Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 06 1900/2000
Great Bend - Society in Great Bend has it upon a novel amusement. The entertainment is called an "onion sociable." Six young ladies take an onion into a room and after one of them has taken a bite out of it a young gentleman is admitted. If, after kissing them all he fails to tell which of them bit the onion, all the girls are obliged to kiss him.
Friendsville - The "Busy Bats" defeated the Birchardville B.B.C. by a score of 21 and 19 on Saturday last. They also played a tie game with the "Stars," also of Friendsville, last week. At the termina- ation of the 8th inning each nine having scored 13 runs, umpire McInerney called the game on account of darkness. Attendance 400.
Fairdale - While N. H. Cool was threshing for Eugene Otis last week, the band came off and the brake, being out of order, they could not stop the power. A lad by the name of Bartlett threw a crowbar into the band wheel, breaking it, one piece hitting Benjamin Horton's arm, breaking the bone, and another hitting Bartlett's arm, just above the elbow, making a bad flesh wound. When last heard from Horton and Bartlett were doing as well as could be expected.
Glenwood - Meetings are held in the church here every Sunday evening. Some go to hear what the preacher has to say, others to make a disturbance. Look a little out, boys, the law is hanging heavy over your heads. You will find before you get through that all church services are sacred, and the law will uphold them. Now boys, take our advice: if you can't behave stay right away and you will be all right. AND: Apple picking is now in order. C. W. Hoppe has the finest apples in this section and it is no trouble to take 35 or 40 bushels from one tree.
Birchardville - C. D. Dayton bought and shipped a car of apples this week and will probably buy one or two cars here next week.
Flynn - Patrick O'Brien is doing quite a business with his new hydraulic cider press. AND: James Graham is building a nice new barn for Thos. Golden.
Elk Lake - The people of this place met last Wednesday and built a new fence and put up hitching posts around the church, which is a great improvement. The ladies aid society furnished dinner.
Dundaff - It is expected that the new hotel No. 2 will soon begin on the site of the old Crystal Lake hotel that was burned down last January. This will make three fine hotels on the shores of Crystal Lake. AND: The farmers have no trouble to get help now, as the country is full of strikers looking for work. Better set them cutting wood, as they will let us have no coal.
Little Meadows - J. F. Woolhiser, wagon maker, was in Binghamton Monday. AND: As our school teacher, Carl Churchill attends the teachers' institute at Montrose, the pupils have a vacation.
Montrose - Jos. Hitchkiss has rented the store, formerly occupied by McCausland's Pharmacy, for a restaurant and will make a specialty of oysters, &c. He comes here from Pittston. AND: About two weeks ago a pair of new shoes were lost between Montrose and Elk Lake. Will the finder please leave at the Republican office.
Rush - A significant and noticeable feature at the Republican rally at Rush on Saturday evening, was the presence of more than a score of young men who will cast their first vote this fall, all of whom wore the Republican "Rough Rider" campaign hats. Some of these are the sons of Democrats, but that fact has not prevented them from coming out squarely for what they believe to be right. It is in such that the hope and reliance of this Nation rests.
Susquehanna - The Canawacta Water Supply Co. has just completed a 4,500 barrel reservoir about one mile from Lanesboro. AND: Susquehanna has a football team. Uniforms have been purchased and the first game will be played at Windsor, Oct. 20th.
Lawsville Centre - The new bell for the Baptist church has arrived. It was purchased of Sears, Roebuck & Co. and measures 42" in diam.
Hallstead - Supt Moxley and Dr. Merrell have purchased the Hallstead Herald and Hallstead Sun, consolidated them, and engaged Editor Church to conduct same under the name of the Herald. AND: The Baptist and Methodist Churches looked beautiful on Sunday morning, it being Harvest Home services at both houses of worship. There was corn, oats, buckwheat, pumpkins, potatoes, beets, squash, beans, grapes, apples, pears and flowers. They were arranged so nicely that it was a credit to those who did the work.
Springville - A meeting of voters of Springville was held at the school house Monday evening, Oct. 8, to organize a McKinley and Roosevelt club. Twenty-four voters signed the membership roll. A committee was appointed to procure a button or badge and to procure campaign song books.
New Milford - F. G. Inderleid is erecting a large addition to his block on Main Street. Mr. Wilder has purchased the E. S. Garratt lot on Main street and is preparing to build.
NEWS BRIEFS - Between buckwheat cakes and new flannel underwear most people will be scratching around. AND: Typhoid fever is a disease which attacks young people much more frequently than old. More than half the cases occur between the ages of 15 and 25. It is seen more frequently with men than women. Unlike any other diseases, it attacks by preference the strong and healthy, those suffering from chronic ailments usually escaping. From the frequency with which it prevails amongst the higher ranks of society, it would almost seem that the habits of life and the varied rich and plentiful diet of the more opulent classes, induced a condition of susceptibility to its influence. The largest number of cases occur in the months of September, October and November. A person who has had typhoid fever is not very likely to suffer from it again, but second attacks may occur.
Compiled By: Betty Smith