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October 05 1917/2017

Eleven Young Men Answer Nation’s Call to War. Second contingent of drafted men leaves for Camp Meade, Maryland. They will go over the Lehigh Valley railroad, which leaves Montrose at 11:10. The young men in this contingent are: Harold L. Titman, Springville; William W. Booth, New Milford; Martin D. Howland, South Montrose; Angelo Zukero, Forest City; James J. Hickey, Little Meadows; Harold D. Smith, Springville; Paul E. Fives, Forest City; Fred J. Wolfert, Forest City; Thomas McCormick, Choconut; Thomas J. Reddon, Susquehanna; Henry H. Perry, Susquehanna.

Harford – Sergeant Henry S. Jones, son of State Senator E.E. (Good Roads) Jones, of Harford, and a member of the Lafayette Escadrille, brought down his first German airplane on Monday, while reconnoitering over the firing lines in France. Jones went to France about two years ago and served with the ambulance corps. Anxious for actual fighting, he entered the aviation school at Paris last October. He went on active duty on May 10, being immediately commissioned as a pilot because of his fine record at school. Only four other Americans have been so commissioned at the beginning. His instructor said “Jones took to the air like ducks to water.” ALSO Every morning between eight and nine, a goodly procession of school pupils are to be seen on our main road leading to Harford. Gilbert Baker drives the school bus (not kid wagon) which carries from 20 to 30 passengers. A number of single rigs are to be seen carrying two or more and those who live in walking distance are to be seen going a foot and two boys ride bicycles.

Clifford – A number of the friends of Mrs. Henrietta Felts decided to make her a visit. They were not invited nor expected, but while she was out calling, about 25 ladies invaded her home and were nicely situated to enjoy themselves when the owner arrived. She was certainly surprised. The visitors left as a memento various things of use. The now willing hostess insisted on serving refreshments of cake. At a reasonable hour the callers departed, wishing many more natal days might pass over their friend’s head to add to the 70 already gone. ALSO All of the young folks of the village and some of the elder ones, held a corn roast in Greene’s sugar camp last Saturday night. All sorts of fun was indulged in except to roast corn.

Springville – Myron Kasson said the daft had taken three young men from his farm. In his humorous way “Myron” remarked: “I’m going to give ‘em the dog next, and then quit farming.” Some farmers who have lost the aid of sons and hired help feel about the same way.

Montrose – Miss Sallie Courtright went to Ann Arbor, Mich. where she will be associated with a friend in conducting a millinery and dress-making establishment. Miss Courtright is a graduate of Pratt Institute and had a year’s experience in one of New York’s most fashionable designing and dress-making houses. Her friends here wish her every success in the new enterprise. ALSO The Library has received, from the National Emergency Food Garden Mission of Washington, a bundle of free storage manuals for distribution in the food saving campaign. The Commission is offering $5,000 in prizes for best canned vegetables grown in war gardens, which resulted in the organization of war garden exhibits throughout the country. An estimate says the women of the country have placed 460,000,000 jars of canned stuff on the pantry shelves this year and that all food conservation records have been broken.

Lawsville – The marriage of Miss Bertha Southworth to William Barnum, both popular young people of this place, was solemnized at Johnson City, on Sept. 26. They have begun life together in their cozy newly-furnished home near the creamery, where Mr. Barnum has held the position of buttermaker for some time.

Uniondale – Burns Lyons has invested in a Ford auto. Burns says the auto can be made to go faster than a horse but there is not the satisfaction that one has to saying “whoa” to a lively steed. ALSO The Lyon street school, is well attended by pupils who prefer a smaller school than to ride several miles to a larger one. There are 28 pupils enrolled and the attendance is almost perfect. ALSO Douglas & Yale are tearing down the building formerly occupied by A.M. Knapp as a blacksmith shop, near the stone bridge. It is an old landmark, being built more than 50 years ago and occupied until recently.

Forest City – Forest City, a well know oasis, gave Mr. Denney [for judge] 431 votes and slighted Mr. Smith, who was able to muster but 110 votes in the whole bloomin town.  Susquehanna gave Denney 245 to 196 for Smith. Uniondale, a temperance center, gave Denney 31 and Smith 5. With these figures in mind, it is difficult to determine what part the liquor matter played with the voters. The flirtation with the “wets” and “drys” will likely continue till the general election. Perhaps both Mr. Denney and Mr. Smith would be much more happy “were the other dear charmer away.”

Dimock – The funeral of W.G. Thornton, an aged man of Lindaville, formerly of this place and veteran of the Civil War, who was badly wounded there in the hip, was held at the M.E. church, here, Friday afternoon last, Rev. Vaughn of Brooklyn, preaching a very able sermon. Burial was in the Dimock cemetery nearby. [Wm. G. Thornton was a member of Co.H. 143d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers.  Mustered in 1862; discharged on serg. certif. in 1864.]

Susquehanna – The Red Cross in this town seems to lack greatly in workers, at its rooms in the Chemical Co.’s building, and church people of all denominations were urged to come out and help. In nearly every other town and hamlet, names of all members of the Red Cross were published and interest thus awakened, contributed to make a large number feel a stronger desire, both to pay the $1.00 to join the Society, and to unite in its great work.

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, October 2, 1817.

*NOTICE. The subscribers for Stock in the Milford and Owego Turnpike Road Company are required to pay the balance due on their respective subscriptions, to the Treasurer, by the first day of November next. By order of the Board. PUTNAM CATLIN, Treasurer. Montrose, Sept. 20, 1817.

*LIST OF LETTERS Remaining at the Post Office at Montrose, October 1st, 1817.

Sayre & Mulford, Wm. C. Turrel, Charles Fraser, Aron Blakesly, Rhodolphus Potter, Thomas Thompson, Wm. H. Spencer, John Palmer, Daniel Foster, P. H. Bostwick, Cornelius Wood, Nancy Cook, Wm. Lawrence, Mecom [Meacham] Maine, Isaac Deuel, John Burnham 2, Sally Crane, Ezra Shove, James Wells, Samuel Wilson, Alby Bostwick, Ezekiel Griffis, Alexander Milroy, Henry Park & Benjamin Blakesly.

*NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Given, that by Orphan’s Court of the County of Susquehanna, will be sold by pubic venue or out cry, on the first Monday of November next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day, a certain lot or tract of land, situate in the township of Great Bend & County of Susquehanna, containing one hundred acres be the same more or less, bounded by the Susquehanna River on the East, by land of Ichabod Buck on the South, by wild land on the West and by land of Almon Monson on the North, late the estate of John I. Way, deceased. The sale will be held on the premises and the terms made known by William Thomson administrator of said estate.  By the Court, JABEZ HYDE, Jr. Clerk. Sept. 8th, 1817.

*HYMENIAL. MARRIED – on the 28th Sept. Mr. Isaac. D. Stewart of Bridgewater to Miss Mary Lampson, late of Vermont.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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