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October 07 1910/2010

Great Bend - The four Stephens sisters will break up housekeeping this week and store their goods. They will board this winter.

Lawsville Center - The 55th reunion of the Bailey family was held Sept. 7, 1910, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. VanHouten. The day brought out the largest attendance in several years, 58 members and six visitors were present. There are now 127 living members. After one of those most bountiful dinners, which the Bailey ladies know so well how to serve, all retired to the lawn.

Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. - Miss Mary E. Richards, aged 43 years, died Sept. 28 from tuberculosis at her home at Welsh Hill. Just a month previous her brother, Samuel, passed away. She was a sister of the late Prof. J. L. Richards, one of the best known principals of the county. Interment at Welsh Hill Cemetery.

Royal, Clifford Twp. - R. E. Wells has improved the Hotel Royal by putting a new polished white maple floor in the spring floor hall. Charles Hinkley is boss of the job. As there are so many inquiries as how the spring floor is made and the old floor is tore up one can see how it is built; the wall is 30 x 50 ft. and has two separate rows of joice one row above the other; the lower row is for the under rooms; the upper row are the springs and are not sawed but hewed, each one out of a Basswood tree 30 in number; they are 30 ft. long by 5 in. wide and 10 in. deep; each end is framed and pinned into a stud that runs up and down the building; the upper joice or springs are far enough above the lower joice to admit of 4 to 6 in. spring without hitting the lower joice.

Hopbottom - The Y. P. C. U. will hold a Hallowe'en social in Masonic hall Monday night, Oct. 30. A chestnut entertainment consisting of songs, recitations and dialogues will be given. Two prizes will be given, one for the prettiest masked lady, the other for the best looking masked gent. Tickets 10 cents. Refreshments 10 cents a plate. Entertainment at 7:30. Come and get your fortune told. ALSO Miss Candace Brown lost a valuable cow Saturday night by getting choked with apples.

Springville - E. W. Lott is the happy possessor of a new automobile. This makes four now owned in town.

Montrose - "The Wyoming Massacre" was presented at the Cnic on Tuesday evening. It was one of the series of historical pictures now being shown to an appreciative patronage. ALSO Undertaker Maurice J. O'Brien received this week a handsome eight-column, rubber tired hearse for use in connection with his business. The hearse is of the latest model and makes a valuable addition to his excellent equipment.

South Montrose - About 40 men are now employed on the Ballantine farm below South Montrose. In addition to the large concrete barn, a boarding house is also being erected for the use of the employees. [The Ballantine farm property eventually became Louden Hill Farm.]

St. Joseph - Miss Margaret Sweeney, for several years employed by the Government as an instructress in the Indian schools at Carlisle, after spending the summer with her sister, Miss Anastasia Sweeney, at St. Joseph, has again resumed her educational work.

Susquehanna - The home of Atty. F. D. Axtell was destroyed by fire on Thursday night of last week. The flames were discovered about 11 o'clock. Mr. Axtell and family being in Lanesboro, neighbors made the discovery only when the interior of the house was a mass of flames and bursting from the building. The loss is about $4,000, with only a small insurance. The clothes worn by members of the family and three rocking chairs were all that could be saved. ALSO George M. Brown, who formerly resided here, is reported to have succumbed to typhoid fever, in Oklahoma, where he had lived for some time. Deceased was the youngest son of Mrs. Lydia Brown, of Susquehanna.

Thompson - Because Pomona Master Allan D. Miller failed to obtain the work he expected at Dickinson College and because all other law schools had opened some time before, he decided to return home and study law with his father this winter.

Elk Lake - Lee Green is ill with typhoid fever. Dr. Fry is attending him.

Uniondale - Washington Davis and his wife, both nice old people, are very sick. Mrs. Davis has been sick several days and now the old gentleman has the pneumonia and neither of them is expected to stand it long. We hope for their recovery for they are such good neighbors and nice old people and they always have a pleasant word for everybody. ALSO We were told by Nat Lee, of near Uniondale, that the report of his son Ray, driving liveryman Bowell's horse from Herrick Centre to Greenfield in less than an hour, and that the horse died from the effects of it, was not true, but to the contrary Mr. Bowell says he can have any horse he has got even to his best ones, for he considers him a careful driver.

Middletown Centre - Miss Nina Beaumont is sewing for Mrs. M. D. Baldwin this week.

Forest City - John J. Connelly has been promoted from driver boss to assistant mine foreman at Clinton colliery, succeeding Charles McCabe, who goes to the position at No. 1 colliery, Carbondale, made vacant by the transfer of Charles Arnold to White Oak, at Archbald.

Dimock - Mrs. A. Ahner, who is 85 years old on November 21st next, is smart and well for one of her age. She has gone to Pittston to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. John Tench.

Fowler Hill, Auburn Twp. - Little Earl Wootton had his fingers smashed in a window on Friday.

News Brief - Games between the Chicago National league team and the Philadelphia Americans for the world's baseball championship will begin in the Pennsylvania city on Monday, October 17.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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