Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 07 1904/2004
Glenwood - Shooting has already commenced and by the time squirrel season opens there will be none left for the law abiding citizens. Go slow boys and give all a chance to have a pot pie. AND J. H. Hartley has a sick cow caused by eating too many apples. She helped herself and did not know when to quit.
Hallstead - On October 3d, Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Lowe celebrated their golden wedding at which time many friends and relatives from different states, some from across the continent, gathered to make merry with them. Mr. Lowe has for many years guarded the safety of pedestrians and teams at the Church street crossing.
Harford - The entertainment in the church by the Scranton Oratorio, Thursday night, was grand, but not very largely attended on account of the rain. Had it been a tent show by a bum troop the crowd would have been enormous. AND Edward E. Hawley is a former Harford boy. He was at one time a bicycle racer in New York. Later, he became a driver of automobiles in races, and is now famous in that line, taking part in the Vanderbilt cup races.
Hop Bottom - The Hop Bottom graded school carried off 21 premiums at the Harford fair and 11 at the Montrose Fair.
Little Meadows - Thomas Clarey and Miss Jennie Murphy attended the fair at Binghamton. AND Tom Hickey is doing a rushing business in the painting line.
Great Bend - If there is any one pleasure resort in this vicinity more appreciated than another it is the one opened up by Hon. James T. DuBois on Mt. Manotonome, better known as "The Rocks." AND Mr. Samuel Joines, Erie station agent, was struck by an Erie train at this place, Saturday morning, shortly after 6 o'clock. He was on the track and stepped aside for a freight train when he was struck by the passenger train locomotive and hurled beneath the wheels of the freight train. He was a former resident of Susquehanna and was universally esteemed. His father and mother are residents of Oakland. He is survived by a wife and one child.
Susquehanna - Susquehanna had a slight fall of snow Monday. Now let them forever hold their peace as to Montrose being outside the "banana belt."
New Milford/Gibson - The Crossley Bros., of Wayne county, established factories for the manufacture of the blocks of wood from which calicoes are printed. The product of their factories, one of which is at Starrucca and the other in Gibson, is shipped to Germany and Scotland, where the designs are engraved on the blocks after they have been turned into rollers. The factory at Starraucca will be removed to New Milford, where they will put in more machinery. They employ from 18 to 30 men at the Gibson mill.
Thomson - Mrs. S. B. Whitney shipped to Scranton, twenty-two canary birds, nine singers and thirteen females. They were beauties and attracted much attention while at the depot.
Brooklyn - About 11 o'clock last night Miss Hattie McMillan discovered a small blaze in the milk condensary here. She gave the alarm and the citizens promptly responded. A bucket brigade was organized and with the help of a small hose, heroic efforts were made to save the building, but without avail. When discovered the fire was in the east end of the tin shop, near the boilers. It spread so rapidly that it was impossible to save any of the contents of the building and it was only by the hardest kind of work that the residence of Lyman Tewksbury and the Methodist church property were saved. The church sheds were on fire but were extinguished. The loss is very heavy, the plant being complete in every department, making the cans and cases for shipping the product. Owing to some difficulty with the farmers the contract, which expired Oct. 1, had not been renewed and the force of workmen had been reduced. During the busy season about 50 hands were employed, but only 12 were working. Several thousand cases of condensed milk and all the books and accounts were lost.
Montrose - Death visited our quiet town on Sept. 24 and took from it one of its oldest and most substantial residents, Herman Canfield Fairchild, at the age of 84 years. He was born in Litchfield Co., Conn., in 1820 and came with his father's family to Auburn Twp. in 1834. He learned the carpenter trade of the late Wm. H. Boyd and became his master carpenter until he formed a partnership with Garner Boyd and began contracting on their own account. Their shop stood where the barn of the Montrose House stands. In 1848 he married Mary Amanda Bissell, daughter of Dr. Bissell, who had been a surgeon in the U.S. Army in the War of 1812 and was the second resident physician in the town or county. About 1856 Herman purchased the old Bissell homestead in Brooklyn where he has since resided. He invented and patented one of the first corn-planters. One of his sons, Herman LeRoy Fairchild, is Professor of Geology in the University of Rochester and another, Rev. Bert Bissell Fairchild, is living in North Bloomfield, N.Y.
Springville - Although the day set for the reunion of Co. C, 203d P.V. was stormy, a good company gathered at the home of W. B. Lathrop, Elk Lake, on the 14th of September. A large tent had been erected on the lawn in which dinner was served. Messrs. Fargo, Young and Kent furnished music with violins and cornet, and some songs were sung, including "Marching Through Georgia," by a comrade. C. F. Rosencrans told some of his bear stories which amused the Vets. Minutes were read and election of officers followed. About 20 comrades and their wives usually attend these gatherings. One comrade, Nathan C. Strickland, died since last meeting. It is 40 years since the comrades were discharged from the army.
Matrimonial - [As there had recently been two or three marriages in Susquehanna and Wayne counties, brought about through advertising for correspondents, with matrimony as the object; and feeling that quite possibly there might be a legitimate field for correspondence of this nature, we gave notice that ads, written in good faith, would be published free in the Democrat, until further notice.] Wanted--By a middle aged lady, a husband of good character and reputation. None other need answer this adv., and for further particulars, address, B.C.W., Dimock, Susq'a, Pa. Wanted--To correspond with and make the acquaintance of a lady from 45 to 50 years old; object, matrimony. Address, "Widower," care Democrat office.
Compiled By: Betty Smith