Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 07 1911/2011
Herrick - A large number from here attended the Uniondale fair; it was a success in spite of the extremely inclement weather, both the exhibits and races being excellent.
Flynn - The new bell on the graded school building is certainly a decided improvement; it certainly has a fine tone and is something that was much needed. ALSO If the heavy rains continue it looks as though our pan cake crop would be rather small.
Liberty Twp. - Miss Thea Caswell is teaching the school at the orphanage at Brookdale. Mr. P. L. Shelp, of Port Dickinson, has for many years been engaged in charitable work, formerly conducting the orphanage at Brookdale. About 18 boys are now being cared for at this institution, the girls being kept at a separate institution at Homer, NY, that orphanage caring for a similar number.
Niven, Springville Twp. - Some sneak thieves recently entered the potato field of Ashley Button, at night, and dug his potatoes. They also took some nice squashes.
Susquehanna - Attorney John Ferguson has been receiving congratulations as the Republican nominee for District Attorney. ALSO Dr. and Mrs. Clayton Washburn and children are planning to go to Jacksonville, Fla., in the near future, to make their home.
Fairdale - O. M. Warner won the bag of B. B. Timothy Seed that was offered as a prize for the person guessing nearest to the correct number of seeds in the Sun Flower at the Binghamton Fair. The correct number of seed was 2208, Mr. Warner's guess being the closest. The above prize, which is easily worth $25, goes to him.
Bridgewater Twp. - The Bisbee (Arizona) Review speaks very highly of a former boy, Rev. Edwin G. Decker, who has been pastor of the Methodist church in that city for the past year. A petition from his pastorate asks that he be returned to Bisbee for another year. The Bisbee Review says when Mr. Decker took charge of the church it was in debt in every department, but that his report will show that the church has paid debts of $1000 for the year. The church has a membership of 162.
Montrose - F. W. Hart has secured the agency for the well known Studebaker cars, the company manufacturing 20-horsepower and 30-horsepower touring cars and roadsters. Both are widely known as good machines, and have been winners in some of the most difficult hill-climbing contests and long distance endurance runs in which the best types of cars have been entered. Mr. Hart is now in Detroit visiting the plant and hearing lectures on the construction and care of the machines. He has purchased a touring car, which he expects to bring home with him in a few days.
Thompson - Everett Ely had a narrow escape from a fatal accident the other day while getting ice at the Borden's. The tongs slipped in some way and punctured his cheek fearfully and knocked him down; he was insensible for a time.
Brooklyn - Miss Julia Sterling came from South Dakota to visit her brothers, Ralph and other relatives.
New Milford - The evaporating plant of Whitney, Naas & Son are now turning out evaporated apples at the rate of about 250 bushels a day. This new industry promises to be an important factor in this place. From 15 to 20 hands are employed and will be kept busy for several months. After the close of the fruit season it is expected to resume the manufacture of crates and give ready employment to the help. ALSO DeWitt Vail has installed a wireless telegraph station in town and can send and receive messages within a radius of 220 miles. Mr. Vail was taught this through an I. C. S. course.
Forest Lake - The Sisters of the House of the Good Shepard, in Scranton, are making their annual trip through this vicinity. They are stopping at Mrs. John O'Connell's.
Forest City - Anton Gantar has become one of Uncle Sam's soldiers. He took the examination at the Scranton recruiting office, Saturday, was sworn into the service Monday and left Tuesday for the recruiting station at Fort Slocum, NY. He will be assigned to the cavalry arm of the service and after his initiative at the training station will go to a western post.
Springville - The Hertzberger moving picture show, which was billed to appear here three nights last week, did not materialize.
Harford - Rumor tells us that quite a number of our people are struck with a strong western fever and that we may soon expect an exodus toward that mecca.
Great Bend - The W. H. Minor house at the edge of town was burned Thursday night about 11 o'clock. It is thought to be the work of tramps. There was a small insurance. Mr. Minor had moved out a few days prior to the fire, as he intended to do considerable repairing to the house.
Choconut - Two bees were held the past week in this neighborhood--one at Jerome Donnelly's, cutting corn, and the other at Tony Gilroy's, digging potatoes.
Hopbottom - Miss Mullen, of Pittston, has charge of the intermediate department of our school.
Lenoxville - Geo. E. VanEtten, having sold his farm, will sell at public sale, on what is known as the Peter VanEtten farm, 2 miles west of Lenoxville, on Tuesday, Oct. 24, a big lot of personal property of use to the practical farmer. Horses, cows, hens, sows, young pigs and chickens, mowing machines, log chains, lumber, wagons, etc., must be sold, besides household goods. Lunch will be served by the Aid Society and W. C. Cox will "holler things off."
NEWS BRIEF - It is known to be true that nothing will please a young man better than to have a young lady tell him that he has small feet.
Compiled By: Betty Smith