specializing in pulmonary diseases. He is a son-in-law of S. B. McCain.
Susquehanna – Committees have been appointed for the basketball bazaar, which will be held in the Oakland hall and the proceeds will be used to promote basketball in Susquehanna this fall and winter. Susquehanna will be represented in the Interstate Basketball League this season.
Dimock – We have a good school here, with four teachers. ALSO Repairs are being made at the free library building.
Harford – A large Chalmers touring car, belonging to Raymond H. Cameron, was completely destroyed by fire, about 3 ½ miles from Harford village last Saturday. Mr. Cameron, who lives in Binghamton, was on his way to spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. James Cameron, and was within about two miles from home when the car suddenly burst into flames. He escaped possible injury by jumping. Assistance from nearby farm houses was summoned, but it was impossible to save the car, which was nearly new and represents a large loss, as it was but partly covered by insurance.
Elk Mountain – The State Department of Forestry is building a 70 ft. observation post for the forest ranger in charge of this district. This lookout will enable him to keep a thorough watch for forest fires and to readily detect the same.
South Montrose – October 3rd being the 38th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Decker, a number of their relatives and friends concluded that a little surprise would be in order, so at about 8 pm all went in a body, with the usual supply of tin horns, bells and other musical instruments, not forgetting, however, to take along a good supply of refreshments. A most enjoyable evening was spent with songs, recitations and music. At a late hour all went to their homes feeling that they had a good time.
Compiled By: Betty Smith